Chapter 227: Real purpose?

Chapter 227: Real purpose?

4Qin Bao:" But of course gentlemen, we have such a good opportunity to place a member of our table beside him.      0

To monitor him and try to uncover much-needed information for him, his plans, and his ambitions in our country.     

So how could I let such a good opportunity go?"     

Qin Bao's words made perfect sense. This was a perfect opportunity for her to be a spy beside him. Furthermore, it was something Master Ming Tong himself offered.     

But, no matter how much they thought logically at the moment, the three sly foxes in front of her were still unconvinced.     

Their instincts were telling them that it wasn't as simple as Qin Bao made it to be. It was too good to be true at the moment, but they could do nothing about it anymore.     

Covering their words with poisonous sweet words, Young Master Qing Fang said,     

Qing Fang:" Young Miss Qin Bao, let me say that your brilliant mind and intelligence surpass by far your great beauty.     

You are truly wise and intelligent, it will be the luck of a lifetime for the man who will have the honor of having you by his side.     

Maybe that's why I felt so unlucky from the moment I was born."     

Hearing his sweet and sly words, Qin Bao just gave a perfunctory smile on the outside. But inside the true Qin Bao was laughing her heart out.     

All those words on intelligence and luck were directed towards her, but all this time it had been Tianlong Yun talking.     

The situation she was in, was weird and funny, in the least. To her at this moment, Young Master's Qing Fang's words were like a declaration towards Tianlong Yun and not her.     

This situation made Tianlong Yun slightly furious but he kept his calm and said lightly,     

Qin Bao:" Thank you very much for your sweet words Young Master Qing Fang.     

But, that's a different matter altogether, at the moment, we are discussing our negotiation. As for your offer of giving me 28%, I will accept it as a sign of humility in front of your organizations."     

Her words almost made the three men in front of her almost spill blood from anger and shock. She was at the high end of the deal, and at the same time considering herself humble.     

 They were three of the biggest four organizations for heaven's sake.     

But they couldn't really comment on those words, their only choice was to swallow their blood back.     

Especially Young Master Qing Fang, who was clearly trying to hit on her, and also showing his intentions of wooing her.     

Qin Bao didn't seem to mind her shamelessness and their weird faces, and she just continued in a rightful manner,     

Qin Bao:" Now that the deal is out of the way, the only thing left is to show some form of goodwill towards each other. Like for example the true reason for your visit to this place, gentlemen."     

Once again the three men were startled by Qin Bao's words. From the beginning, she had been controlling their discussion.     

All the time they were forced either to answer her questions or try to understand her goals. They still hadn't been able to ask a question to her.     

Even now they couldn't not answer that question, otherwise, their deal and all that they decided until now would be just empty words.     

It wasn't like they could sign a contract together, and those soul contracts of the cultivators were out of the question.     

Firstly, Tianlong Yun didn't know if they had any information on those contracts.     

Secondly, he really doubted that they would accept such deals knowing the perks of it.     

That was why their deal was only effective on their respective interest and benefit. The deal would be active as long as the interest continued.     

But right now he could use this interest in his benefit, he wanted to know their true purpose of coming here, but he couldn't push them too much towards the wall.     

It was precisely because of this that he once again spoke through Qin Bao,     

Qin Bao:" Well as the biggest partner in our deal, it's my duty to start first. I am sure that you want to know my Master's and her husband's reasons for coming here don't you?"     

Saying that she stopped for a moment, to look at the faces of the three men in front of her. They couldn't hide their interest in this matter.     

Even at this moment, Tianlong Yun was in control of the situation through her, then he continued,     

Qin Bao:" My master and her husband came here because they had heard of some rumors over some inheritance on the surroundings.     

It was while they were searching around here, that we found each other, and I became my Master's disciple."     

Her words shocked the three men in front of her for a moment, but then remembering these people's strength and cultivation, it made sense for them to know about it.     

This time it was Old Luo who spoke first,     

Old Luo:" Well apparently my guess was right, Senior truly has come for the same reason as us in this place.     

The truth is we are here for the same reason, the Young descendant of the Qin's. We have some information over the inheritance and are here with the purpose of retrieving it."     

While Qin Bao's face had a slight surprise of two purposes being the same, Tianlong Yun on the other hand was surprised at his lucky guess.     

Earlier he was just trying to make a hit but never thought of hitting bull's eye in the first try.     

But there was one thing he needed to do now, find a reason to leave this place as soon as possible. Otherwise, the people in front of him would try to use him as a vanguard in the inheritance location.     

And it was truly just as he expected, after all this time, the three men in front of him seemed to have realized this, and Old Luo was once again the first to talk,     

Old Luo:" It is truly a great coincidence that we are here for the same purpose as your Master, Young descendant of the Qin's.     

Perhaps like good partners that we have become we could, explore the place together soon, and take that inheritance.     

I am sure that with your Master's and her husband's presence this will be a walk in the park for us. After that, we can divide everything we get, on equal parts."     

This sly fox never ceased to surprise Tianlong Yun with his words, he was not only trying to use him to easily obtain the inheritance.     

But at the same time, he was trying to make the best of it, by expecting an equal share. It was clear that Tianlong Yun would do the biggest work, and seeing his cultivation he would find the most things.     

And how could the other two foxes not understand his thinking, but too bad that it was all for waste because Qin Bao broke their dreams,     

Qin Bao:" That would have been great Gentlemen, but unfortunately my Master is poisoned and can't stay outside of their reclusive cave for a long time.     

Unfortunately right now her poison has started acting up again, and she needs to go back there.     

That is why they are parting tomorrow morning, and leaving Senior Sister here to keep an eye on me."     

Hearing these words the faces of the three foxes were clearly showing signs of discontent and disappointed, but there was nothing they could do besides asking,     

Qing Fang:" May I know what kind of poison is your Master inflicted with, Young Miss Qin Bao? Perhaps I will be able to help you with finding an antidote."     

His words made sense, with EITS information channels everything was possible.     

Showing a face of delight and a ray of hope, Qin Bao said in a happy voice,     

Qin Bao:" True, how could I not think of it earlier."     

Then turning towards the cloaked figure behind her she asked reverently,     

Qin Bao:" Can I tell Young Master Qing Fang about your alignment Master?"     

It was at this time that a sweet voice like a fairy echoed in the ears of the people present,     

Tianlong Xia:" You silly child, Master has been roaming the whole Planet to find a solution to it, together with my husband and I haven't been able to.     

But if you want to try your master won't stop you."     

Happy at getting the permission, Qin Bao turned towards the still dreaming faces of the three men and said with a solemn voice,     

Qin Bao:" My Master has been poisoned with 'Heart Frost Poison'. This is a terrible poison concocted from the 'Nether Flower', grown only in places with a lot of Yin Qi.     

This poison is really torturous and malevolent because it starts freezing the heart and the principal veins and meridians, slowly killing the affected.     

Master has been staying in the depth of Earth, close to the lava layers of volcanoes, trying to slow the pace of the poison and its efficacy.     

But it doesn't seem to work lately because the poison is getting stronger by adapting to the environment.     

In order to get cured of this poison, Master needs a 'True Yang Flower'. This herb has a high potency of Yang and can burn the poison in the Master's body."     

Ending her story she faced the three men once again and with a hopeful voice asked,     

Qin Bao:" Tell me Young Master Qing Fang, Master Jiao Wen, Uncle Old Luo, have you ever heard of such a herb. Can you help me cure my master?"     

While she was looking towards them with a hopeful look, all three of them had some really pondering and lost faces.     

The truth was that they hadn't heard of such a poison or such herbs.     

Sighing loudly, Young Master Qing Fang said,     

Qing Fang:" I really want to help you, but I never heard of such herbs, Young Miss Qin Bao. But I will ask my grandfather, and place an order in my name with EITS, we will try our best."     

At this moment Tianlong Yun…     


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