Help...My Wife is a Spy

Ulan Bator

Ulan Bator

1Halia looked at the advertising proposal in front of her and raised her eyebrows as she flipped through some photos of trending celebrities. The previous day, Natalie had brought her some 'exciting work'. Fengtai was planning a new ad campaign and Natalie had just received the draft proposal the previous day. Every season, Fengtai ran a new ad campaign, but they were an old brand that had sold the same product for over a century so the campaigns didn't vary much. It usually consisted of updated photography and sometimes a new slogan, but it was far from 'exciting'.      0

Baijiu was one of the most expensive liquors in the world and was usually consumed by the rich and famous. Because it was perceived as a status symbol, it didn't need much advertising, so the most famous baijiu brands simply took a photo of their bottle, placed it on posters, and that was it. However, the majority of baijiu drinkers were from China and the younger generation was beginning to drift away from this old-school drink as they began to discover international alternatives like wine, soju, and vodka. In the long term, would baijiu be able to compete in the global market? With this thought, Halia had a suggestion: why couldn't they revamp their branding to appeal to the younger generation and the global market? They couldn't compete with the most prestigious brands like Moutai in terms of status, but they could compete in terms of image. They could represent quality and innovation, but also be young and hip. Something that other big baijiu brands did not do. So, she spoke to their ad agency and discussed the possibility of finding a spokesperson. Someone that was young, hip, and trending with, preferably, some influence in the food and alcohol industry.     

Thus explained the photos that were in front of her. However, not everyone fitted the bill, and those that did, naturally cost a lot more.     

"Veronica Zheng: model and actress," Halia read as she looked at the photo of a feminine young woman. She quickly furrowed her brows and shook her head. Sure, this woman was beautiful, but what influence did she hold in terms of the food and alcohol industry. She didn't even look like she ate or drank. If she said their baijiu was good, why would people trust her?     

"Alan Zhou: singer," Halia furrowed her brows again. Sure, Fengtai wanted to appeal to the younger generation, but this young man looked like he had just turned 18. What percentage of his fans were actually at the legal age for consuming alcohol? What if they got accused of promoting underage drinking? That was not a good image for their brand.     

After a long day, Halia eventually sorted the photos into two piles: one that was a definite no, and one for further consideration.     

She then massaged her temples and checked the time. It was almost time to finish work. As she started to pack her things, she smiled at the thought of the man that was waiting for her at home. They were officially moving into their new house that day so Jackson had been running around furniture shopping. Halia didn't have a particular style when it came to furnishings, but Jackson had a good eye for design in general. After all, he had lived in France for many years and was exposed to designs from not only Europe but all around the world. She had seen his apartment in Beijing; it was modern, sleek, and stylish, so she trusted him with their home. It was one less thing for her to worry about.     

However, just as she was about to step out of her office and finally return to enjoy her new home, she suddenly received a phone call. It was Trisha again. She had not heard from her since the previous day.     

Immediately, her expression turned serious and she quickly picked up the phone as she sat back down at her desk. "Did you find anything?" she asked anxiously.     

Trisha sighed, "You were right about the train. They definitely boarded the Trans-Siberian to Moscow. Unfortunately...they did not disembark in Moscow..."     

"They didn't disembark in Moscow?!" Halia exclaimed. She had assumed that their final destination was Moscow too. If they didn't get off in Moscow, then where could they have gone?     

"Any idea where they got off?" Halia asked.     

"We are still looking through CCTV footage," Trisha sighed. Every time the train stopped, it usually stopped for 5-20 minutes; enough time to stretch one's legs, buy some snacks, and take some photos. So, there were always a lot of people on the platforms. This made it extremely difficult to find particular people.     

Halia held onto the phone in silence. She wanted to help, so she tried to remember the memory she had the previous day. Trojan and Boginya were on the Trans-Siberian and Boginya had said that they were almost arriving. At that time, Halia also assumed they were arriving in Moscow, but now that she thought about it, perhaps they were going somewhere else at that time too.     

As the memory slowly came back to her again, she remembered the scene outside the window. Vast mountains and grassy plains, dotted with wildflowers flew past. The scene was beautiful, but she quickly realized something...     

They weren't in Russia; Russia did not look like this!      

At that moment, a train staff walked past and reminded in Mandarin, "We are pulling up at Ulan Bator in 30 minutes and the train will stop there for 30 minutes. Make sure to take all your belongings if you are disembarking."     

Boginya smiled at Trojan and said, "The other founders are looking forward to meeting you."     

Halia's eyes opened wide in shock.     

"Ulan Bator!" she gasped as she snapped back to reality. Why didn't she realize earlier? They weren't in Russia nor China - they were in Mongolia! And, judging by what Boginya said, they were meeting the other founders there?      

Trisha heard Halia scream a location name and quickly asked with anticipation, "Did you remember something?" She recognized the name, Ulan Bator. It was the capital of Mongolia!     

Halia took a deep breath and replied, "Trojan and Boginya got off at Ulan Bator last time. They were meeting with the other founders..."     

As she said this, some images of a desert, some yurts, and lab equipment suddenly flickered through her mind. With hesitation, she added, "I think...The Organization might have a base there..."     

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