Chapter 238: An injured beast’s Rage and Slaughter

Chapter 238: An injured beast’s Rage and Slaughter

4But, once again, in just a moment that mysterious guy appeared once again. He didn't seem to be bothered in the slightest by the fragments in his feet.      0

Just that this time it wasn't only one, or two, this time there were 7 mysterious guys surrounding him. What the hell was happening here?     

How could that guy have so many copies of himself?     

How could he feel nothing after his two previous deaths?     

Because that creep, that fu*ker still had that mocking tone while saying,     

Mysterious guy:" Well, apparently one won't make the cut, then what about 7?"     

Even though he had his right shoulder was smashed into pieces, the fact that he changed into his true form, and the adrenaline coming from his hate made it possible for him to use his right hand.     

But now that he was starting to clear his head, and think of what was happening the pain coming from his hand was mind-breaking.     

If it weren't that he was still in his true form and that his sense was kind of numb in his right side, he would be screaming from pain at the moment.     

All his veins at the shoulder seemed to have been damaged, and blood was oozing out of his wound like a dam that had just been destroyed.     

But now was not the time to think of his wound, 7 enemies were standing in front of him, ready to kill him by cutting him into pieces.     

And the worst thing of all was that mocking voice and that mocking smile on their face. Even though he couldn't see their faces well, he could swear that they had such a face.     

Thinking about this his instincts and rage blurred his consciousness once again, and he jumped forward to fragment these guys just like he did with the previous two.     

Even though these guys were clearly better than the other two he killed, they still couldn't compare to his speed, strength, and power.     

He was an injured beast in rage, something you have to be careful against.     

But no matter how careful his 7 opponents were, they still could escape their fate.     

In that rage, he jumped forward to the first guy, while the others tried to run in the other side, before they could have taken two steps, he used the claws of his left hand as a blade to kill the first target.     

His claw passed through his two hands and beheaded the guy easily.     

Not stopping even for a second, he used the dead guy's body as a base, to catapult towards his next victim, and before his victim could turn to look behind him, his head fell off his shoulders.     

The blood splashed the other five running with him, startling them and making them stop dead at their tracks.     

The warm and moist blood made them terrified, but what truly destroyed all their remaining courage, was the bloody appearance of a hyena man in front of them.     

At that moment 2 of them couldn't control themselves anymore and just pissed their pants, right there and then.     

As for the other three, they were about to fall on their knees to seek for pardon.     

But they couldn't do even that, because at the next moments they could see the surroundings rotate and slowly go down.     

That was their last night because the next moment they were dead. Their soul was leaving their body.     

Killing these three, the Royalist's leader stopped for a moment, he wanted to enjoy the show of the two mysterious guys, with their cloak and pants watered by their piss.     

At this moment he felt like he had finally achieved an act of small revenge for his friends and group members.     

He enjoyed seeing these two guys in this state, he didn't care what they were, or how they came to be. The only thing it mattered was that they were down there drowning in their tears and piss.     

But while he was enjoying the show, something weird happened once again, without these two dying, more than 20 more targets appeared, in the surroundings.     

Thinking that he was trying to fragment himself into too many bodies and escape the place, the Royalist's leader was infuriated once again.     

Seeing them trying to run away from him and escape his reach, he roared and screamed,     

Royalist's Leader:" Rooaarrr… Oh no, you don't!"     

Thinking that the two people in front of him were part of that mysterious guy and that he might escape if he wasn't cautious, he killed them with one move of his left hand.     

He couldn't use his right hand anymore. He was blocking all his veins and receptors channels in his right hand, to stop the bleeding and the pain, with his Qi.     

But anyway these guys didn't provide a challenge for him. Thinking like this he just jumped forward to capture his running mice, as soon as possible.     

He was thirsty for blood, the more he killed the more he wanted to kill to satisfy his lust and thirst for blood.     

Heads were falling on the ground with each movement of his remaining arm.     

He had beheaded more than 40 of those mysterious guys until now.     

He didn't look like a human anymore, but more like a beast without conscience and clarity. Whoever caught his eye would drop on the ground with his head removed from his shoulders.     

Right now he was following a plump and slow mysterious guy, running towards some trees. He looked like a small black pig running for his life.     

He could also see that his robe was wet and dripping, it didn't need much thinking to know what it was.     

He was following him just behind him all the time, he was going to enjoy his time with this tasty looking pig, and his friends that apparently had prepared him a trap in the trees.     

No matter how much they tried to hold their breath and try to cover their presence, when he was in his beast form there was nothing that could escape his senses.     

He was intentionally going towards that trap because he wanted to have some challenges. Hunting weaklings, like the pig in front of him was becoming boring for him.     

Even though he was determined to kill all of them one by one, he still wanted to at least have some challenges, that would certainly spice the things up a bit.     

It didn't take long for them to reach the trees. As soon as they were close to the trees the pig seemed to have regained his enthusiasm and running faster, without turning back he screamed,     

Pig:" Fu*kkk yeahhh, I did it! Now face this motherfu…"     

Before he could end his words though, a single claw finger passed through from behind his neck, penetrating his adam apple, until it was clearly visible in front of his neck.     

But that was only for a moment because due to inertia his body was still running forward in speed. He still hadn't noticed that now there was a finger wide hole in the middle of his neck.     

That was until blood and tissue started coming out of the hole, and he wasn't able to breathe anymore. The last thing he saw was a sighing expression of the Royalist's leader.     

While he fell to the ground lifeless, the people that were part of the trap jumped from their hiding places, each of them was holding a knife, aiming for his weak spots.     

There were 6 people hiding in the surrounding's but only 5 jumped forward with the intention to take his life.     

He didn't know what was the purpose of the last one, but maybe he was hidden because he was the main body or would try to attack him later.     

No matter what, he first had to deal with these five that jumped first to kill him.     

Staying there in the same place with a bright and dazzling bloody smile, he didn't even bother to dodge their attack.     

He thought that they were the same as the other cloaked clones he had killed until now, weak and stupid.     

But when the 5 people were at a 1-meter distance from him, his senses immediately activated, surpassing his control over himself and his body.     

That startled him, and for the moment he also lost control over the blockage of his right arm, that exploded in a shower of blood.     

But his reflexes as a beast were really good, even in that short time and distance, he managed to rotate his body somewhat and protect his weak spots.     

But those attacks still connected, two entered his thighs, one entered his chest, one scraped his injured right shoulder and the last one entered his left arm.     

Even though he got 5 new holes all over his body, none of them were lethal or bad injuries.     

Apparently, after all those weak and idiotic clones he had faced, his guard had been too lowered. That was why his instincts didn't warn him in time to escape this situation.     

But this thought crossed his mind only for a really short millisecond because first, he had to escape this situation.     

As soon as his attackers noticed that their trap had failed, they tried to push their knives deeper, or move them horizontally, to make as much damage as they could.     

But, before they could continue with their plan, the Royalist's leader made a 360 rotation on his left leg, while his right leg was with the claws out, cutting the guts of the four attackers.     

Of course, this move of his made the knives that were already stuck in his body go deeper and as a result, injure him more, but at least he had taken down four of his attackers.     

The only one who escaped this fate was the fifth one who managed only to scrape his right arm.     

But even he didn't manage to stay alive for much longer because the beast immediately assaulted him, cutting his throat.     

But due to his strength that was about to leave his body, the Royalist's leader didn't manage to take his head off, so it still hanged by a thread.     

Damn, he shouldn't have underestimated these guys. He should have killed them as soon as he found out about them.     

But there was no medicine for regret, and now he could only stay there, breathing hard, and look at all the smoke and fog around him.     



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