Red Storm

Book 1 - 6.4 Incident with the Prince (II)

Book 1 - 6.4 Incident with the Prince (II)

1Book 1-6.4 Incident with the Prince (II)    

The person swinging     

his two greatswords and using just the pressure from it to push back     

both the knights and the warriors was Yulian, who now stood in between     

the two groups.    

Seeing Grace holding her Sosoontas in her hands, Yulian asked.    

“Madam, what is going on?”    

Since they were in front of other people, Yulian addressed Grace in a respectful way as he asked.    


knew that if she honestly told him what happened, a serious incident     

would occur. After all, she knew her husband’s strength better than     


His strength was one that made it hard to believe he was     

human; really, in the desert, the only warrior who could still take on     

Yulian 1 on 1 was probably just the Shuarei’s Bloodied Hands, Venersis.    


some of the empire’s knights looked like they were stronger than the     

Red Storm warriors, they were no match for her husband.    

Grace put away her Sosoontas and grabbed onto Yulian’s arm as if nothing happened.    

“It was nothing. The Empire’s knights were just comparing strengths with our warriors.”    

Yulian looked towards the Empire’s knights in disbelief after listening to Grace. It was then that Yulian saw him.    

Yulian saw the arrogant and moronic prince of the empire standing drunk behind the knights.    

An image was drawn inside Yulian’s mind.    

‘There’s no way……’    

What Yulian was imagining was confirmed when Shareulo started to shout again.    


the hell are you doing? I told you to restrain that bitch and bring her     

to me. Oh, and restrain the punk that just showed up as well.”    

A fire was lit in Yulian’s eyes.    

“What did he do to you?”    

Seeing this angry expression on Yulian for the first time, Grace could only shake her head no.    


As Yulian’s voice started to get louder, Grace cautiously answered.    

“The prince was drunk and approached this lady…...and wrist……”    

Grace could not say anything else.    

“Why won’t you tell me the rest?”    

“It was nothing much.”    

“I’m asking you to tell me that trivial thing.”    

“I will answer you inside the paoe.”    

“I want you to tell me now.”    


Grace would not say anything further, Yulian looked around him with     

fiery eyes. It was then that he made eye contact with a young child.     

Yulian walked to the child and lifted him up as he raised the child to     

his eye level.    

The boy, who looked to be less than nine years old,     

did not avoid Yulian; instead, he seemed to be excited as he peered     

into Yulian’s eyes.    

“What is your name?”    

“My name is Tanana Clinique, son of the veteran warrior, Titina Clinique, the Angry Pirma.”    


boy did not fear Yulian’s eyes and answered vigorously. Yulian was a     

hero and a role model for the boy; even if Yulian was angry, he had no     

reason to be afraid of him. He was also at a young age where he could     

not understand why what happened was a big issue.    

“Tanana, son of Titina Clinique, I will ask you a question.”    


“Do you know my wife, the Beautiful Maiden Grace Nellisi?”    

The boy answered vigorously.    

“Of course. I know the former Mother of Pareia, the current Mother, as well as the future Mother.”    

“You’re brilliant.”    

“Thank you very much.”    

The boy was smiling brightly after being praised by Yulian, and the surrounding people started to feel nervous.    

“I will ask you one more question. What just happened to the future Mother of Pareia?”    

The boy was proud that he saw everything that happened and answered vigorously.    


drunk foreigner was holding onto Grace-nim’s hand, and when Grace-nim     

tried to push his hand away, he hugged her. So Grace-nim moved her body     

and her hand……”    

The boy tried to explain by twisting his hands,     

but maybe he could not remember clearly, as he just waved his hand     

around a bit as he continued to explain.    

“Once she did that, the     

foreigner fell face first into the sand. We were laughing at that when     

suddenly those people wearing armor came closer, and it was then that     

the Young Glow and Desert Conqueror, the great warrior Yulian-nim showed     

up here.”    

“Oh! So that’s what happened.”    

A cold smile showed up on Yulian’s face.    

“You explained it very well, Tanana. When you grow up to be a proud warrior of Pareia, I will be very happy.”    

“Thank you very much.”    


boy had a bright expression from being praised by his hero and walked     

towards his family. Yulian turned around and spoke to Grace.    

“And so he says.”    

“We can’t get angry at a guest who made a mistake in his drunk state.”    


Grace could feel her husband’s anger in her body, she spoke carefully     

to try to calm him down. However, Shareulo’s mouth continued to get in     

the way.    

“You so called Royal Knights are going to disobey a prince’s command? Bring them here right now!”    



cold smile was back on Yulian’s face as he turned around. His presence     

made a couple of the Royal Knights hesitate. Although it looked like the     

normal knights could not recognize it, the Royal Knights could feel it.     

The aura coming off the body of this youngster known as the Prince of     

the Desert was not normal.    

‘What the heck is the diplomat doing?’    


the Royal Knight in charge of the envoy was cursing Janet, who was not     

visible even though such an incident had occurred. This was the first     

time he was looking for a diplomat because he wanted to avoid a fight.    


front of him was a dangerous opponent, behind him was someone he     

couldn’t disobey. Internally, he was feeling embarrassed and wanted to     

get away from this place. It was obvious that the knights’ movements     

would be filled with hesitation. (TL: Guess this is what you call     

between a rock and a hard place)    

However, Yulian walked towards     

the knights as if he had no intentions of avoiding them and started to     

speak in the language of the continent.    

“Are you all knights of the continent?”    

As a couple of the knights nodded their heads, Yulian scoffed at them as he spoke.    


the books that I have read, it stated that the continent’s knights have     

a Knight’s Code they have to follow. In the Knight’s Code, I read that     

knights must protect the elderly, the children, and the ladies. Are you     

really knights?” (TL: I know ladies sound kind of odd here, but that’s     

what the author actually uses, so I kept it as is).    

It was a     

question asking ‘How can you call yourself knights if you won’t protect     

ladies?’ At the very insulting question, the knights’ faces continued to     

turn red in shame. Even without him saying that, they had already     

turned red from what Grace had asked earlier.    

Shame and     

embarrassment. Resentment towards the Commander who ordered them on this     

mission. Resentment towards the current situation.    

“If you don’t catch them now, you will face the consequences when we return to the Empire.”    


towards that damn bastard of a prince. In the end, the knights took our     

their weapons and started to get in formation.    

Watching the     

knights starting to form their formations, Haisha and a couple Red Storm     

warriors tried to go next to Yulian, however, Yulian stopped them.    

“Warriors, do not step forward. It is a husband’s duty to pay back the shame brought to his wife.”    


shouted towards the warriors around them as he held out the two     

greatswords and walked into the middle of the formation on his own.    


was thinking that it was great that Yulian entered their formation on     

his own. Since he came in on his own, they would be able to catch him     

while giving him some face as the prince of the desert. If the person in     

charge, Janet, could show up while they were stalling for time, it     

would be even better.    

“D Formation.”    

Listening to Sesuna     

give directions to form the defense-oriented formation, all the knights     

understood his intentions and cheered internally. They even hoped that     

the youngster known as the desert prince would be extremely talented and     

could keep them occupied. That would be the only way they would be able     

to say anything to the moronic prince.    

Yulian’s greatsword     

started to move. It brought forth a gust of sand, and hit the knights     

with a dangerous aura. There was a loud clanking noise as the knights     

who traded blows with Yulian wobbled backwards. He had a really high     

level of strength.    

Their thought process was short; knowing that     

they could not stop the incoming greatswords while shaking, they curled     

up their body. The knights on the sides moved their feet to block the     

greatsword, however, they were pushed back with just one hit.    


Yulian like this, Sesuna understood that he was a warrior with extreme     

skills and instructed them to change to the W formation. Although there     

were only a few changes from the D formation, this was a formation     

focused on helping the people around them when facing a strong opponent.    


this, Yulian did not hinder the knights’ movements, as if saying do as     

you please. He planned on taking down everything they threw at him.    


the knights finished changing their formation, Yulian pushed forward     

strongly once more. Even though they were in the W formation, they     

continued to get pushed back.    

Although they were getting pushed     

back, Sesuna still did not directly attack Yulian, thinking that if he     

was to even accidentally shed some blood, Yulian might become completely     

ruthless. Based on the knights’ movements, Yulian could understand what     

they were doing and started to find his sense of reason in the midst of     

his anger. After that, he only used his physical strength to push back     

the knights and make them succumb.    

“You don’t need to catch him alive. Just take off his neck.”    


he realized his knights were getting pushed back time and time again,     

Shareulo’s order changed, and Yulian realized that he was pointing his     

sword at the wrong person.    

He widely swung his greatsword once     

more and pushed the knights back one more time before looking at the     

knight with the most skill and spoke.    

“I won’t kill him so don’t get in my way. If you try to protect him, I may really end up killing him.”    


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