Chapter 251: Old Pouch and Trouble

Chapter 251: Old Pouch and Trouble

3He had sent three of those needles dipped with the aphrodisiac poison, towards the three men in their group.      2

They were weak in cultivation, but when a man's fire starts burning with tremendous force, he will do anything to put of that fire, without caring about his own life.     

This was what Tianlong Yun was after when he did that, he wanted those two traitorous women to suffer for what they did.     

If he wasn't around here and didn't pay attention to them, then his women would be dead right now.     

He just hoped that if not these three guys, at least those two naked ones would take care of those two b*tches that he would torture if ever crossed his way again.     

All the three needles hit their target, now it was in fate's hands. It wasn't that Tianlong Yun didn't want to follow them to make sure they suffered, but he had to look after Gao Ling and Qin Bao.     

With these thoughts in mind, he approached his women to see their condition. While the inscribed talisman had absorbed the attack, they still suffered concussions.     

Seeing their state, he said with a tender voice,     

Tianlong Yun:" You were really brave, and reacted well. Don't worry those two sl*ts will get what they deserve. But now we have to move from here, more people will be coming."     

Now that the alerting had started people would be more concentrated in the other eye arrays of the formation.     

He had to found a way to protect the two women and at the same time be able to explore the other eye arrays.     

First things first though, he had to find the entrance to the eye array in front of him, and with a look, he could point it out.     

On the left side of the river, there was a small part of the river that seemed to be going in both directions. It wasn't really obvious, and only people with knowledge in formations could find it.     

Immediately after finding it, he sent a mental message to the ladies,     

Tianlong Yun:" Jump into the water, 30 feet into the left. Your jump must be no more than 1 m long, and no less than 50cm. You can rest more in there."     

Even though they were still not in a good state, the two ladies followed Tianlong Yun's words and got prepared to jump into the river.     

As they prepared to jump into the water, they saw a little puddle of water and then the sound of someone entering the water.     

Immediately after hearing that sound the two jumped into the river, one by one almost at the same place that Tianlong Yun jumped.     

Arriving on the other side of that entrance they quickly prepared for the impact that came soon after. But once again no alert sounded when they entered inside.     

They were a bit surprised, but not much. They were already used to the wonders and miracles that Tianlong Yun created all the time.     

This place looked a lot like a small wooden porch in the middle of a big lake, that they couldn't see where it ended.     

Looking around they seemed like people banished in this small flowing porch. While they were looking around the place, Tianlong Yun's voice entered their ears,     

Tianlong Yun:" Don't move from there. Just relax, we can take all the time you need here. Also when you can try to cultivate in here, you will have triple gains."     

Hearing these words the two ladies could finally relax and try a bit to regain their spirits and energy, after that horrible experience of being that close to death.     

Because they didn't doubt it in the least, if Tianlong Yun didn't tell them to activate the inscribed talismans then they would be dead.     

They felt so lucky to have escaped that and to be in Tianlong Yun's care.     

While the two ladies were sitting in cultivation meditation, Tianlong Yun had heart-shaped eyes, looking at the precious material of this eye array.     

It was one of those small money bags used in ancient times, but this one seemed to be really tattered and like it would get ripped any time.     

More than that, it looked like an old piece of rug made into a small pouch though. But while the image was shown up in the clouds, the real object was down on the water, in a small glass cover.     

Without losing any more time due to its excitement, Tianlong Yun jumped into the water without any restriction. But he didn't follow the shortest way down there.     

No, he took the longest way, avoiding all the alerts, traps, and dangers down there. Knowledge is a really powerful weapon.     

Most probably the guy who had made this place had never thought that someone like Tianlong Yun would enter his inheritance cave.     

Anyway, he pretty soon reached the place where that thing was, but it seemed impossible to take it without activating the alarm formation.     

This time he couldn't take it without activating the alert formation.     

Just as he was about to take it anyway, he heard a big scream coming from the surface of the lake, and then drops of blood started to color the water.     

Something bad happened, he didn't know what, but it was surely related to Gao Ling and Qin Bao. He had no time to lose in there.     

Breaking the case he took the old-looking pouch and at that time the alert sounded once again.     

'Congratulations to my possible successor for having found the second of my formations eye array in the clearwater river, and my precious 'old pouch'.     

This is the second of the five eye arrays' placed in this formation. And in another 2 of them, there is found a highly precious material that even the Immortal World would envy.     

In the fifth and last one, you will find my last mementos' of my life, together with the last weapon I tried to forge, but unfortunately, I wasn't able to finish.     

I hope you will be able to fulfill this last wish of mine, my possible successor.     

Wish you great luck, and knowledge!'     

But Tianlong Yun didn't care more about the alerting and just started to swim up. He had to see what was happening up the surface.     

Meanwhile, in that pouch where Gao Ling and Qin Bao were sitting a while ago, it was washed into the blood of Qin Bao.     

Right now she had a sword passing through her stomach, and one of the skeletons that came with Zorro had her leg over Qin Bao's face.     

Gao Ling was at the other edge of the porch, with blood flowing out of her mouth, while looking angrily and hatefully towards the woman who had one of her feet on Qin Bao's face.     

She was sure it was a woman because of her voice and her sl*tty attitude.     

Right now, even though she wanted to jump over that b*tch, and kill her in a torturous way, she knew she had no chance against her.     

Just that frightful slap that she experienced earlier was enough to kill her. Not to mention that it didn't seem to be this sl*ts strongest attack.     

She could think of nothing at the moment, she only could hope that Tianlong Yun would return fast.     

At the same time, though she didn't want him to return, this woman seemed like a mental person, and she didn't want her dear Master to take injuries because of them.     

But while she was there just looking with rage, and hate that mental woman was screaming at her,     

Skeleton Woman:" Tell me you rich, spoiled bi*ch how did you find this place huh? Tell me whose organization do you belong to?     

You have been oppressing the people for so long, and now that someone comes to fight you back you just stay there looking like that.     

I shall exercise divine punishment over you, and kill you. After you tell me how did you found it! Hhahahahaha…"     

Gao Ling was startled at this sl*ts words. What the fu*k was she talking about? Which divine punished comes to torture and kill them like that?     

But right now she was most concentrated on her sister, that was under her feet. If she didn't say something or did something to take her away from there, then her sister would suffer more.     

Suffering wasn't the only thing she was concerned though, because there was also the chance of her dying. She had lost a lot of blood, and her internal damages must be damaged too.     

She was in anxiety and panic and didn't know what to do. This all thing didn't make sense how was she able to find this place and enter behind them?     

At that moment she remembered the poison that Tianlong Yun gave them, but how could she use it? How could she make this b*tch drink it?     

Thinking of this she suddenly got an idea, just as that woman was about to kick Qin Bao once again, she took out the potion bottle, and opening it she tried to drain it down.     

Seeing the actions of Gao Ling the woman stopped in her tracks, and instead of kicking Qin Bao, she immediately jumped towards Gao Ling.     

She had really higher cultivation compared to Gao Ling, she was at least in the Nascent Soul Formation Realm.     

So her speed was tens of thousands of times faster than that of Gao Ling. And since their distance was short, she grabbed the bottle before even a drop of it fell into Gao Ling's mouth.     

At the same time that she grabbed the potion bottle though, she also gave a tight slap to Gao Ling, sending her flying towards Qin Bao.     

Since she was concentrated on two tasks she didn't manage to control her strength well, and her force sent Gao Ling to pin down on the same sword passing through Qin Bao's stomach.     

She was pinned down on the handle of the sword. But that didn't seem to matter a lot to the skeleton woman…     


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