My Crazy Housemate



3"I want to kiss you, Chloe King." Jeremy stated firmly, shocking her.       1

Chloe stared at him with wide eyes as he claimed her lips. He was suddenly nothing like the shy Jeremy she was familiar with. How bold!     

But... she liked it.     

The kiss was like nothing Jeremy had felt before. He wasn't sure he was doing a good job at first, but when he heard a pleasant moan escape Chloe's lips, he figured she was enjoying it as much as he was and so he deepened the kiss, taking time to explore every corner of her mouth.      

What surprised him was the fact that she didn't push him away or hit him. She kissed him back! It was as if thousands of butterflies kept fluttering their tiny feathers inside his stomach. He couldn't express how he felt at that moment, but he just wanted to swallow her whole.      

He took a peek and noticed she had shut her eyes now. Earlier, he could tell she was watching him but now, it seemed like she was finally into it just like he was.      

Her hands went around his neck so he took the opportunity to lift her from the chair and into his arms, making a surprised squeal escape her lips. They broke the kiss when they suddenly felt breathless. That was when Chloe realised she was sitting on top of the table, her hands around his neck, while he had one hand around her waist and the other one holding the back of her neck.      

They were both panting as they looked deeply into each other's eyes with their foreheads touching.      

"I..." Jeremy wanted to say something even though he didn't know what to say but to his surprise, she stuck out her tongue and licked his lower lip while staring directly into his eyes. It was so damn erotic that he lost his reasoning for a moment and dove deeper to resume their kiss.     

The kiss wasn't gentle, neither was it too rough but they both seemed impatient and it seemed like they were losing control. Their hearts kept beating faster as their tongues danced together, both fighting for dominance.      

"Mia *Kiss* may *Kiss* come *Kiss* in *Kiss* at *Kiss* any *Kiss* moment." Chloe tried to reason while she sucking between his upper and lower lips.     

Jeremy agreed. "We *Kiss* probably *Kiss* should *Kiss* stop *Kiss* right?" *Kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss*      

But they didn't stop.      

Chloe took a hold of his hand and placed it on her left breast. She wasn't wearing a bra and her nipples were erect. Jeremy quickly broke the kiss and jumped away from her in shock, leaving her staring at him with confusion.      

His eyes were unstable, chest heaving up and down, lips moist and slightly swollen, face flushed. He looked identical to Chloe but the only difference was their gaze. While she was staring at him in confusion, he looked petrified.      

"Did... I do something wrong?" Chloe asked carefully.      

"You..." He pointed at her chest and his face coloured even more. "You made me touch your babies!" He shrieked.      

Chloe didn't know whether to laugh or cry at his horrified look. Babies? Hilarious!      

"So...?" She asked.      

"It's wrong!"      

"You didn't like it?"      

"I.. well... I did. It was soft and felt nice... oh God! What am I saying?" He began to run his hand around his hair roughly.      

Chloe chuckled. The only word she had for him at that moment, was 'Adorable'.      

"But are you going to do about that?" She asked.      

He followed her gaze and immediately used his hands to cover his obvious erection.      

"Stop looking! You are being a pervert." He shrieked again as he turned to the side.      

The embarrassment Chloe felt earlier had completely dissipated and was replaced with amusement. She laughed so hard. Why did it feel like she was the man in the relationship and he was the woman?     

Wait! What relationship? They didn't have a relationship... right?      

"I probably... should leave now. I.. need to pick Ellie up from her ballet class." He gave a vague excuse and returned to the table to pick up his things.      

"Ellie isn't going to be done until the next..." She picked up her phone to check the time. "63 minutes." She pointed out. He gave another excuse about making her dinner so she got down from the table and narrowed her eyes to look at him.     

"You are avoiding me, aren't you? Maybe I shouldn't have been actively involved in the kiss just now." She began to guilt trip him and trust Jeremy, he fell for it.      

She returned to her seat without sparing him another glance, but instead, she focused on brushing her hair with her fingers.      

"I am not avoiding you." He said awkwardly. "I just... you know.. I have never...."     

"Touched a woman's breast?" She supplied when it seemed like he wasn't going to stop stuttering. "You are a virgin, aren't you?"     

"Don't ask me such embarrassing question." He looked down and began to gather his books in a hurry. He was blushing to the tip of his ears.      

He thought Chloe had dropped it and was busy studying, until he heard a quiet, "Me too."      

"What?" He asked in confusion.      

"I also haven't done it before. But I didn't think we were going to do it... I mean.. we were just making out..." She said embarrassedly with her head still down.     

"But.. David...?"      

She finally raised her head when he mentioned her ex boyfriend.      

"We didn't do it." She answered firmly.      

"Really?" He tried but failed miserably to hide his happy smile. Seeing him smile, she smiled back at him before looking away.     

He suddenly dumped all his books back on the table and knelt in front of her.      

"Look Chloe," He started and cleared his throat, to get her attention.      

"I know I'm not so great. I don't have a lot of money, I work part time and my grades aren't that great either, but I am a great cook, I can fight so I can protect you and I can also swear my fidelity to you."      


"That is why... I want to ask you to officially be my girlfriend. Just like the popular quote, If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred plus one day, so I never have to live without you so—"     

"It's actually a hundred minus one day." She corrected with a short laughter before pecking his lips. "Alright. But if I see you with other women, I will kill you." She warned. It took a full minute before he realised she had just actually agreed to be his girlfriend!!!     

His eyes almost bulged out of their sockets.      

He looked around for something to give to her and cussed himself for not having something. But he actually didn't plan to ask her today or anytime soon for that matter.      

"This is from my heart. Trust me." He said, offering her his pen with the sweetest of smiles on his face.      


Meanwhile, Mia finally recieved a text from Leo that evening it read,     

"Hey baby, I am so sorry, I am kneeling down right now as I type this. Work has been crazily busy with lots of shootings, editings and dinner meetings with investors and those stuff. I rarely get enough sleep and sometimes when I'm free, it's already past midnight over there and here also. I hate that I left you hanging these past few days. But hey! I'm looking to ask for a break. Even if it's just gonna be a week, I'll fly down there just to meet you. I promise to make it up to you with lots of hugs and kisses. Gat to go now.     

Goodluck with your exams. I know you'll make me proud. I love you plenty."      

Seeing the text from him and confirming he was okay, Mia broke down in tears of relief.      

Even though he probably wouldn't see the text anytime soon, she sent him a text too.      

"I Love you too baby and I cannot wait to see you."     

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