Under the Oak Tree

Chapter 161

Chapter 161

1"This way! Hurry, my lady!"     

Maxi had been distracted by the skirmish when she heard Garrow's urgent voice. Snapping to attention, she dashed across the bumpy ground. It was vital for her to get to safety to avoid becoming a hindrance to the fighting men.     

Gathering her skirt in one hand, she sprinted across the chaotic city square. They ran north for a while, finally stopping at the large storage tent. Soldiers guarded the entrance.     

Entrusting Maxi to the soldiers, Garrow said, "The clerics have cast a barrier around the tent. The ghouls won't be able to get in."     

Inside, Maxi glanced around at the sacks of grain piled into a mountain. When she spotted the female clerics huddled on the floor at the innermost end of the makeshift shelter, she ran straight to them.     

Idsilla bolted to her feet. "Lady Calypse! You're safe!"     

"I-Idsilla… are you all right?"     

"Yes, I'm fine, but… S-Selina isn't here."     

Idsilla bit her lip, looking as though she might burst into tears. As she tried to reassure the girl, Maxi glanced at the ashen faces of the other women. Many were missing.     

Idsilla sobbed as she clung to Maxi's arm. "We were only able to evacuate… h-half of the injured men from the infirmary. Those who couldn't move were…"     

When Maxi tried to recall how many of the wounded men had been immobile in their cots like corpses, a terrible ache began thumping in her temples. She clutched her forehead, and Ulyseon hurried over to steady her.     

"Don't worry, my lady. The others will also be hiding somewhere safe. I will go look for them once things die down."     

Distraught, Idsilla latched onto Ulyseon and bombarded him with questions.     

"How did this happen? We heard the alarm signaling an invasion. Didn't the coalition army drive all the trolls north? Our army hasn't been defeated, has it?"     

Startled, Ulyseon waved his hands.     

"Of course not! If our army had fallen, the monsters wouldn't have taken the long way around to the southern gate. They've been waiting for a chance to attack while most of the knights are away."     

"Then, what will happen to us now? Will we be able to hold them off with the remaining men?"     

Idsilla's fiery voice rang through the tent. Terrified, some of the female clerics began to weep.     

When the noise grew out of hand, the knight commanding the soldiers outside the tent barked, "Be quiet! We are doing our best to fight the monsters. Once we've wiped out the ghouls, we will immediately assume defense. Keep your wits about you, and do as you're told!"     

The sobbing gradually died down at his commanding rebuke. Managing to regain self-control, Idsilla murmured an apology and returned to her place among the women.     

A stomach-knotting amount of time passed. A minute felt like an hour, and an hour felt as long as a day. Just as Maxi was convinced that the howls of the ghouls and bellows of the knights would go on forever, two soldiers came rushing into the tent.     

"We've got the ghouls in one place."     

The relief in the tent was short-lived as the soldier added, "But many of our men are injured. They require immediate treatment."     

The commanding knight ordered the female clerics to see to the wounded at once. The women's faces were a mix of uneasiness and determination as they filed out. Ignoring Ulyseon's objections, Maxi followed after them.     

The sight that awaited them outside was of a ravaged camp and soldiers rushing about the wreckage.     

The men cleared the mangled tents and made temporary cots for the wounded. The female clerics, along with Maxi, immediately got to work. There were about thirty-two in total. Considering that there were currently a little over three hundred men at Eth Lene Castle, the damage was not insignificant.     

After inspecting the conditions of the wounded, Maxi used her magic to heal those with minor injuries first. Bolstering the number of healthy, battle-ready men was the biggest priority.     

She spent quite some time healing when a familiar voice cried out.     

"Those damned monsters were dead set on humiliating us!"     

Maxi jerked her head up. Not far from her, Hebaron was bellowing at the top of his lungs. He had a giant claymore clutched in one hand.     

"Stop your nagging, sorcerer! You're not my wife!"     

"It's you who should stop acting like a stubborn child, Sir Hebaron! How are you going to fight with that wound?"     

Ruth appeared equally furious as he fumed at the knight.     

"Are you trying to get yourself killed? Is that it?"     

"Goddammit! This little scratch is nothing! I've spent enough time being useless in bed!"     

Maxi hurried over to them. The two men immediately went quiet when they saw her approaching.     

Before they could speak, Maxi stared up in disbelief at the burly knight clad in heavy armor. "W-What on earth do you think you're doing? You are still wounded."     

"Not you too, my lady."     

Sheathing the huge claymore on his back, Sir Hebaron heaved a sigh.     

"I'm good as new thanks to the remedy you gave me."     

"Th-That remedy… only numbs the pain! If you keep moving around, your wound—"     

"We are in a crisis, my lady," he said flatly. "I will obediently receive treatment again once this fight is over."     

Ruth cursed out loud.     

"You think you'll survive to receive treatment? Don't make me laugh. You'll be the first to die if you fight in that state, Sir Hebaron!"     

"Pray for it, why don't you?" Hebaron said through gritted teeth, glowering at Ruth. "You said it yourself! There's a high chance that the monster that cursed me is out there right now. It would be a hundred times faster for me to slay that fiend myself than to wait for you to find another way to break the curse!"     

"Damnations… Fine! Do as you wish!"     

Hebaron shrugged and briskly made his way toward the city gate. Maxi was about to go after him when Ruth grabbed her arm.     

"Let him go, my lady. He won't listen to anything we say."     

"B-But… we can't let him fight in that c-condition. You know it, too, don't you? He's not in any state to swing a—"     

"Nothing is going to stop that obstinate man from swinging that massive weapon of his. I doubt he'll bat an eye even if his flesh were to fall off," Ruth said acidly, then sighed. "We'll have to pray that the magical devices will hold up for as long as possible."     

Hearing the bitterness in his voice, Maxi anxiously watched Hebaron's receding figure. Astonishingly, the knight betrayed no indication that he was wounded as he mounted his horse and stood in position next to Duke Aren, who was organizing the men. The soldiers' grave expressions as they prepared for battle made Maxi's blood run cold.     

"W-What did Sir Hebaron mean… when he said the monster that cursed him might be out there?"     

"Exactly that," Ruth answered after a while.     

He roughly scrubbed his face, then pointed out. Maxi turned in the direction and gasped.     

The pile of ghoul corpses was beginning to squirm despite the spears skewering them.     

Staring at the writhing monsters, Ruth said calmly, "They keep coming back to life even though the high priest has performed the purification ceremony. Which means there's a high chance the necromancer controlling them is currently outside the city."     

"A necromancer?"     

"An occultist, my lady. There are certain monsters capable of advanced dark magic. It's highly likely that the necromancer is the same black lizardman that cursed Sir Hebaron." Ruth's face suddenly grew grave. "We are dealing with a creature that is far more dangerous than the average monster. Besieging our gates is a being with powerful magical abilities that can lead and command a legion of monsters."     

Maxi shuddered. How dangerous must the monster be for one of the greatest sorcerers of the continent to describe it so?     

"H-How long will it take… f-for the coalition army to get here?"     

"We've already sent word, but as to whether they'll arrive in time…"     

Just then, an ear-splitting roar rang out. Maxi covered her ears. Sparks flashed beyond the gates, followed by a violent gale that crashed against the barriers. Ruth swore.     

"We must strengthen the magical devices at once!"     

At his command, the mages rose in unison and rushed toward the rampart stairs. Wanting to help with her meager mana, Maxi was about to follow when Ruth blocked her path.     

"You must stay here, my lady. It's too dangerous."     

"N-Now is not… the time to be worried about such things. If the barriers fall… that would be more d-dangerous! If I could be of assistance—"     

Ignoring her, Ruth looked past her shoulder to call for Ulyseon and Garrow.     

"What are you two doing, not escorting her ladyship to safety?"     

At his reprimand, Ulyseon grabbed her arm. Startled, Maxi looked up at the squire with wide eyes. Ruth spun on his heels and climbed up the stairway. She watched him leave as Ulyseon began dragging her in the opposite direction.     

"W-Where are you taking me? Please let go of my arm!" she cried out, utterly shocked by the squire's discourtesy.     

Paying no heed to her objections, Ulyseon remained silent as he led her to an isolated area. Maxi furiously tried to free her arm while glaring at him.     

"D-Did you not hear me? I said, let go!"     

"Please forgive my insolence, my lady, but we must get you out of the castle."     

Maxi stared at him in shock. The two squires quickly took her past the isolated forest path and toward the city walls. Up ahead, soldiers waited for them with three horses. Ulyseon quickly rushed over and took the reins.     

"Get on, my lady."     

"Do you r-realize what you're saying? Are we… trying to flee… when everyone else is fighting?" Maxi asked in disbelief.     

Ulyseon's face grew dark. He pressed his lips together and cast his eyes down. After a moment, his face grew determined.     

"We are not running away. Since the carrier pigeon might have failed to reach the army, we are going to seek the Remdragon Knights to inform them of the invasion."     

Maxi frowned. His words did not make sense.     

"Th-Then why are you taking—"     

"Pardon me, my lady." Garrow gripped her waist and hoisted her onto a horse. "This is an emergency. Please trust us for now."     

Their obstinance made it difficult for Maxi to ask any more questions. She clutched at her reins as Ulyseon and Garrow mounted their own horses. They signaled to the soldiers with their eyes.     

At their silent command, the soldiers ran their hands over the stone wall and pushed in a loose brick. A portion of the wall slid to one side, revealing a small opening.     

Ulyseon entered the passageway and said over his shoulder, "Seal the entrance once we're out."     

"Yes, sir."     

Maxi reluctantly followed, and the entrance slid shut behind them. The darkness was disorienting.     

Garrow rode next to her and seemed to sense her distress. He said in a calm voice, "There is a secret exit at the end of this passageway, my lady. There's no way the monsters would know about it, so please be assured."     

"I-It's so dark."     

"If you give me your reins, I will lead your horse for you. You can hold onto the saddle."     

Maxi obediently handed him her reins. For about ten minutes or so, the only sound was hooves hitting the ground. Ulyseon stopped at the front of the group and banged on the wall. Seconds later, light filtered into the passageway as a narrow exit opened.     

"As soon as we recaptured Eth Lene, Sir Riftan ordered a thorough inspection of the castle's layout. That's how we discovered this secret passageway."     

Maxi squinted as sunlight flooded in. An uneven forest path shrouded by thick trees led away from the opening. Riding ahead, Ulyseon urged them on.     

"We must be out of here before nightfall. We'll have to ride fast, so try to keep up, my lady."     

"H-How long will it take… for us to reach the coalition army?"     

There was a pause.     

"We should reach them by tomorrow if we hurry."     

"D-Do you think the city will be able to hold the fort until then?"     

"Mage Ruth is with them. He won't let it fall that easily."     

Maxi pursed her lips at the strange tension in the squire's voice. They rode in silence for a while until she was unable to quell her doubts any longer.     

"Did you lead me out of the city… b-because you've determined that Eth Lene will fall?"     

Ulyseon flinched, and his face was pale when he turned to meet her gaze. Maxi bit her lip. She had indeed thought it odd that they were bringing her along on a mission that required utmost haste. Now, seeing the truth on the squire's face made her heart sink.     

"If the situation was that dire… sh-shouldn't we have… evacuated everyone through that secret—"     

"The monsters would have discovered us if we'd tried to evacuate hundreds of people at the same time. And fleeing with the wounded would've been difficult," Garrow said, firmly cutting her off. "Right now, informing the coalition army of the invasion is our best option."     

Feeling chastised, Maxi spurred her horse on. They rode in frantic haste along the winding forest path. Soon, a steep rock face showed between the dense trees.     

Changing course, Ulyseon rode along the craggy ridge. Maxi was galloping behind him when she abruptly pulled her horse to a stop. Garrow, riding at the rear, reined in his mount with a baffled expression.     

Maxi's face hardened as she checked the sun's position above the forest. "W-We aren't going north. Where… are we going, exactly?"     

"My lady…"     

"I want the truth. Are we really trying to meet up with the c-coalition army?"     

Ulyseon's face blanched. He pressed his lips together and hung his head. That was all the answer Maxi needed. When she turned her horse around, Garrow swiftly blocked her path.     

"If we travel southeast around this cliff, we'll arrive at a fortress held by Baron Gideon which has been safe from monster invasion so far. It might be a little far, but it should be the safest place. Sir Riftan ordered us to take you there straight away in the event of any problems."     

"Then… who will inform the army o-of the invasion?"     

"We've already sent a messenger."     

Maxi flushed with anger at Garrow's calmness.     

"If we're not going to the coalition army… I-I am returning to Eth Lene Castle. I cannot j-just escape on my own! Not when Ruth, Sir Hebaron… a-and the female clerics are still in there—"     

"My lady," Ulyseon said, his voice heavy.     

Maxi flinched and clenched her mouth shut. The squire rode up to her and continued grimly, "Do you know who those ghouls originally were?"     

Before Maxi could say anything, Ulyseon launched into a rapid-fire explanation.     

"A corpse turns into an undead when it is contaminated by magic. The ghouls were the original inhabitants of the city before it fell to the monsters. When they captured Eth Lene, those fiends turned the human corpses into ghouls and buried them. If we return to the city now… we will be facing the same fate."     

Maxi covered her mouth with a shaking hand. When Ulyseon's words finally sunk in, she was suddenly overcome with the urge to hurl.     

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