Dual Cultivator Reborn[System In The Cultivation World]

Shameless bastard

Shameless bastard


An old man appeared in front of the massive Gate,The gate was massive, and Two dragon statues could be seen on both sides, This is the Entrance Gate of the Lin Clan. Seeing the old man, two guards hurriedly approached Him and looked towards the boy who was in his hand. 3

"Welcome back, Elder" Both guards bowed their head towards the old man, the old man nodded his head and entered Inside The Lin clan without Looking back.

Seeing that old man who was No longer existed in that place both guards took a deep sigh.

"Sigh, That good for nothing young master, what Kind of Vicious things he did this time, Who can say that he is Trash of the Mighty Lin clan seeing his innocent face" One of the guards looked towards another one while saying those words to him.

"Bastard, do you have a death wish? If anyone hears you saying this kind of words about young master yohan, you will die along with your family, keep your mouth shut, so what if he is trash,he is still the blood of Lin Clan," other guard responded to him with a cold voice.

"Um...you are right, I should control my words, I don't want to be in trouble," He mumbled and scratched his head.


The old man was holding Yohan in his hand and taking him towards his room. The Lin clan was vast and very spacious situated in more the five miles,various classy buildings could be seen, which is giving the profound aura.

After walking a few more minutes, That old man took Yohan to a gorgeous mansion. This mansion was surrounded by greenery, and various guards were guarding this place, seeing the old man, everyone bowed towards him, while they ignored Yohan. 

The old man ignored the guards and entered that mansion while holding his grandson in his arms.

"Father, what happened to my child?" A beautiful lady hurriedly approached her son. She had a beautiful face, black hair, and deep blue eyes. She is looking like a goddess in beauty. But seeing her son like that, her heart nearly skipped the beat.

"Father, what happened to Yohan, Why is he in this state" tears started rolling from her beautiful eyes as she took yohan in her arms, and embraced him tightly.

"Sigh, he was fooling around the red light District, When Su lin Found out about him, he became mad at him and tried to kill his own son" Old man took a deep sighed and Told her everything which happened.

"What yohan went to a brothel,did su lin did this to his own son,how dare he harms his own son" She gave a rugged look to the old man, seeing her gaze, the old man shook his head.

"Alena, you have to understand, he is already seventeen years old and the only son you have; he is fragile in comparison to others, and yet he is slacking and shaming our mighty clan in front of everyone, Sometimes I think what will be going to happen in future if he behaves like this, I am worried about the Legacy of Lin clan" He looked towards the women beside him and said to her.

"um...Father" alena wanted to say something, but alas, she doesn't have any words to defend her son. The old man narrowed his eyes and looked towards Yohan.

"He is chasing girls and fooling around the brothel. He didn't even get a breakthrough in His First cultivation realm, it's already been more than six months since he joined the Divine Blossom Sect, our clan, becomes the laughing stock inside The sect. Because of him, we are losing our face"Old man closed his eyes while saying those words, sadness could be seen on his face.

"I thought he would Do fine as a dual cultivator, but I was wrong, father; he is the only son I have; I cant be cruel towards him, maybe someday he will realize his mistake and lead this mighty Lin clan, I am optimistic about it" She responded to the old man with a bitter smile on her face.

"I wonder When that day Will come,"the old man mumbled And took a glance towards Yohan, who was sleeping calmly in alena's embrace,she placed him on the bed and hide his body with a blanket.

"Look after him. I have some work to do in the elder's hall, I will come later and pay visit to him" Old man looked at Alena and said to her and the next moment, He disappeared from her sight.

"Sigh, My son, why don't you understand that you have various responsibilities towards the clan? Why are you making your father and grandfather sad with your actions" She mumbled with a low voice while she gave a kiss to Yohan on his forehead.

"Mother," Yohan mumbled in sleep, Seeing this Alena chuckled and smiled Towards her son and ruffled yohan's hair.

"My heart is saying someday you will make us proud, I dont care what people say about you, i belive in you" She mumbled as she touched his son's cheek and looked towards him with Affection.


a man could be seen standing In the window and looking towards the outsid,his facilal expression were dark as he thinking about something,but next moment he heard a voice which resounded in his head from behind.

Su Lin tilted his head, hearing that voice, and took a deep breath seeing an Old man, who was standing behind him and looking at him.

"Father you are here,is he alright, " He said with a Sad expression on his face. Hearing those words, the old man nodded and touched his long white beard.

"He is your only son; why are you so rough on him? I understand what you are thinking right now, but he is naive; one day, he will understand his mistakes," the Old man responded.

"But father, we are cultivators, one mistake and our whole family will crumble; the world out there is very chaotic and cruel," He looked towards the old man and replied to him.

"I understand, well leave this matter at least for now, we have an urgent issue so let's go to the meeting place," the old man Looked towards his son and disappeared from his sight, Su Lin took a deep breath and clenched his fist, next moment su lin also disappeared From that place as he followed his father's order.


"Don't kill me you cold bastard; I am your one and only son," Yohan shouted at the top of his lungs and opened his deep blue eyes which he got from his mother, He got up from the bed and checked His whole body and exhaled deeply.

"Sigh, thank god I am alive; that was the scariest dream I have ever seen in my sleep, that man is crazy,i thought he is going to kill me, that bastard calling me shameless bastard, but in reality, he is bastard, " yohan mumbled to himself and cursed su lin ,and next moment his gaze went on towards the corner of the room; a lady could be seen standing at the corner and looking towards him with wide-open mouth.

"I am fucked up" Yohan smiled bitterly, seeing that beautiful Lady.

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