My Crazy Housemate



1"Don't you think it's time to get a nice office space instead of working at home?" Richard asked Leo.       3

"This house is big enough for that. And more comfortable also." Leo answered with his gaze fixed on his laptop.      

Richard was already used to this workaholic attitude of his friend so he didn't feel bad that Leo wasn't paying much attention to him.     

It was in Leo's nature to not allow people inside his room. He just didn't like anyone in his private space which was why he always came out to the sitting room whenever Richard came over instead of inviting him inside his room.       

"How was your meeting yesterday?" Richard asked his curiously. He always liked to know all about Leo.     

He had greatly missed Leo when he travelled out of the country so now that he was back, he didn't want to give him any breathing space.     

"I don't even want to talk about it." Leo answered with a frown. He didn't want to remember the arrogant jerk, Mr Will and Cherry who had set them up together.      

"What about the girl?" Richard asked while angling his head at the direction of Mia's door. "Is she feeling better now?"      

A small smile appeared on Leo's face before he nodded. "She is indeed great. She went to class." He answered carelessly as he began to type away on his laptop.      

"Uh oh.. What was that?" Richard asked while looking at Leo suspiciously.      

"What is what?" Leo raised his head to ask Richard curiously.     

"You were always angry whenever I mentioned her or whenever you see her. But you smiled just now." Richard narrowed his eyes to look at Leo. "Something going on that I do not know about?" He pried.     

"Well... she isn't as bad as I thought. I guess she had only been burdened by some personal stuff but she is okay now." Leo answered with a shrug as he continued with his laptop.     

"Remember our deal? I gave you two weeks but at this rate, I think you may fall for her even faster." Richard taunted.      

"Fall for her?" Leo laughed without raising his head from the laptop.      

"That's absurd. I take her as my younger sister."      

"Oh wow!" Richard laughed.     

"Sister? Leo junior doesn't know that." He said while looking down at Leo's lap that was covered with his laptop.      

"Stop putting those dirty thoughts in my head. She is pretty. Yea. But she is still young and innocent." Leo blurted out defensively.     

"'Still young' I don't think so." Richard added with a naughty wink. "She looks all full blown and ripe."     

Leo turned to look at him with a straight face. "Don't talk about her like that. And... stop it. I'm serious."      

Richard was making him remember the silly dream he had just last night. Maybe because he had said something about ravishing her and had hugged her just to prove a point to Cherry— it had all backfired.     

He woke up feeling hot and bothered. He could not believe he had had a wet dream about Mia. The evidence had been on his morning erection that refused to go down and he had made sure to not come out of his room till he was sure she already left the house.     

"Alright... alright. But remember I gave you two weeks and said I was going to go after her if nothing worked out with you. You have just a week left bro." Richard reminded him. Failing to note the blush on Leo's face.     


"What the hell? You mean she actually took your shopping bags with her?" Mira asked in a tone of utter disbelief.      

Since Mira was bored and very much available,  she took it upon herself to always pick Mia up from school everyday. The Mia she knew back then would have said a firm no but Mia had agreed to it willingly.     

"I swear, I was so pissed!" Mia confessed.     

"Like what the heck! Please tell me you got back the shopping bags?"     

Mira glanced at her briefly before facing the road again.      

"Sure. Apparently, she was still inside her car outside the apartment when we called her so she came back in with the bags in hand. I didn't spare her a second glance and just took the bags from her hand. Gosh! I was so tempted to hit her pretty face for being so childish." Mia shook her head. The more she thought about it, the angrier she got.     

"I can't believe this. I haven't seen her but I hate her already. Who behaves like that?" Mira shook her head.     

"Enough about her. So I talked to Jeremy and told him I would be going to the party on Friday night with you."      

"Cool! But I really can't promise you anything yet. You know how my parents are. They could change their minds at the very last minute and I wouldn't want to disappoint you darling."      

"I have never been to that kind of party before. And my first time going there, I don't want to look like a loser."      

"I know. And I really can't wait to dress you up for the party! Should I follow you inside and do some make-up testing?"      

"I am not sure about that. Leo doesn't seem like the type who likes regular visitors."     

"Duh! I'm going to keep coming often. And you better hold your man before I snatch him from ya." Mira said as she parked in front of the building.     

"He is not my man!" Mia said with a frown.     

"Okay ma'am." Mira wasn't in the mood to play around so she quickly agreed with Mia when she heard her phone begin to ring.     

"Oh shoot. My father is calling. I guess I have to hurry home. I'll see ya tomorrow" Mira waved at Mia before driving off.      

Mia waved back with a small smile.     

Was life always this nice? She hadn't actually done anything special or overly out of the ordinary but she felt slightly relieved and somehow free.     

But deep within her, she wasn't very happy. Something seemed to make her feel like she was doing the wrong things but she shook the thought out of her head and went inside.      


"Hey! I didn't know you baked" Mia said when she entered the kitchen to find Leo beside a little oven she had noticed in the kitchen earlier.     

Leo turned to look at her. When she returned from school earlier, he was already inside his room since Richard left a few minutes before she arrived.      

He had warned himself not to go out when he heard the door open.     

Seeing her now, she had freshened up. Her face was bright and sparkling and as usual, she wore a really tiny white short but this time, she wasn't wearing a big tshirt but a red tank top instead.      

He was very sure he would have choked if he had been eating or drinking something.      

What was she doing? He could see it, she wasn't even wearing a bra!     

Bits of his dream suddenly began to flash and he quickly pulled his eyes away from her.     

He had wanted to tell her about her dressing pattern around his house but had totally forgotten because of Cherry and her childish tantrum.      

"Why are you dressed like that?" He asked her before turning to wash his flour stained hands at the sink.      

"How? What's wrong?" She asked, moving closer to him.      

She liked to wear less clothes around the house so she didn't see anything wrong with it. But after a second pause, she seemed to remember she was living with a guy now.     

Leo turned around and their eyes met.     

She noticed how he looked at her.  He looked at her legs and his eyes moved higher and lingered around her chest region.      

When Mia noticed, she gasped aloud and used both hands to cover her chest.      

"Older Brother!" She cried. Startling Leo who wondered why she was calling him her older brother.     

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