Help...My Wife is a Spy

The Wolf And His Prey

The Wolf And His Prey

2It took almost a week to label and sort through everything in Amun's base. During this time, they also investigated the identities of all the people living in the base, including newly adopted orphans. It was discovered that some of the children, especially the more recent ones, weren't all orphans. Some were missing children that had been kidnapped!      

After all, with the brain tap technology in his hands, Amun had become quite specific with the type of children he wanted to nurture and train, and finding children with good memories wasn't an easy task.     

It was a huge operation to get the children back to their families, and it was even harder to help the older children assimilate back into society after having led most of their lives under Amun's rein. It was almost like they had been saved from a cult that had brainwashed them for years.     

Amun's code name suddenly made a lot more sense: he probably thought of himself as a god...     

The BTAs helped wherever they could, but it didn't take long before they were assigned new tasks by Halia. Their mission wasn't completely over yet: there were still 5 Super Soldiers out there. Worst of all, they discovered three hostages in Amun's underground bunker that appeared to be the people he had been stealing the memories/knowledge from for his BTAs.     

One was a military officer, one was a professor, and one was an MMA fighter. With their combined skills, it was worrying to think what the Super Soldiers were sent to do.     

Before leaving Morocco, the 4 BTA's gathered for one last dinner together. Being a spy was a lonely job, but they had now made friends for life.     

"Cheers!" Hummingbird said as she raised a glass of wine.     

The other 3 raised their glasses as well and smiled.     

"When this entire mission is over, I hope we can meet again somewhere in this world," Hummingbird toasted. "Perhaps, one day, when we're old and retired we can share stories with each other about the crazy life we have led!"     

"Cheers to that!" Sasquatch agreed.     

Wolf took a sip of his wine and glanced at Hummingbird. He had traveled around the world and flirted with many women. He had even had one-night-stands. But, ever since landing in Morocco, he had not been interested in any other woman apart from Hummingbird. There was something alluring about her that drew him in and it had him hooked.     

As a lonely agent on the road, goodbye was a part of life. But, for once, he did not want to say goodbye.     

"I've seen the way you've been looking at her," Sasquatch whispered beside Wolf as he gave him a nudge. "Don't even think about it. You know how impossible it is with our lives. Relationships are bound for failure in this profession."     

Orca overheard them and leaned in, "Oh, you're wrong about that. There are exceptions."     

She then rested her chin on her palms and said with stars in her eyes, "I know of a legendary couple that met while on a mission and they're now married!"     

"Did they quit their jobs and return to living normal lives? I can't imagine how a relationship like that could ever work..." Sasquatch asked with doubt.     

"Not entirely. I happen to know that they're working on a very important mission right at this very moment..." Orca replied mysteriously like she knew something that the others didn't know. "Most impressive of all, the woman is pregnant and about to give birth!"     

Orca smiled to herself cheekily. Of course, the legendary couple she was referring to was none other than Halia and Jackson. She had worked with Jackson in France before and she had heard news about how he had retired from Interpol and married an agent in China. When she heard Jackson's voice over her earpiece the other day, she thought she was imagining things at first. But when she thought about it carefully, she began to figure out that the retired Jackson was there for one reason only: his wife must be their BTA Captain!     

She was sure of it!     

Without even meeting the woman, Orca declared Halia her idol.     

Hummingbird caught the end of their conversation and smiled with admiration. Was it really possible to do that? She had always been a free spirit that enjoyed her life of solitude, but after almost dying the other day, she appreciated not being alone at that moment.     

That night, as they arrived back at the riad for their last night in Morocco, Wolf walked Hummingbird back to her room. He wanted to savor every last moment with her.     

"I still didn't get the chance to thank you for the other day," Hummingbird said softly with her melodic voice.     

Her voice was sweet and it tickled Wolf's heart. "The other day? What did I do?" he asked curiously. He could barely even think straight at that moment, let alone think about what he had done for her to thank him.     

"For not abandoning me in the base with the bomb and for letting me know that I wasn't alone," Hummingbird explained as she looked him in the eyes. Her blue eyes twinkled like crystals under the moonlight and Wolf felt himself fall into a trance as he continued walking.     

At that moment, the woman suddenly stopped. "My room is here," she reminded with a giggle when she saw the man continue walking.     

Wolf looked at her door and felt his heart break a little. How did they get to her room so quickly?     

He dreaded this moment, but this was it. This was goodbye. Who knew when...or if...he would ever see her again.     

As Hummingbird unlocked her door, Wolf found himself subconsciously creeping up behind her like a real wolf stalking its prey. If this was in the past, he would wrap his arms around her waist, press his lips against her neck, and carry her into the room for a night of no sleep... But he did not do that this time. This time, he just wanted to see her return safely into her room.     

Hummingbird sensed the man behind her and bit her lip. She and Wolf were like complete opposites. He didn't like being lonely, so he kept himself occupied with different women around the world, but she chose to be lonely, so she kept men far away from her. But, at this very moment in time, their thoughts seemed to be slightly more aligned. She did not want to say goodbye to him either.     

As the handle to her door clicked, she paused for a moment and turned around to take one last look at the handsome Italian man.     

But, she gasped when she realized how close he was behind her. Wolf also gasped in surprise. He didn't expect her to turn around.     

There was an arms-length between them, but they could smell the wine on each other's breaths and hear their own heart thumping loudly in their ears.     

Hummingbird leaned against the door behind her. It had been a long time since she felt this flustered by a man and she didn't know what to do. She suddenly remembered the couple that Orca talked about at dinner and she clenched her fists nervously. Was it really possible for agents to date, get married, and still continue with their lives without being restrained?     

As she was thinking this, Wolf suddenly stepped forward and closed the gap between them. Even though their bodies weren't touching, she could feel the warmth emanating from his body.     

Before she could react, Wolf stretched out his hand, grabbed her chin gently, lifted her head, and looked her in the eyes.     

Hummingbird looked into the man's charming hazel eyes and her gaze slowly drifted down past his tall nose to his soft luscious lips...     

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