Emperor's Reckoning

Not A Scratch

Not A Scratch

3The red sword with a dark hue on its blade reflected their griming faces on it. The very same sword that beheaded Cliff in a single stroke of slash was now in the hand of the most powerful woman ever existed. Though her face was dyed red from her own blood she showed no sign of fatigue despite the gruesome bruise on her body.      

"That sword!" Borton immediately turned wary as he saw the sword that Lyon had used. There was a continuous killing intent permeating around the blade as if every swing would cost a clash of it between the blade itself and the user.      

"Impossible..." muttered Karina as she took a glance at how she could summon the sentient weapon despite not being the owner of it.      

"Do you think all of you can stop me?" smirked Cecile despite being outnumbered.      

"Heh, you might be strong, a strong empress, but your cultivation is still low, it won't be long before you ran out of stamina," smirked Loh Sect's patriarch.     

"All we have to do is to keep you at bay, after the time comes for you to burn out, that will be the time where you lose."     

Cecile shook her head with a condescending laugh, "Hahaha, of course you would think that. However, the one that is running out of time is not me."     

She nodded in the direction of where the black sphere was. The menacing color was even darker than the empty galaxy in the sky. No one could hear what's happening nor could they sense the young man inside it.     

Borton's face creased as he felt contempt. Time was actually not on their side based on what Cecile's implying, another laying threat was upon him.      

"Heh," Cecile smirked before her figure blurred and disappeared right under their eyes.     

"Hm?!" the eight of them were caught off guard as they couldn't follow her movement at all. Their muscle tensed as they prepare for an attack from any direction. However, one second passed and nothing came to their sense.      

"Gah! Titania!" Borton immediately realized what's going on.     

Cecile was not stupid despite her unnatural strength. Her war instinct spiked due to the blessing she got that affected her entire physique and course of cultivation. The unsuspecting aunt was shrieking as her strong niece coming toward her in a direct trajectory.      

"Tch! Don't get over yourself!" shouted Titania before she flicked her finger and summoned a bow.     

With how she was born with the blood of the Treas, one could only wonder how precious the items she kept in her spatial ring were. The limitless possibilities could drool the best of thieves but the repercussions would cost their lives.     

"Qilin Arrow!"     

Titania shot four arrows consecutively to the sky before the mana it stored broke out in midair and transforming the four of them into beasts under a cloud of smoke. Four qilins clawed their ways toward her in the sky as Cecile smirked at the incoming beasts.     

"Let's see your worth," she tightened the grip on the sword before swinging it twice to a letter X.     

The ray of the slash traveled through the air before cutting two of the four beasts effortlessly and still penetrating through and give an X mark on the ground. The power startled the other two beasts and the men below as they saw the mark it left from a casual swing however, the perpetrator didn't.     

"Hmm... you will need a lot more nourishment and experience if you want to stand equal against his regalias."     

Cecile didn't show much excitement as she was thought to be. The weapon had proven to be more valuable than what they had in their spatial rings but it still couldn't satiate the woman with auburn hair.     

"Tch! Don't get  cocky!"     

Titania emptied the arrows before qilins after qilins formed in the air with glaring looks against Cecile. They were wary of the sword in her hand just like the men did, but a smirk on her face was the one that they feared the most. Despite the massive numbers and mountainous presence of the hundred qilins, the woman didn't show any flinch.     

"Qilin formed out of mana, nothing but cheap imitations, the real qilin won't dare to attack since they were not born to fight," said Cecile before she held the weapon in front of her.      

She taunted them with her other hand. Even if the beasts couldn't talk her language the condescending gesture that she made could even be understood by a toddler.      

"Heh! Let's do it!" muttered Cecile before she brute force her way toward the hundreds of qilins. It took them only one slash, one cut before their menacing glare reduced to sparkling dust. There was nothing     

Borton was watching her compound movements as she felled the beasts one by one without breaking down a momentum. He stretched his arm to the side to stop the sect leaders to act.     

"Don't join in the fray now, use them to exhaust her energy, only then we will attack. There was nothing but foolishness if you know that the weapon she currently held could severe the neck of a god."     

Despite the slight jolt of shock that he felt earlier, he quickly regained his composure in front of his allies. However, as far as his gaze saw the woman casually killing them like they were nothing but chickens, one thing haunted his iron soul. He darted his glance away from her to the dark sphere in front of him. It was unguarded and opened for a strike.     

His ominous feeling had been proved right over time and it steeled his intention to do something about it rather than suffer the consequences for the last time.      

"Tch! I don't know what are you trying to do! But it won't come to fruition!" Borton raged forward before plunging his fist toward the dark sphere. The powerful blow tremored the sky and the land as all the fighting immediately stop.     

"W-What?!" exclaimed Borton as he saw that he didn't even leave a dent on the dark sphere.      

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