Beauty and the Bodyguard

Chapter 10567

Chapter 10567

410567 Chapter 10556-     

Lin Yi pulled back his hand and let the body fall to the ground. He looked at the people around him and smiled,”Indeed, it’s nothing more than this.”    

The people who had just been sighing and hating themselves for hesitating suddenly stopped in their tracks.    

Wang fan’s death was like a bucket of cold water that was poured on their hearts. They finally calmed down a little from the fanatical state of receiving the Sage’s blessing.    

Their strength had indeed increased to an unprecedented level, but Lin Yi was still the same Lin Yi, a monster strong enough to make all of them feel despair!    

However, even with such a deterrence, it could only cause the situation to fall into a stalemate.    

If there were only two or three people, they might really cower in fear. However, at this moment, there were more than two or three human cultivators and skeleton experts who had gathered after hearing the news!    

As long as they were within three miles of Lin Yi, they would receive the blessing of the Saint.    

Especially with the successful example of the group in front of them, more and more people and skeletons would gather.    

In just a short time, more than a hundred people had gathered, and the number was still rapidly increasing.    

Without exception, these people had all received the blessings of the Saints, and their strength had been increased by ten or even a hundred times!    

Very quickly, the intimidation Lin Yi brought was dispelled by the ambition that lingered in everyone’s hearts. No matter how strong Lin Yi was, they had the advantage of numbers. He couldn’t overcome the huge temptation of the permanent saint’s blessing!    

Qiushi looked at Lin Yi worriedly, “”Young master.”    

No matter how confident they were in Lin Yi’s strength, they could tell that the situation was not good.    

With the saint’s blessing, these people weren’t cannon fodder that could be easily defeated. Once there were enough of them, even Lin Yi wouldn’t have an easy time.    

Moreover, as long as the blessing of the Saint was still in effect, the enemy would continue to attack.    

Lin Yi’s current situation was that the entire city was filled with enemies!    

From being recognized as the second human city Lord by the entire city to being the target of everyone’s betrayal, all of this had happened too quickly. It was enough to break the necks of all the spectators.    

Lin Yi said with squinted eyes.    

It was not a good idea to continue like this. The seal of the rule power on the other side had been completely broken, but his side was still tightly sealed. It was obvious that he had received special care from the heavenly Saint.    

Fortunately, he had the reverse seal technique and his divine body to activate it. Otherwise, with his previous strength, he would not have been able to do what he wanted in this situation.    

However, even now, it was not a good idea to continue fighting a war of attrition with these people.    

Putting everything else aside, if Lin Yi was stubborn enough to just stand there and deal damage, even if he could last until the end and kill all the human practitioners and skeleton Masters in the city, it was definitely not a situation he wanted.    

On the contrary, that was the situation that Tian Sheng wanted.    

To the current heavenly Saints, the human stream of cultivators was originally a foreign virus that had to be removed. As for the sacred skeleton clan that had already become cancerous, although it would indeed cause a great loss to its vitality if it was removed all at once, it could be reborn later!    

This was a disguised form of cutting off one’s tail to survive.    

Getting rid of Lin Yi, the biggest threat, and at the same time, breaking down and then building up-it was killing two birds with one stone.    

The key was that this was an unsolvable plot.    

Even if Lin Yi could see through it, as long as the saint’s blessing had a real effect, it didn’t matter if it was a human practitioner or a skeleton master, even if they knew everything, they would still choose to fall into the trap willingly.    

This was the temptation of power.    

Just as the human practitioners and skeleton Masters were about to attack again, a figure suddenly appeared in front of Lin Yi.    

The Sea King Xiang Yusheng.    

Lin Yi’s eyelids twitched. The man was one of the strongest among the human cultivators, and now that he had the saint’s blessing, it wouldn’t be easy to take him down if they really fought.    

Although the space of hundredth Saint city was sealed and the power of space rules could not be used as one wished, it did not mean that it could not be used.    

If even this person was on the opposite side, then the situation would be extremely tricky for Lin Yi.    

Although Xiang Yusheng was the most trustworthy person among all the human practitioners, given their previous friendship and their natural position, this Alliance wasn’t very solid.    

It was normal for them to fall out at any time, especially in this situation.    

“I’m sorry to offend.”    

Xiang Yusheng said in a cold voice, and then his hands turned into claws. Unparalleled space rule power condensed into ten space blades at his fingertips.    

Even though the space had been sealed by the heaven Saint, the space blade was still distorted. It was a terrifying sight.    

If he was scratched by it, the consequences could be imagined.    

In the next second, following Xiang Yusheng’s movements, ten space blades were thrown at Lin Yi at the same time.    

However, while Qiu Shi was screaming, the ten space blades didn’t hit Lin Yi. Instead, they landed in the crowd behind Lin Yi. Instantly, there were screams and a lot of people were dead or injured.    

The surrounding human practitioners quickly backed away in shock. They only just realized that their enemy wasn’t just Lin Yi, but also the Sea King Xiang Yusheng!    

Xiang Yusheng passed by Lin Yi and left a sentence,”Leave this place to me, find a chance to leave.”    

“Why?” Lin Yi asked, confused.    

He had never lacked self-confidence, but he was not confident enough to think that anyone would be willing to die for him. His personal charm was not strong enough to that extent!    

Xiang Yusheng grinned. when I do things, I only talk about whether I’m happy or not. Why do I have so many whys? ”    

After he finished speaking, he took the initiative to charge into the shocked and chaotic crowd.    

The destructive power of space rule power was fully displayed in his hands at this moment.    

Although other rule bending powers of the same level had their own characteristics, in terms of pure destructive power, there were very few that could be compared with spatial rule bending power.    

With Xiang Yusheng’s killing spree, the pressure on Lin Yi’s body decreased a lot.    

But even so, there were still dozens of people staring at him from all directions, and the number was still increasing.    

“Let’s go,” he said.    

Lin Yi didn’t hesitate any longer. He unsheathed the demonic sword and opened up a path.    

Qiushi looked back at Xiang Yusheng worriedly, then gritted his teeth and followed.    

However, the saint’s blessing didn’t just give him a hundred times of strength for nothing. Lin Yi’s sword sacrifice was powerful, but it wasn’t strong enough to clear the entire area.    








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