I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 82: Battle For Whiterun 2

Chapter 82: Battle For Whiterun 2

3Edited by: Rawaz the (pls don't put bad nicknames here GOB)     

Upon arriving at Jorrvaskr, Aela found it to be in a poor state. The building itself looked to have taken heavy damage while no one seemed to be around. Aela clenched her fists before going inside.     

"Is anyone here!" she yelled out in hope.     

"Lady Aela?"     

A voice responded to her call in a tone carrying sadness. Aela recognized the voice and got closer.     

The voice belonged to a young woman who was kneeling on the floor cleaning up the messy hall. She was Jorrvaskr's maid.     

"Saya? What happened? Where is everyone?" asked Aela in a tone carrying worry.     

Saya shook her head in response as her already sad expression seemed to become more apparent. This made Aela all the more worried for what she was about to hear.     

"At first the others, stood together and protected the City against the attack. But some agreed that Ulfric was right and that Skyrim should belong to the Nords. Others refused and said it wasn't their place to decide, protecting the City came first."     

"The argument soon broke out into a huge fight. I hid in the lower rooms so I'm unsure of what else took place, I only know that those against joining Ulfric were either killed or imprisoned..."     

Saya continued on and said the names of those she knew were killed and by who. Aela didn't know whether to feel anger or sadness as Saya continued to speak.     

"...we shield brothers and sisters are supposed to stand together, no matter what. To go as far killing..." Aela muttered in a low tone as she clenched her fists.     

She said nothing else and turned to leave while unsheathing her bow. Once outside, she looked towards Dragonsreach with furrowed eyebrows.     

"...you will be avenged my brothers and sisters."     

Meanwhile on the other side of the city in an area called the wind district, Kel and Silvya were rapidly bringing down stormcloak soldiers as they charged towards Dragonsreach.     

Everytime they took down some soldiers, more would appear on the scene.     

Kel launched his blade towards a charging group of three. The longsword directly pierced right through the head of one of them. This made the remaining two hesitate for a moment.     

"He has no weapon now let's go!" Said one of the soldiers as he began to lead the charge.     

The man got close and tried to swing his hammer at Kel's head. Kel easily avoided it and hit the man with a clean uppercut. The man was confident that Kel couldn't hurt him much hence his reckless attack. However, he had no idea of just how inhuman Kel's strength was.     

As Kel's fist connected to the soldier's jaw, the sound of bones cracking could be heard. The soldier was then sent up into the air before landing down with force.     

His body trembled as he squirmed and moved his hands to his face. His jaw was completely shattered along with many of his teeth, leaving his face a bloody mess.     

Kel looked at the soldier and was ready to deliver a final blow. However the remaining soldier gained the courage to attack and charged towards Kel with an axe.     

Kel stopped the soldier's attack by simply holding his hand. The two were only inches away from each other. Kel looked the man in the eyes and spoke.     

"Fus Roh Dah!"     

Kel's shout hit the man at point blank range. The force was so strong that it sent the man flying minus his arm which Kel still held.     

With a large bam the man's body slammed into one of the nearby homes, instantly killing him as many of his organs were either shattered or pierced by cracked bones.     

Kel threw the man's arm away and looked down at the remaining man below him.     

"Fus Roh Dah!"     

Kel shouted once more but this time facing the ground, this soldier's upper body was now turned into mush. Kel Simply proceeded and retrieved his weapon before moving on.     

Lydia's style of fighting was more traditional. She would pit her blade against her opponents before finding an opening and slashing. For those far away, she would simply snipe them with her bow.     

"My Thane look! They're retreating towards Dragonsreach," announced Lydia as she pointed towards a group of retreating soldiers.     

"It doesn't matter, they're cornered," said Kel before showing a smirk.     

Panick grew at Dragonsreach as all the remaining soldiers rushed there.     

"What is the meaning of this! Are you telling me you've all failed to dispose of a few rebelling citizens and some adventurers?!"     

Yelled Yorgen loudly as he saw more and more soldier's return in a pitiful state.     

"The one we encountered is no ordinary adventurer. It was Aela the Huntress. She took out many of us without needing to even get close. Her archery skills are nothing to scoff at," explained one of the soldiers as he panted heavily.     

"That's nothing! There's an elven mage at the gate that has made it impossible to go out. It's like she never runs out of Magicka! Attack after attack to no end! She's no normal adventurer either!" yelled another soldier who was shivering madly.     

"If you think that's bad then you haven't faced the one called Kel The Dragon Slayer. He tore us apart like defenseless children. Whether far or close he easily took us out! That woman with him only made things harder!" expressed another soldier who shook his head.     

Upon hearing Kel's name, Yorgen frowned and no longer looked to be relaxed.     

"Kel? That's not possible, I was told he is away in Solitude. How could he get here so quick? You're delusional, it's just some other adventurer. Don't make excuses for your failure by making up lies!" Yorgen loudly scolded the soldiers, refusing to believe their words.     

"They're right y'know."     

Yorgen's eyes widened as he heard a familiar voice.     

He looked to his front and saw Kel had just come up the stairs to Dragonsreach with Lydia by his side.     

"You! Do you think of yourself as some hero! Skyrim belongs to the Nords! You're only making the people suffer by standing against m-...Ulfric!" muttered Yorgen as he drew a cold sweat.     

"I'm not here to get into a debate about which side is right. I'm just here to free Whiterun from your stupidity. Nothing you say will change that," replied Kel in a casual manner.     

"Have it your way then! Men attack!" Yorgen ordered hurriedly but the soldiers showed hesitation and fear when standing before Kel.     

"I'll only say this once. Throw your weapons away and surrender or die for that sorry excuse of a Jarl behind you."     

"I have made it this far without so much as a scratch on me. What makes you injured and tired soldiers think you can possibly change that?"     

"You have until I unsheathe my sword to throw away your weapons and lay on the ground. Before I make you." Kel voiced in a domineering tone.     

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