My Crazy Housemate



0For the next couple of days, Mia was uneasy as she kept trying to reach the strange man who had called her. She called his number at least 5 times every day but his number remained unreachable. She also wanted to ask Leo about it but her last message to him was still left as unread so she didn't text him about it but patiently waited until he would reach out to her.      

 As much as all of this worried her, she could not help but feel touched by the fact that Leo considered searching for her father. She could not remember any time when they had such conversation. Just how many things has he done for her?     

Maybe she really needed to stop worrying too much about his feelings for her because from everything, he showed just how much he loved her and cared about her. She promised herself not to ever doubt him no matter what.      

But that aside, her father's case was still a mystery which left her uncomfortable. Why was the police involved? Where has he been for the past few years? How was he living? Was he well? Or was the police involved because he was in prison? That wasn't possible. They would have reached them at it been the case.      

What if the police already called her mother but Linda was keeping it away from her? That was also possible. Maybe she should call Linda and ask her about it?      

"Hey! Is something wrong? You look lost." Jeremy asked quietly.     

The three of them had turned Leo's dining table into their reading area. Everyday after school hours, they took an hour to freshen up before meeting here to study together. They were actually doing it for Jeremy since the girls liked to study by themselves while Jeremy was easily distracted and always dozed off after opening the textbook, unless he was angry about something and wanted to vent on his books. But they noticed this time, Jeremy was putting in enough effort to stay awake and study while Mia was looking very distracted.     

"You have been reading that page for the past one hour. I know I'm not very smart when compared to you, but I would have finished reading five pages already." He noted.      

"If you are tired, you could take a break." Chloe said. She thought Mia was probably like that because Leo hadn't reached out. Leo had not called her too but she wasn't very worried since she was used to him going AWOL and not reaching the family. But she knew it was a different case for Mia who had a special kind of feeling for him.      

"I'll just... take a break." Mia said before she stood up.      

They thought she wanted to go to the bedroom but she left the apartment instead.     

"Have any idea about what's wrong with her?" Jeremy asked Chloe.     

"No. What about you?"      

"I don't know whats wrong with—"     

"That's not what I'm asking. How are you? You know we all know that almost everyone in school has been talking about you lately."      

He shrugged like it wasn't a big deal. "At least no one has tried to talk shit about me in front of me. I'm fine."      

"And you've suddenly made a lot of friends." She pointed out.      

"Friends?" He asked in confusion. "What friends?"      

"Nothing." She said with a nonchalant shrug and faced her book. A lot of golddiggers who weren't from really great families have been hovering around him for a while now. She wasn't blind. What was her business anyway? It wasn't as if they were dating so he could be friends with whoever he wanted to be friends with for all she cared.      

She noticed from the corner of her eyes that Jeremy was staring at her so she turned to raise a questioning brow at him,      


"I like you." He confessed, taking her aback.      

"W...hat.. are you.. saying?" She stuttered with flushed cheeks before facing her book again. It was the safest thing to look at right now.      

"I thought I should tell you that." He started. "Now that the whole world knows about me and my pathetic life, I know you are aware they have been saying things about you too since they kinda know we hang out together. So thanks for still sticking around me. I.. really appreciate that."      

Chloe raised her head to look at him. "Think about the bright side, Jeremy. Your father is the same Mr Hank everyone knows. Why do you believe everyone who is talking about you is judging you or calling you names? If they really want to call someone name, it should be Mr Hank. Besides, don't you see those girls who keeps flirting with you everyday?"      

"Girls flirt with me everyday?" He asked innocently.      

Chloe could only shake her head. "You are so dumb." With a tiny smile on her face, she turned her attention to her book. At least, he wasn't noticing the girls so it was fine. Well... it didn't concern her.      

Her body immediately froze when she felt something soft and warm on her cheek.     






With wide eyes, she slowly turned to look at him and gulped. He had an embarrassed blush on his face up to the tip of his ears, and was looking at his book even though he wasn't exactly reading anything. The only thing he saw on the book was an image of Chloe blowing him kisses.      

"What... was that.. for?"     

He heard Chloe ask but didn't look at her. They had kissed before, but she probably wasn't in her right mind. He didn't know whether she would be angry right now. He had simply done that out of impulse.      

It was his turn to freeze when he felt something similar on his cheek.      

'She... just kissed me???????" His mind screamed.      

He slowly turned his head to look at her. She was also looking at him shyly but tried to keep a straight face even though it wasn't working. She finally looked away and began to flip through her textbook.      

His heart was beating so fast he feared he may have an heart attack and die, leaving his poor sister behind.      

Chloe suddenly looked ten prettier than she ever looked especially with her flushed cheeks.      

There was a little battle going on inside his head deliberating, 'Should I? Should I not?'     

He eventually thought he should. Gathering his courage, he stood up from his seat. With a hand on the table in front of Chloe, he arched his back to almost meet her height and used his other hand to hold her chin, turning her to look at him.     

"What... are..."     

"I want to kiss you, Chloe King." He stated firmly, shocking her.      

Chloe stared at him with wide eyes as he claimed her lips.      

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