I Love Destroying Worlds' Plot [BL]

17.43 Fourth Violet Star - Situation in First Military Imperial School

17.43 Fourth Violet Star - Situation in First Military Imperial School

4When Yara von Chrysalis entered the kitchen, the Grand Marshal was busy preparing their meals. He held the busy man automatically from behind and pretended to be pampered. The Grand Marshal chuckles as he approaches after already hearing his footsteps.     

Caesar Mitchell von Imperlian asked, "What's wrong, Baby? If you are still sleepy you should nap in the living room for a while."     

  "No. Granduncles are busy themselves. I don't want to be a lightbulb." Yara von Chrysalis replied.     

The Grand Marshal knew that someone's presence had suddenly appeared in the living room but he didn't care much at all as all of his attention was for his wife and no one else.     

"Be careful and don't move around since I'm cooking or maybe you can sit somewhere nearby." The Grand Marshal said.     

Yara von Chrysalis said, "No need. I'm going to water some plants outside.     

"Okay. Don't get too far. Meals would be served soon." The Grand Marshal said as he gave him a forehead kiss before focusing on the stove where he was cooking.     

As he recalled how his Granduncles, Grandparents, and parents interacted, Yara von Chrysalis grasped his forehead in a startled fog. Their familiarity and closeness in front of their other half was comparable to the kisses the Grand Marshal gave him. He was left unsure of what to do or how to respond because he lacked the ability to convey his feelings.     

He looked stunned as he took a watering can out of his collection of snowflake earrings and began watering the plants outside the kitchen. He began contrasting the interactions he had with his brothers, friends, and the Grand Marshal. Especially the nickname used to refer to him. Although it's a little weird to be called a baby, Yara von Chrysalis didn't find it offensive.      

Instead, he thought Caesar ought to address him as such. He was even more perplexed by this because he was born without emotions.     

Yara von Chrysalis held his chest and mumbled, "Something is weird. Maybe I should go home and ask Granddad about it."     

The Grand Marshal was busy feeding his wife during the meal, oblivious to the two grownups seated next to them. Zephyr von Gretel appears to have witnessed a ghost as General Nimbus von Gretel observes their relationship with a contented smile. Lieutenant General Zephyr never imagined that the previous cold-faced brat would be this adoring and indulgent to someone, especially when that someone is the youngest descendent of his lineage.     

The Grand Marshal appears to have fallen in love with their youngest heir, and the two of them seemed to have been inseparable ever since they first met, according to what his husband had informed him. This cold-faced man, known around the world as a lunatic and the most powerful member of the human race, just so happens to be the clinging one.     

Zephyr von Gretel said, "Honey, am I seeing things right? Is this still that cold-faced brat from before who had beaten me up?!"     

"You got beaten up by him before?" General Nimbus von Gretel asked in surprised     

Yara von Chrysalis asked, "You know Granduncle Ze, Caesar?"     

"Um. I don't know him but... I remember a brown moth hovering around the Butterfly Emperor on the day we signed an oath. It keeps asking for a fight, so we fought multiple times and I beat it up until it could no longer challenge me." The Grand Marshal said as he indeed found a memory of the original beating a Brown Butterfly from his memories.     

"That's just a fallacy of youth!" exclaims Zephyr von Gretel with a blush on his face.     

General Nimbus von Gretel spoke, "Xiao Ya, your Granduncle Ze, and I will visit the clan after this. Are you coming with us?"     

"Um. I will go home. Caesar, go back with me." Yara von Chrysalis said.     

The Grand Marshal smiled and said, "Okay."     

Zephyr von Gretel mumbled, "I told you this Grand Marshal is definitely fake!"     


Meanwhile, back to Imperium Star...     

Most people were furious when they heard that the Zergs had attacked the students on Planet Terra, especially the parents of those kids who had perished in the invasion. Given that their children were either gone or being eaten alive, there wasn't even a body for them to mourn. The parents and other kin of the dead surrounded the First Military Imperial Academy. Regular lessons were therefore suspended until all issues were resolved.     

Protesters were demonstrating outside the school while holding signs that said, "Justice for the dead" or "Failed to safeguard the students! ... and so on. Even the gates were blocked, almost making it impossible for anybody to enter or exit. Also, parents brought the majority of the youngsters home. The pupils who stayed at First Military Imperial School were scholarship students (Orphans), those whose homes were far away, and those who didn't want to return home.     

On their way home, some instructors were assaulted, and the ensuing public indignation was almost uncontrollable. To stop intruders from entering, Dean Frey von Gregory had to activate the formation surrounding the school. Actually, it was he who the parents were after. This continued until a main palace proclamation was issued.     

Frey von Gregory and Megan Shelley (Zane Lin) were in the Dean's office. The latter was gazing out the window with a neutral expression; they had all anticipated a riot outside the school gates.     

"If this continues then you will have to step down as the Dean." Megan Shelley said.     

Dean Frey von Gregory replied, "This position is not important to me. As long as I can stand beside Lord Yara, the others don't matter."     

"You, the Grand Marshal, Adjutant Kir, and Lord Yara. The four of you are not originally from this world. Those vessels you are using aren't yours as well. Who are you guys really that even the Heavenly Laws were asking for help?" Megan Shelley asked.     

He interacted with the Divine Laws of their universe while serving as one of its protectors, yet that existence's status is superior to theirs. He was so shocked to see the heavenly laws of this world pleading for the Grand Marshal's assistance. As a result, the Grand Marshal's soul had an identity that was superior to the Gods of the world in addition to strength.     

Dean Frey von Gregory didn't respond right away and continued to observe the young man in front of him. He knew that the soul inside this youth's body was at least an adult in age. In his mid-thirties at least from his original world.     

Megan Shelley (Zane Lin) continues talking on his own, letting the Dean hear his guess, "You guys must be God's aren't you? But Lord Yara seems to not know what you guys are, but you guys came for him."     

"It is not good for a mortal to know a lot. If you want to know whether you can come back to your world or not, then I can give you an answer. Yes and No. Yes, we can bring you back but a vessel that was destroyed cannot be used anymore. So you can only return there to be reincarnated. That means all your memories will be erased and be reborn as a new person. The Zane Lin of your world is dead. You can't just suddenly go back to life. That is against the laws of your world." Dean Frey von Gregory said.     

Megan Shelley (Zane Lin) mumbled, "So it is no longer possible to go back home."     

"Is there someone waiting for you in your original world?" Dean Frey asked.     

Megan Shelley (Zane Lin) responded, "None. I'm an orphan in my own world."     

"Hm. I don't know if you would be happy to know about this. The original Megan Shelley isn't an orphan. He is just a vain person who doesn't want to continue being a commoner and left his parents and siblings for the sake of money. The home address of Megan Shelley is here. Go check on it on your own. To him, his family isn't as important as his vanity but his family loves him a lot."     

"Since you cannot continue to live as Zane Lin, why don't you live as Megan Shelley instead? There is a lot of time right now. The students will be given a vacation and it would be an extended one unless this current issue is solved. Moreover, there shouldn't be any problem, the reason your soul was summoned in that body isn't simple. You should know that it is almost impossible for a soul to take over a body that is not his. Only Gods are capable of doing so. But you are a mortal aren't you?"     

An ambiguous theory was laid before Megan Shelley (Zane Lin). As smart as he is, he can understand the hidden meanings in Dean Frey's words.     

Megan Shelley (Zane Lin) was shocked, "Are you telling me this is my Parallel world?"     

"I didn't say that. If you leave through the back door those guys in front wouldn't be able to stop you or just use your magic or sorcery to leave. Further news about the school will be sent through the terminal." Dean Frey von Gregory said as he turned his head and looked at the crowded gates once more. No longer paying attention to the young man.     

Megan Shelley (Zane Lin) exited the office after realizing he had been given the order to depart. As soon as he got back to his room, he kept reading the profile of his vessel. The majority of the students were now picked up by their parents and transported home, including Megan Shelley's roommate. Instead, he remained due to the fact that he is not Megan Shelley.     


In his dormintory room...     

Zane Lin retracts the memories Megan Shelley left behind as he examines the details on this vessel while reclining in his room's chair. It fades more quickly the harder he tries to see it.      

He was also unaware of the cause of this. But in contrast to the original Megan Shelley, who is materialistic, he aspires to start a family of his own. He was debating whether or not to embrace the family of this vessel as his own as a result.     

When his terminal began to ring out of the blue, he had just covered his eyes with his arm. That originates from an open phone line. He took some time to decide, but he still responded.     

Ring. Ring.     

[A call from one of the Public Phone Centers is trying to reach the Master. The caller is from the Shelley Family.]     


Zane Lin awaited a response from the other side. He was aware of the poverty of the Shelley family, who must have drained their money to get in touch with him. After all, they lack a terminal of their own that would cost more than 100 silver pennies.     

  [Xiao Meg can you hear Daddy?]     

A middle-aged man with a slightly scratchy voice was the one who spoke first. As the man had finished, he heard a middle-aged woman's frightened voice.     

[ Xiao Meg, are you alright? We heard that the event you joined had been attacked by Zergs. Are you hurt? Should we go there to check on you?]     

Zane Lin also heard his younger brother and younger sister's voices wanting to talk to him but was reprimanded by the parents.     

[Mommy, Daddy, we want to talk to Big Brother too!]     

[If there is extra time, later you can.]     


As Zane Lin heard their voices, he could already picture the two spoiled brats pouting. He laughs unintentionally, which silences the entire phone call. He was accustomed to telling Megan Shelley's family not to call. Normally, they would refrain from doing so, but this time, they were so terrified that they couldn't help but phone their eldest son.     

"I'm okay. Not hurt at all. But I can't leave the school yet as there are too many people blocking the gates. I will go home when winter vacation arrives."     

When the Shelley family heard that Megan Shelley would be returning home for the holidays, they were overjoyed. Despite being on vacation, Megan Shelley refused to return home due to a shortage of funds. At least it is the justification he offers for his actual behavior, which involves treating Silvan's money as his own.     

[Really going home!? That's good. That's good. We will wait for you to come home. Be careful of the cold. Wear thick clothes when you go out. Also, eat on time and sleep on time. There is no need to study too much.]     

Zane Lin patiently listened to all of the concerns from the Shelley Family for a considerable amount of time. This was the first time he had experienced a family's concern. In his prior world, he had grown up autonomous, alone, and lonely. But at least he had a family to take care of in this world. Megan Shelley wanted to depart right away even though he was still uneasy prior to the call. He had previously generated money with his studies, so he was aware it wasn't doable.     

After checking his new balance which had a few million in it, Zane Lin a former billionaire mumbled, "This doesn't seem enough. I still need to buy a gift and inquire about the land deed. The Renovation of the house also terminates for the whole family. This is barely enough. I need to sell a few more potions for money."     

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