Something Beautiful and Wicked

Union (2)

Union (2)

2Shi Ailin stayed close to Shi Yen for the start of the evening. The venue was extravagant and prepared enough to entertain many guests and to momentarily distract her from looking over at Li Biyu with Luo Wanting.      

Shi Ailin went to find Fang Qi, needing a friend that wasn't the one who had all the attention on them for the evening. Being around Shi Yen and Yuan Shun made her feel like all eyes were on them, and she was not used to it. She then slipped away without them noticing, blending into the shadows of the hall when she found Fang Qi kissing Yuan Xinyi gently.     

Shi Ailin's eyes widened, and she quickly slid behind a column, hoping they didn't see her catch them. It was also a private moment, and she didn't want to be the one to disrupt them.     

Alone, Shi Ailin stepped back towards the centre, circling back to find any of her other friends.     

"Miss Shi Ailin?" Someone questioned from behind her.     

Shi Ailin stilled. She clenched and unclenched her balled fists. She turned around, placing on her best smile.     

"Miss Li Biyu," she began, looking up at Luo Wanting, at their locked arms. "And Mr. Luo. It's great seeing you both." She spoke so genuinely that it surprised her. But she didn't want to sound insincere when she felt like it.      

Li Biyu smiled slyly, letting go of Luo Wanting to take a step forward. "I haven't seen you in a long time, Shi Ailin," she said.     

"Mhm," she replied. "It's been far too long."     

"You don't still hate me for dating Luo Tian so quickly before he even ended his relationship with you?" she asked.     

Shi Ailin's smile widened. "No. It was in the past. I am sure that we've both matured enough to leave that behind." She meant it. Back then, Shi Ailin was young and in love, but love often blinds people from seeing what that special person is beneath. It was a lesson in disguise. She was now wiser and more cautious about who she finds precious. She glanced at Luo Wanting, who looked at her pleased and impressed.     

Li Biyu took a deep breath. "I'm glad that you're not mad at me anymore, Ailin. It is a relief."     

"Of course," Shi Ailin replied, taking a step closer. "Why would I waste years holding a grudge? It seems petty, don't you think?"     

Li Biyu only grinned, but Shi Ailin could see her holding back a sneer.     

Shi Ailin held her smile. "Enjoy the rest of your evening," she said, brushing past her. She walked away without looking back, even though she desperately wanted to see Luo Wanting's face. But it wasn't time to pick a fight. It was Shi Yen's evening, and she didn't want to ruin it so soon.     

She decided to go outside for a breath of fresh air. She faced a large fountain, staring blankly into the lights beneath the shallow pool.     

She heard someone come behind her, and her breath had gone short.     

She whirled around, watching as Luo Tian stood there.     


The night deepened, and Shi Yen felt like she spoke with every guest, gratifying them with entertainment and kind smiles. Most people respected her because she was a Shi, but she wanted to show them that a surname does not define people. She was intimidating, yes, but she wasn't unfriendly. She wasn't as frightening as people assumed she'd be. She may be Shi Yan's daughter, but she wasn't Shi Yan.     

Yuan Shun took the stage, and he began to talk about his commitment to the company and to those he works with. When he finished, he said, "I have one more special announcement."     

People glanced around, reading each other's expressions, wondering what more he had to say.     

"I worked hard every day ever since I came into succession with Yuan Bank. Then I made the hard decision to take Shi Group into my hands, helping out an old friend and his family until the new successor was ready," he paused to look at Shi Yen. "Now that's she's ready. I would like to formally announce that Shi Yen is the Chief Executive Officer of Shi Group."     

Many guests widened their eyes and mouths in shock, and whispers filled the room. It was so sudden and unexpected. Did Yuan Shun really just imply that he was withdrawing his position from Shi Group? What would this mean for everyone?     

Shi Yen then stood next to him, looking like his equal. "This position of power doesn't change anything," Shi Yen continued for him. "All of you will keep your jobs. Yuan Shun worked hard for Shi Group, and I won't discredit any of what he's done in my absence. He's a great ally that I respect admirably."      

Shi Yen scanned the crowd, and she glanced at the table with the chairman and some of the shareholders who looked very displeased.     

The chairman stood up, rushing over, pushing past guests to approach below the stage. "What do you think you're doing?" he questioned his grandson. "You're making a mistake! Your father, brother, and I wouldn't want any of this."      

Yuan Shun looked down at him. "I'm doing what's best for the company."     

"What's best for the company?" he scoffed. "What the hell? You're far more stupid than I ever imagined. You were supposed to merge with Shi Group! It's supposed to be all yours! That's it! I'm taking Yuan Bank into my own hands. You're finished!"     

Yuan Shun looked at him unmoved. "What are you even saying?" he questioned. "Who said I didn't merge Yuan Bank with Shi Group?"     

The chairman widened his eyes.     

"If you want to stop embarrassing yourself, then sit down," Yuan Shun scolded.     

The chairman's body filled with rage. "What are you talking about? You just gave your whore half of what is yours. Don't stand there and speak as if you've won!"      

Yuan Shun's expression darkened. "I have won. And I don't appreciate the way you talk about my wife."     

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