Spirit Vessel

Chapter 950: Returning Expert

Chapter 950: Returning Expert

2Chapter 950: Returning Expert    4

“Xiao Tianrui is a disappointment, can’t even capture a half-demon.” Huang Tian coldly uttered.    

“Shameful indeed, eight of them got beaten down like dogs.”     

“Ninth and Huang Yuchang are going to be more arrogant now.”    

Liu Suhong stared at Feiyun’s image in the mirror and smiled, revealing her perfect white teeth: “This half-demon is pretty strong, way above my expectation but this is only the beginning. A big shot from Firmament had sent a message that anyone from the young generation capable of killing Feng Feiyun will be the next successor. Geniuses from Firmament will come running here soon.”    

“Someone from the battlefield has returned, this will be fun.” Eighth noticed a red ray coming from the horizon. Everyone looked over as well.    

Meanwhile, on the other island, Feiyun and his group also noticed a scorching ray coming closer.    

“Him?” Liu Suzi slightly grimaced.    

“Who is it?” Feiyun could sense animosity coming from the ray.    

“Mo Taiqu, the second son of Crimson Wood Domain Lord, a top genius of Celestial Territory. He’s always fighting on the Myriad Race Battlefield, honing his skill by walking between life and death. Xiao Tianrui can’t compare to him.”     

“Whoosh!” Mo Taiqu rode a fiery beast and wore bloodstained armor. He landed on an island nearby and crushed the jade pavement beneath his feet.    

His beast looked up at the sky and let out a deafening roar. His spear was bloodied as well on top of being intimidating. It must have drained plenty of blood to have this level of bloodthirst.    

He pointed at Feiyun’s island and roared: “Who is Feng Feiyun? Come out and accept your death!”     

Everyone could feel his murderous intent. His aura was several times stronger than Xiao Tianrui’s.    

He had just returned from the battlefield and didn’t have time to change his armor before coming here.    

The majority of visitors in Void right now knew of him.    

“This guy returned from the battlefield, it’s because Feng Feiyun killed his older brother.” Another group of geniuses talked on a different island.    

“This half-demon is a big troublemaker. Mo Taiqu is definitely among the top ten of Celestial Territory.”    

Mo Taiqu glared ahead and threatened: “If you won’t step up, I will massacre your half-demon alliance.”    

“Stop shouting, I’m right here.” Feiyun was already on Taiqu’s island, sitting on the second floor of a pavilion and holding a wine jar. He drank while smiling at Taiqu who was surprised to see the half-demon there.    

Experience told him that this half-demon was extremely dangerous, unlike the rest of his kind.    

Nonetheless, his aura didn’t relent as he pointed at Feiyun: “You killed my brother, Mo Taijun?”    

“Would you believe me if I deny it?” Feiyun paused for a bit before answering.    

“Of course not.”    

“Then sure, I killed him.”    

“Brat, I will crucify you within ten moves.” The armored beast beneath him started crushing the floor while lunging forward, destroying several spirit trees along the way before smashing into the pavilion.    

It shattered; bricks and tiles scattered everywhere. Feiyun leaped upward while being covered in a golden light before falling back down to deliver a palm strike.    

Mo Taiqu’s eyes resembled a ferocious wolf without any emotion. Mysterious runes coursed through his spear, seemingly coming back to life.    

He thrust his spear upward straight at Feiyun’s palm.    

“Shit!” Feiyun murmured, having underestimated the enemy.    

It pierced through the palm synergy and Feiyun’s body, starting from the head.    

Spectators were startled to see the powerful half-demon lose so fast.    

However, Feiyun’s body became fainter before disappearing completely.    

“It’s just an afterimage.” One spectator said.    

The might of the spear caught Feiyun off guard so he abandoned his palm strike and used Swift Samsara to glide away.    

Because of his incredible speed, it created an illusion of him being pierced.    

Liu Suzi stood up with her eyes shining. She concluded: “Mo Taiqu is using a tenth-ranked demon treasure.”    

This shocked the group and they all stared at his spear.    

There was a demon soul floating around the spear. Mo Taiqu sneered at Feiyun: “Yes, I got this tenth-ranked demon spear on the battlefield. It’s just that the soul is damaged so it’s only thirty-percent effective.”    

Spirit treasure and demon treasure were relatively the same; they simply had a different title from their respective race.    

Even though this was only thirty percent effective, it was still far stronger than a ninth-ranked treasure. Even domain lords coveted one.    

With time, it could be refined and fixed to become a regular tenth-ranked again.    

“Mo Taiqu is far stronger now with that weapon.”    

“He’s at the early fifth level on top of being battle-hardened. His experience exceeds those on the same cultivation level, this Feng Feiyun will die. Do you think Young Noble Zi and Ninth will save him?”    

“Who knows? Maybe Young Noble Zi can’t take Mo Taiqu on right now.”    

Eighth’s group had a great time talking and predicting what Liu Suzi would do. She was in a tough situation.    

Helping Feng Feiyun meant offending Mo Taiqu. On the contrary, letting Feiyun die meant losing face.    

Feiyun stood on the other side of the island proudly without any fear: “Hmm, I suppose a damaged tenth-ranked demon treasure can still fetch a high price.”    

“Let’s see if you can take it from me!” Mo Taiqu oared thunderously. The island shook as a result, on the verge of collapsing.    

“Golden Silkworm Domain.” Feiyun placed his palms together and they became resplendent. A golden halo appeared behind him and a holy seat beneath. He became holy and Buddhist hymns echoed across the area.    

108,000 silkworms began playing around the island. Everything on it was covered in a golden glow.    

The light illuminated half of Void, turning it into a Buddhist paradise. Even older cultivators were surprised to see this light, thinking that a successor of an immemorial Buddhist shrine was here. They couldn’t believe that it came from a half-demon.    

“Demon-slaying Thrust!” Mo Taiqu rode his beast forward for a thrust. The energy was palpable.    

The spear pierced the domain but resembled hitting a marsh. Its momentum was being corroded by Buddhist power.    

Meanwhile, Feiyun chanted then unleashed a palm strike. His hand seemed to be cast from gold with silkworms floating around it.    

It struck the tip of the spear directly.    

“Boom!” Feiyun’s Buddhist platform was sent three meters back.    

On the other side, the legs of Mo Taiqu’s beast nearly snapped since it was moving too fast forward and was met by the shockwave. Blood oozed out of its armor as it bellowed in pain.    


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