Something Beautiful and Wicked

Love Making: 18+

Love Making: 18+



Shi Yen enthusiastically pulled Yuan Shun inside the house, the grin on her face never fading.     

Shizi had moved around them, heading to the playroom on her own.     

Yuan Shun stole Shi Yen's lips, closing their mouths together, swirling his tongue around the walls of her interior. Shi Yen made sweet and melodious sounds that dwindled him, and he never wanted this to stop.     

Shi Yen's expression mirrored his. Her face flushed, opened with desire and aching want. She whimpered when he left her lips to remove his tie, discarding his suit jacket on the floor along with it.     

He took her face in his hands, kissing her hard and frantic.     

"Which room?" Shi Yen broke the kiss to ask breathlessly.     

Pecking kisses on her supple mouth, Yuan Shun responded, "Mine. It's bigger."     

Shi Yen couldn't see how that made a difference—yet—but she went along with it. They chased each other through the living room, heading over to Yuan Shun's bedroom.     

Inside the room, Yuan Shun pressed her against the empty wall. He kissed her, dragging his mouth down between her taut breasts towards her midriff. Shi Yen bit her lower lip, feeling the anticipation of his heat intruding her flesh. He moved his way down, slowly and deliberately kissing her clothed naval.     

His hands slid beneath her casual dress to find her underwear. He made eye contact with her, ensuring that she watched him slowly and sensually remove the fabric.     

He picked up one of her legs, running kisses over her skin towards her inner thigh. Half kneeling, he lifted that leg over his shoulder, entering her opening with the swoop of his tongue. His tongue slid between her wet folds, giving her pussy the attention it wanted.     

Shi Yen shuddered, holding onto his hair to keep her anchored. Her breathing laboured as she muttered his name, praising the skillful working of his mouth lapping over her labia.     

She moaned, arching her back against the wall. "Shit," she said, her stomach rolling from pleasure. Yuan Shun spread her legs further, his mouth nipped and sucked on her clit. "Oh fuck," she moaned. "I can't."     

Her legs began to spasm, and she felt her climax coming hot and fast. She didn't want to cum yet. "Shun! Take me to the bed!"     

Yuan Shun didn't listen. He held onto each side of her hips tightly, keeping her locked in. His mouth picked up the pace. Shi Yen could only think of nothing but the pleasure he was giving her, and how much she wanted to mutter crude words to describe how dizzy and filled she was with his pussy eating.     

Despite the overwhelming sensations, he granted her. Shi Yen felt like she needed to be filled with something more.     

"Shun, please," she cried out.     

"Please what?" he huffed against her intimate centre.     

"Please…please fuck me."     

Yuan Shun stopped. He withdrew just moments before her climax, which left her empty. He stood up to brush her cheek with his hand. He kissed her.     

He then took her hand, guiding her to the bed. Shi Yen sat at the edge of the bed, her heart thumping wildly.     

Yuan Shun stood in front of her, unbuttoning his wrist cuffs, taking his considerable time. "Oh, there will be plenty of fucking, Yen." His eyes found hers. "But that'd be later."     

Shi Yen's cheeks flooded with heat. She was wet and ready, throbbing for him. Yuan Shun continued to take his time, unclothing himself. Shi Yen could see the strain of his pants, rousing as she watched him. He then paused.     

"What happened?" she questioned him.     

Something tore inside him. "I don't have any condoms…and I don't want to withdraw."     

Shi Yen blushed. "I am on birth control," she said.     

It surprised him. He grabbed her chin, facing her. "You always think ahead, my darling," he said, his lips crashing onto hers.     

Yuan Shun pulled away to slip off his shirt. Shi Yen then impatiently unfastened the belt of his pants, tossing it aside. Yuan Shun's eyes darkened with lust. He let her continue as she took out his pulsing shaft.     

She bent down to kiss the tip, soft and gentle as her hands slowly slipped to take his pants and underwear off. She then cupped his balls in one hand as she sucked and soaked the head, rousing him further. Yuan Shun groaned, cupping the back of her head, caressing her hair. Shi Yen took him deeper in her mouth, dampening him generously.     

She then withdrew, knowing he didn't want his release yet, not until he was buried balls-deep into her pussy. Yuan Shun kissed her gratefully for their mutual understanding. He pulled her sundress from her arms, unclasping her bralette.     

Yuan Shun then climbed onto the bed with her as she crawled back, settling herself over the pillows comfortably.     

He settled his weight over her, propped on his elbows. Their bodies slid against each other, hot skin on skin. Shi Yen felt his hardness brushing up her leg and thigh as Yuan Shun showered her face with delicate kisses, making his way down to the hollow of her throat. He was slow and tender, wanting to draw out their moments together. And Shi Yen understood what he wanted. He wanted to make love to her. Yuan Shun wanted to fill her body with love and worship, and frenzied pleasure.     

Yuan Shun opened his eyes, dazed, levelling his intense gaze with hers. Shi Yen had never been filled with such warmth, that she felt a rush of emotion surge through her. Yuan Shun was softening her, undoing her, and she was fine with it. She didn't have to hold back on her vulnerability. It wasn't a weakness.     

Shi Yen twined her arms around his neck, pressing a kiss on his mouth. "I want you, always," she breathed.     

Yuan Shun smiled. He reached out to tuck a strand of her hair from her head aside. His eyes shone with affection. "I love you," he said.     

Shi Yen widened her eyes.     

It wasn't ideal to confess your love to someone right before sex in case the feeling wasn't reciprocated. But Yuan Shun didn't care. He wanted her to know, even if the feeling wasn't mutual, even if he loved her more than she did in return.     

He kissed her mouth, preventing her from answering his feelings.     

Shi Yen slowly responded. She moaned, the sound stifled in his mouth. His hand prowled down her torso, touching her skin with bright hot flames. He was driving her with need.     

This was something they both wanted for a while, and it was finally happening.     

Yuan Shun found his way to her flesh. He kissed over some of her scars, as he parted her legs wide, opening for him. Yuan Shun looked into her eyes, shuddering as he sank himself inside her. Shi Yen gasped, holding onto his shoulders. The slickness of her pussy accommodated the slight pressure of his length. Yuan Shun groaned, and Shi Yen squirmed, mild pain overcoming her.     

Yuan Shun noticed her slight discomfort, so he moved slower, allowing her to adjust to him. "How is it?"     

"It's good...I want all of you inside me."     

"Eager, are we?" he chuckled slightly, rocking his hips against her, putting an inch deeper than the last thrust. He felt her walls clench and tighten around him. "You're so…"     


"Lovely," he answered.     

Yuan Shun's thrusts became more insistent. Shi Yen could feel the pain dissipate, not entirely gone, but it was mixed with a haze of pleasure. Her arms twined around his neck; her fingers locked into the softness of his dark hair. His cock pistoled inside her to the hilt. He kissed her, lifting her legs over her shoulders to bury himself deeper.     

"Oh, Shun," she cried out.     

Yuan Shun growled deep in his throat. His thrusts hit the spot of her flesh that wanted him to caress.     

"Oh. My. God," she said, the headboard of the bed began to hit against the wall every time he moved inside her. "So. Fucking. Good."     

The sound of skin slapping skin, hardness against softness, drove their senses over the edge. Shi Yen rolled her eyes and head back as Yuan Shun moved in and out of her hips. "Shun, Shun, Shun," she kept calling out his name. "I love you. I love you. I love you."     

Yuan Shun's release was beginning to barrel out. Her cries, pleas, and confessions were shattering him. He held onto her, drawing out their love-making.     

Shi Yen sighed, feeling the orgasm rip out of her. "I'm cumming!" she said. She contracted and squeezed around him, milking his cock with her climax. Her hips clenched and trembled.     

Yuan Shun kept rocking against her, no longer holding back. Her tight pussy extracted him, allowing hot release to flood inside her. He groaned, "You're so delicious, love." Shi Yen felt his stomach tighten, shuddering inside her.     

Yuan Shun breathed out heavily, kissing her, coming down from their orgasms and fervour.     

They stopped moving, only to stare at each other, sweat-slick, hearts thumping, and their breathing harsh and ragged. They satiated in their passion and the sweet smell of their love-making.     

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