Something Beautiful and Wicked

Ominous Feeling (1)

Ominous Feeling (1)

1Shi Yen released a breath, unable to shake this ominous feeling she had for days.     

She called all her close friends and family members, each of them wondering why she had called out of the blue. She made an excuse or averted the topic by thinking of something on the spot. The only person that didn't answer was Shi Ailin.     

Shi Yen attempted to call her throughout the morning, but she didn't answer, which was unlike her. She waited for hours, occupying herself with work duties. And with each moment, she was growing more and more impatient until she finally received a return call. She picked up the phone immediately.     

"Yenni," Shi Ailin greeted. "Sorry I missed your calls. I went shopping this morning, and I didn't charge it until I returned to the office."     

"That's all right," Shi Yen responded. "I just wanted to know how you're doing. I remember the last time I saw you, you had made a scene with your lover," she smirked against the phone.     

Shi Yen couldn't see the flush that bloomed on Shi Ailin's face on the other end. "We're good," she replied. "But I have to meet with his family, and that's going to be one awkward dinner," she sighed.     

"How so?"     

"Well, you know that I have been close with Luo family even long before Luo Tian and I dated and broke up. I can already imagine what they think of me, going from one son to the other, and Luo Wanting is the eldest."     

Shi Yen could imagine the tension between the family, and it'd be more awkward if Shi Ailin were to introduce herself as Luo Wanting's girlfriend in front of Luo Tian. And if this were to be a story, Luo Tian would be seen as the heroine. He did nothing wrong to Shi Ailin, nothing direct or intentional, and his older brother had swept in and won the girl he wanted, claiming her as his.     

It would look bad if his parents do not choose to see their relationship from Shi Ailin's perspective—the part where Shi Ailin gave Luo Tian many chances to tell her the truth, to be honest, open, and raw, but he had failed, unlike Luo Wanting. Luo Wanting was the one that was there for her in more than subtle ways.      

"Let me know how it goes," Shi Yen said. "I want a full report. This should be interesting."     

Shi Ailin chuckled. "Fine. I'll get back to you."     

"—Ailin," Shi Yen interrupted.     


"Stay close with Luo Wanting. I trust him to look after you."     

"Is everything all right, Yen?" she questioned. "You're acting…strange."     

Shi Yen paused, her voice neutral. "Everything is fine, Ai. Please take care." She then hung up the phone, leaving Shi Ailin stunned. She tried not to think too hard about it, hoping that Shi Yen was having an off day.     

Shi Ailin worked for the rest of the afternoon until Luo Wanting picked her up in the evening. She smiled at him as he pulled up, sliding into his car, and greeting him with a quick kiss.     

"One more," he said.     

Shi Ailin kissed him again, but he dove in to deepen it, taking over their breathless and sloppy kiss. Luo Wanting smirked against her mouth before he pulled away to start driving.     

Shi Ailin was happy to see him, but she felt the pressure of her nerves, not knowing how the evening would play out.     

Luo Wanting noticed her anxiety, so he slid one hand onto hers, intertwining their fingers. Shi Ailin appreciated the gesture. "Don't worry," he told her. "Whether things go smoothly or not, I don't need their opinion."     

"But I want things to go smoothly," she said. "I don't want your them to scorn you for this choice, because I don't have parents, but you do."     

Luo Wanting glanced at her briefly, her expression filled with resolve. He understood her feelings. "All right then. We'll do our best," he said. Luo Wanting knew his parents were unpredictable. They either had forgotten all about Shi Ailin's brief relationship with Tian since they live in their world, or they cared enough to acknowledge the relationship before Luo Wanting began to court her.     

Regardless, Luo Wanting wanted to introduce her because he could see himself with no one else. If they were to be together in public, his parents would find out, so he'd rather be the first to tell them about the relationship.       

Once they arrived, Luo Wanting watched as Shi Ailin took a deep breath. They entered the house together, hand and hand, stepping through the entrance. His parents were walking from the garden entrance.     

Shi Ailin's heart leapt and caught in her throat. She was suddenly soundless, but she remembered a few words her father told her before. He said it was okay to fear, but it's not okay to flinch and to show that fear, especially in front of enemies.      

When Shi Ailin saw his parents, she smiled and bowed her head in front of them. They were both so beautiful that it seemed otherworldly. His father had dark hair and startling grey-green eyes; his mother was an ash-blonde beauty with flashing tawny eyes.     

They stared at her, their expressions unreadable.     

"Mother, father," Luo Wanting said. "I brought Shi Ailin over because she is my girlfriend with the possibility of marriage."     

It was Luo Wanting's mother that replied. "Why don't we go inside the dining room?" she suggested, ignoring her son's introduction.     

Shi Ailin mustered a brief smile, following her in the room with Luo Wanting by her side. It was already off to a poor start.     

Inside, they seated, meeting with Luo Wanting's youngest brother, Luo Rong and his wife. The silence swallowed the mood, and the atmosphere became dense and awkward. Shi Ailin wanted the night to be over with, but she was determined to leave with at least a decent parting or an invitation to return.     

Dinner was served, and the clatter of dishes replaced the silence.     

"I've received a message about your sister's marriage," said Luo Wanting's mother. "Please extend my congratulations to her. I consider her husband as one of my son's. Yuan Shun is very special."     

"Yes," Shi Ailin answered. "She will really appreciate it very much. Thank you."     

His mother's lips curved, and Shi Ailin couldn't tell if it was a kind or mocking smile. "Yuan Shun is Luo Wanting's best friend, which I'm sure you know. And I understand that your sister, Shi Yen, is an ambitious woman, just like your father. I wonder…" she paused. "Are you just as ambitious as them?"     

Shi Ailin faced her directly. "Yes," she answered. "My sister and father had always been ambitious when it comes to happiness, success, and stability. So, to answer your question, yes, I'm just like them."     

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