Nine Star Hegemon Body Art

Chapter 355

Chapter 355

4Chapter 355     

“Brat, what are you hiding? If you’re smart, you’ll hand it over right now, and I’ll spare your life . ”    

That man looked to be in his twenties . He was tall and had excellently proportioned facial features, but the unconcealable haughtiness that came from him broke that image .     

His powerful cultivation base had reached the late Tendon Transformation realm . However, the more amazing thing about him was that by just standing there, he gave off a heavy pressure . It was a pressure that came from the soul .     

Seeing that man, Long Chen smiled extremely sincerely . It was always nice to run into old acquaintances .     

“Crap-brother Qi, long time no see!”    

That person was precisely the man who had appeared back in Phoenix Cry when he and Meng Qi had parted ways . Lu Fang-er had called him senior apprentice-brother Qi .     

At that time, Long Chen had still been at Qi Condensation, while this senior apprentice-brother Qi had been an expert capable of controlling a second rank Magical Beast .     

Once Meng Qi had left, he had attacked Long Chen, wanting to destroy his mind and turn him into an imbecile . It was only because Meng Qi had fortunately told Lu Fang-er to stay behind, just in case of anything unexpected happening, that Long Chen had managed to avoid tragedy .     

Back then, Long Chen had felt he might explode from fury . He had had no enmity with senior apprentice-brother Qi at all . But after just meeting, he had wanted to turn him into an imbecile .     

At that time, Long Chen had sworn that if he one day ran into senior apprentice-brother Qi again, he would definitely turn him into crap-brother Qi .     

And so when he now ran into him here, Long Chen almost couldn’t believe his eyes . This was practically a heavenly gift .     

“You know me?” Seeing Long Chen looking at him with delight and surprise, senior apprentice-brother Qi was a bit flabbergasted .     

“Hehe, of course I know you! My impression of you is extremely, extremely deep,” laughed Long Chen .     

“Then how come I have no memory of you? Don’t try to randomly make up friendships, or it’ll make your death even uglier,” sneered senior apprentice-brother Qi .     

That was because no matter how senior apprentice-brother Qi looked at Long Chen, he felt he was extremely unfamiliar .     

“Should I give you a reminder? Phoenix Cry Empire, Sunset Mountain, sister Meng Qi? Now do you remember?” Long Chen excitedly rubbed his hands .     

“So it was you . ” Senior apprentice-brother Qi was a bit startled . He finally remembered that youth who had just been an ant in his eyes .     

Who would have thought that in just over a year, that youth would have reached this level . He had also reached the Tendon Transformation realm, and had even entered the Jiuli secret realm .     

“You recognize me now? Hehe, looks like we really do have destiny together,” said Long Chen excitedly .     

“Destiny? Hmph! Yes, we really do have destiny! Last time I wanted to slaughter you, you little bastard, but Lu Fang-er ruined things . This time let’s see where you run!” said senior apprentice-brother Qi icily .     

Long Chen became a bit ‘horrified’, asking with complete confusion, “Why would you want to kill me?”    

“Brat, I don’t care if you’re acting or if you’re really this stupid . Today, the only path left for you is death . No one can save you, and if you’re smart, you’ll tell me the truth . Are you really Meng Qi’s fiancé? I can give you quick death if you tell me . If you don’t… you won’t even be able to beg for life, and when you beg for death, it’ll become a luxury you can’t have . ”    

Long Chen nodded . So it really was like this . It seemed back when Meng Qi had come to find him to break off the marriage, others must have known .     

It was very likely this senior apprentice-brother Qi had come especially to dispatch him . However, he had been stopped by Lu Fang-er . Long Chen wondered whether senior apprentice-brother Qi had gone to kill him voluntarily or because of someone else’s orders .     

“Correct, I am Meng Qi’s fiancé . In the future, I will be her man . So what?” Long Chen said confidently and righteously .     

“Haha, you want marry junior apprentice-sister Meng Qi? What a joke! An idiot like you is really a toad trying to eat swan meat . ” Senior apprentice-brother Qi sneered with ridicule . He continued, “In our Wind Spirit Pavilion, junior apprentice-sister Meng Qi is practically a fairy . Countless geniuses admire her, and who knows how many Chosen-level experts would prostrate themselves before her . You, someone at the first Heavenstage of Tendon Transformation, want to marry a person who is a fairy in our eyes? You’re really trying to make me laugh to death . But since you told the truth, and also since you made me laugh so much, I’ll be generous and give you one chance . Hand over your spatial ring and then kill yourself . You better treasure this opportunity-”    

Pow .     

Long Chen had been planning on learning a couple more things from senior apprentice-brother Qi’s mouth before attacking . That was because he was afraid that once he started attacking, he wouldn’t be able to control his emotions, and he didn’t have the ability to make a dead man talk .     

However, he had underestimated senior apprentice-brother Qi’s ability to provoke him, and overestimated his ability to restrain himself . Despite doing his best to hold back, his hand didn’t listen to him and slapped across senior apprentice-brother Qi’s haughty face .     

This slap of his was incredibly ruthless . If senior apprentice-brother Qi’s cultivation base had not reached the late Tendon Transformation realm, Long Chen’s slap could have possibly taken off his head .     

Although he had only swung out of reflex and hadn’t added any extra strength, it still broke senior apprentice-brother Qi’s jaw, and all his teeth shot out .     

Before senior apprentice-brother Qi even fell to the ground, Long Chen shot forward and grabbed his head . He then ruthlessly slammed his knee into his nose .     

Crack . The hair-raising sound of bones breaking rang out accompanied by senior apprentice-brother Qi’s scream .     

He flew high into the air from the force of the blow, blood filling the sky . He flew a beautiful arc through the air before tumbling to the ground .     

Long Chen didn’t dare look at his own hands . Only now did he realize he had involuntarily struck him .     

Was it that his patience was growing thinner, or that the skills of the idiots around him had grown stronger? He had actually struck without even realizing it .     

“You damn bastard!” Senior apprentice-brother Qi stood up, his face covered in blood . His own face felt foreign to him . He could clearly feel there was something slowing out from his nose and eyes, but he couldn’t feel anything from his skin .     

Being caught off guard, he, a grand Beast Tamer, had been injured by such a lowly fellow’s sneak attack . Furthermore, this injury was the most humiliating kind, causing his fury to burn .     

“Contract summoning!” Senior apprentice-brother Qi formed a hand seal in front of him . Space twisted and three huge Magical Beasts appeared in front of him .     

Long Chen was slightly surprised . Two of his Magical Beasts were Curved-Eyed White Tigers, and the third was a Rockscale Python .     

The Curved-Eyed White Tigers were at the peak of the third rank . They were over thirty meters long and their auras were extremely powerful . As for the Rockscale Python, it was surprisingly a fourth rank Magical Beast and was over three hundred meters long . Although it was only at the early fourth rank, that powerful pressure coming from it was comparable to a Chosen .     

“No wonder it’s said that Beast Tamers are terrifying existences . Although he’s only at the Tendon Transformation realm, he’s able to control a fourth rank Magical Beast . ”    

Fourth rank Magical Beasts were equivalent to the Bone Forging realm for cultivators . Furthermore, Magical Beasts had powerful bodies that possessed extraordinary strength and abnormal defense . Ordinary human cultivators were not equal matches for Magical Beasts of the same rank .     

Senior apprentice-brother Qi was just an above average Beast Tamer . And yet, he was still surprisingly able to control a fourth rank Magical Beast .     

“Bastard, you dare attack me, a grand Beast Tamer? Don’t even think about getting to die today! I’ll tear out your soul and burn it for a hundred years first!” Senior apprentice-brother Qi’s face had caved in, especially his nose, and it made him appear exceptionally sinister .     

He wanted to clench his teeth as he said this, but he was unable to . His jaw was broken, and his words were extremely unclear .     

Hearing him speak, Long Chen’s head buzzed, and he almost lost control and involuntarily struck him again .     

Senior apprentice-brother Qi was really just too strong . With just a couple words, he was almost able to provoke Long Chen into impetuously attacking him without hesitation .     

“Go!” Senior apprentice-brother Qi swallowed a healing pill . His unclear voice ordered his Magical Beasts to attack Long Chen . The three Magical Beasts immediately roared and charged at him .     

“Little Snow, kill them all . ”    

Long Chen didn’t say much . He directly summoned out Little Snow . That was because he didn’t dare personally attack, as he was afraid of losing control .     

The instant Little Snow appeared, he let out a heaven-shaking roar . His white hair stood on end, and a powerful pressure shot out .     

Those third rank Magical Beasts instantly turned sluggish from Little Snow’s pressure .     

Fights between Magical beasts were extremely direct, and different from fights between cultivators . Other than some poisonous Magical Beasts, it was mostly whoever possessed a more powerful pressure that would be able to suppress their opponents .     

That kind of pressure was strictly based on rank . If their rank was lower than their opponent, an uncontrollable terror would well up within them .     

So as soon as Little Snow released his aura, those third rank Magical Beasts were suppressed . Even the fourth rank python was suppressed .     

Suddenly, space buzzed as Little Snow spat out a huge wind blade . It was like a divine blade cutting apart the sky, slashing towards the three Magical Beasts .     

What was inconceivable to Long Chen was that the two Curved-Eyed White Tigers were clearly filled with terror and despair, but they didn’t dodge .     

Long Chen was unaware of just how strict the ranking suppression was in the Magical Beast world . A fourth rank Magical Beast possessed an absolute suppression towards third rank Magical Beasts .     

For example, back when Long Chen had brought the Barbaric Wind Beast running around, he had run into quite a few Magical Beasts that were at the peak of the fourth rank . But as soon as they had seen the Barbaric Wind Beast, they had almost pissed themselves and fled for their lives .     

These two Curved-Eyes White Tigers didn’t even have the ability to dodge . They were directly cut in two, their blood filling the sky . As for the python, it coiled around itself and used its powerful defensive ability to block Little Snow’s attack .     

And yet, Little Snow’s attack was not so easy to block . It was sent flying by the wind blade, and a huge portion of its scales fell to the ground, its blood spraying everywhere .     

“A mutated Magical Beast?”     

Senior apprentice-brother Qi ignored his own injuries to look at Little Snow in shock . As a Beast Tamer, he could easily recognize Little Snow’s status .     

And it was because he recognized his status that he was so shocked . Other than in legends of mutated Magical Beasts, he had never heard of a Magical Beast that was capable of breaking through the restrictions of its bloodline .     

A mutated Magical Beast had not appeared in tens of thousands of years . But now, one had appeared in front of him .     

Greed appeared in his eyes . If he could obtain a mutated Magical Beast, then with his special techniques to raise it, it would definitely become a terrifying existence in the future .     

“You can die now, you brat . This Scarlet Flame Snow Wolf is mine!”    

Senior apprentice-brother Qi roared . A huge spiritual arrow appeared between his hands and shot out at Long Chen .     


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