My Crazy Housemate

Tara is sick

Tara is sick

2It was past 5pm by the time Mia arrived at home.      0

Her heart began to beat very fast at the thought of bumping into Leo.      

She remembered Mira's words saying she was in love with him. That was absurd right? She hadn't known him for long and she wasn't even sure she was into him beside the attraction she felt around him. So what was the crazy thing about love?     

"Absurd!" She scoffed as she opened the door slowly.     

When she entered inside, neither Tara nor Leo was in sight but she could hear Tara making whiny voices inside his room.     

Was Leo going to come out? She asked herself. Leo always came out whenever she opened the door.     

She looked around and didn't see the shoe he usually wore out and even his house slipper was there. Did he go out by chance? She wondered with a disappointed frown.     

She heard Tara's voice again and began to wonder how he was able to live with the dog inside his room. Didn't Tara poo or peed?     

She went inside her room and first took a quick shower. When she came out, she opened the wardrobe and began to look around for something to wear. "Why do they all look ugly?" She asked herself with a sad frown.      

She checked the drawer where she kept her underwear and picked up a matching pair of black bra and panties which she bought the other day.     

She wore it and looked at herself in the mirror. A smile slowly creeped up her face as she saw how pretty she looked.      

Her face suddenly began to heat up as she imagined Leo checking her out and she quickly threw in one of her large polos.     

"Crazy. You are crazy." She muttered to herself as she took out the potato chips from her bag which she had bought earlier and turned her laptop on.     

Almost immediately after turning it on, she received a video call request from James.     

"Hello Baby" He said with a smile immediately she took the call.     

"Do not call me that. It's scary." She said throwing some chips in her mouth.     

"Why haven't you been reachable lately? Did you by chance get a new boyfriend?"     

"What do you mean by 'a new boyfriend'. Did I ever have one?" Mia asked with an eye roll.     

"I can't tell. Seeing you always keep to yourself."     

"Shut up" She interrupted him with a glare making him laugh.     

"What's up with you? Mira called me the other time asking whether I knew where you went to with some men at night. Where did you go to?" He asked her curiously.     

Oh god… She only went out for a few hours and now even her friend abroad knew about it?     

"I just strolled out. Please let it slide. How is your girlfriend?"     

He chuckled. "Girlfriend? Did we even date?"     

"You are saying?"     

"We stopped talking."     

"So typical of you. It would be a miracle if your relationship lasted for a year." She said with a sigh.     

"We just might last if we both date cause I'll be so scared of cheating on you or breaking up with you." He said in amusement.     

"I'd rather turn into a lesbian and date a fifty years old lady than date you." She said with an eye roll making him chuckle.     

"Always take care of yourself and stop letting Mira worry. You know how soft she is." James said with a small smile.      

"You are a lot about her, why don't you just date her?" Mia asked curiously.      

Although she was very close with James, James and Mira behaved like couples and people always mistook them for one.     

"Nah. You know how she always crush on every cute guy she sees." He said with a small laugh.     

That was true. Mira was the world's best crusher.     

"Guess what?" He suddenly asked changing the topic.     

"You know I can't. What is it?" She asked.     

"I'm coming soon." He said excitedly.     

"Really?" She asked in surprise. She always liked him around since he was her best male buddy.     

"Yea. The school management fixed some stuff and asked us to take a break. Two weeks. Two frucking weeks!" He said excitedly.     

"Wow! Lucky you." She said with a smile and suddenly stopped smiling when she remembered something.     

"Where are you going to be staying?" She asked in a small voice.     

"Sorry. I really planned to leave this coming werk but I'm kinda out of cash to rent an apartment with." She said apologetically. "But I'll quickly search around for a place before you get here."     

"No worries. I was planning to go over to my parent's. Those people are crazy about seeing me. So you can keep staying there."     

"Really?" She asked hopefully. "I do not mean to trouble you and I know you do not really like staying at home."      

"What the hell happened to you Mia?" He asked with a laugh. "You are never this polite."      

"I am." She said with a slight frown.      

"Shut the EF up you are not." He said with a laugh which was beginning to annoy her but she couldn't dare get angry at him. He was doing her a big favor after all.     

"So when are you coming?" She asked him.     

"It's a secret" He said with a wink.     

They both spoke a bit more and she deliberately ignored any question related to Leo.     

"Could you lend me some money?" She asked in a reluctant voice.     

"Woah! That's totally surprising. Is everything okay at home?" He asked in worry. Mia was never one to ask for help no matter what.     

"Yea. Well, I hope." She said with a shrug. "So…?"     

"How much are we talking about here?" He asked.     

"A thousand" She said before biting her lower lip.     

"Wow! Okay. so just send me your account details and I'd wire it from here."     

Benefits of having rich friends. She thought as they disconnected the call.     

She smiled happily to know she had the five thousand bucks ready.      

"Water. I need water." She said and began to head towards the kitchen.     

Everywhere was still normal and quiet. She wondered where Leo was and why he wasn't yet home.     

Should she call him?      

She shook the thought out of her head. It would be too forward.     

She was about to enter inside the kitchen when she heard Tara still wailing inside his room. That was weird. Mia couldn't remember ever hearing her cry like that.     

She slowly approached the room and knocked on the door. "Hello?" She asked not knowing whether she was expecting Leo or Tara to actually answer her.     

She heard Tara whine again and slowly opened the door.     

She peeked inside the room but didn't see Tara.     

Her heart pounded in her chest as she pushed the door opened and entered inside the room.     

What if Tara bit her and no one came to take her to the hospital? She kept thinking.     

It was her first time entering inside his room. It looked exactly similar with hers except the wallpapers on the wall.     

She didn't have time to admire the room because she saw Tara close to the drawer, lying on the floor and looking sick.     

She didn't know much about dogs but she could tell from the cries that something was wrong and Leo wasn't in so she just had to do something.     

"Are you okay?" She asked as she looked at the dog in fear and confusion.     

Tara was trying to keep her eyes open as she kept whining like she was in pain. Quickly, she ran back to her room to fetch her phone. She dialed Leo's line which didn't go through.     

After dialing it the second time and it still didn't go through, she called Louis' line. He was a doctor and should probably know what was wrong right?     

"I'm surprised you are calling first." Louis said in a voice that showed he was really surprised.     

"I can't reach your brother. I think Tara is sick." She went straight to the point.     

"Oh! What's wrong with her?" He asked in a worried voice and she could tell he just stood up.     

"I do not know. She's making some kind of doggy sounds." Mia said not knowing how else to explain it.     

"Alright. Just keep petting her. I'll be there soon." He said and hung up immediately.      

How was she supposed to pet the dog? She hated dogs! She cried in her head.      

She kept taking deep breaths as she returned  to Leo's room.     

"Please do not bite me. I'm not a bad person." She said in a pleading voice.      

If Leo and Mira could carry Tara about, then she could. She told herself as she slowly crouched down in front of Tara.      

She just had to do it. She knew how much Leo loved Tara and wouldn't want anything to happen to her.     

Where the hell was Leo and why wasn't he taking his calls? She asked herself in frustration as her hand touched Tara's small and hairy head.     

"Really soft" She said in a small voice and slowly began to pat her head while she kept whining.     

"You are going to be fine okay?" Mia assured her.     

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