My Crazy Housemate

I am your friend?

I am your friend?

4Everyone had different reactions seeing Leo suddenly pull Mia away.     

Benjamin looked at them in both surprise and confusion as he wondered what was happening and why Leo and pulled her away. He thought it would make sense to follow suit since Leo had looked like he was angry.     

Mira tried to follow the both of them but James took quick steps to block her path.      

"I think you should no longer get yourself involved." He advised Mira. He had been having a bad feeling about this whole thing and it seemed he had been right to feel that way.     

Mira placed both hands on her hair and ran her hand through it. "You.. also don't think this is going as planned right?" Mira asked him with hopeful eyes as she waited for him to say things were going to be fine. She wasn't sure this was the kind of reaction she had expected. Well, she was glad that Leo had actually reacted that way which made it obvious that he liked her, but Mia's reaction was what was getting her worried.     

"You should stop now. I think it's enough. They are both going to sort it out." James said to her placing a hand on her shoulder. They both locked eyes and things suddenly became slightly awkward so they quickly pulled apart.     

Jeremy who was standing closer to Benjamin than Chloe was, looked at Benjamin with a frown on his face as he wondered why Mia had invited him. He wasn't sure Mia was dating him and neither had she mentioned anything about him to her. So why was he here?     

He just didn't have a good impression of Benjamin, not because he was friends with Kelvin who he disliked or because of how he had allowed a lot of girls kiss him during his party which he had frowned at, he just didn't know why he didn't like this Benjamin guy especially for Mia.     

He was about to say something when he heard Chloe's voice behind him. "Benjamin?" She called as she walked closer to where they were both standing.      

"Chloe! I wasn't expecting to see you." Benjamin said as he forced a smile out.     

Chloe looked at him curiously. Was it possible Benjamin and Leo liked Mia? That was going to be crazy! She thought.     

"You are friends with Mia?" She asked. "What was that about being dance partners?"     

Jeremy remembered Benjamin had said so and looked at him with interest.     

"Yes, we are dance partners." He said turning to look at Mira and James who was approaching them.     

"We should go in." James said to the group but Benjamin ignored him and began to head towards the direction Leo and Mia had taken.     

When Chloe noticed where Benjamin was heading to, she quickly ran after him and naturally, Jeremy followed.     

"Uhm.. Benjamin.. I think you should just go in. I'll go search for her. It's kind of like a family thing." Chloe explained to him.     

"Family thing?" He asked curiously.      

"Does she have a thing with Louis?" He asked immediately.      

"Louis? Why would you think that?" She asked in confusion wondering why he was mentioning Louis.     

"The other day at my party, she kissed Louis and now Leo is acting strangely seeing her with me. Is he doing this because Mia is dating Louis?" He asked in perplexity.      

Jeremy seems to have a hang of the whole situation so he spoke… "Well, it's more than that actually. They have like a family stuff between them so you can just go enjoy the party for now while Chloe go join them to settle it." Jeremy said even though he knew what he was saying didn't make any sense.     

Benjamin looked at them warily before nodding. He turned to see Mira waiting to lead him inside and reluctantly followed.     

"You are trying to cover up for your brother aren't you?" Jeremy asked Chloe immediately the others walked away.     

"I'm not trying to cover for anyone. I just hate it when things are messy" She said and continued to walk towards the direction Mia and Leo had taken.     

"Your brother seems like a nice guy. You also think he likes Mia right?" Jeremy asked reminding Chloe she was supposed to ask him something.      

"What did you discuss with him? What did he ask you?" She stopped to ask him.     


Leo finally stopped walking when he got to the other end of the building where no one was. He turned to look at Mia who he had been pulling along with him and finally let go of her arm.     

"What is wrong?" Mia asked. She had been repeatedly asking him why he was doing this but he hadn't said a word. She believed he was finally going to say something now.     

"What was that about?" He asked Mia looking at her with eyes which she couldn't quite read.     

"What was what about?" She asked innocently even though she could tell this has to do with Benjamin.     

"Benjamin… you have been seeing each other?" He asked trying to sound indifferent but it wasn't working.     

"we just… happened to get tangled up." She explained.     

"Tangled up?" He asked with a snort.     

"Why didn't you tell he was your dance partner?" He asked again. Of everything, that part still didn't make sense. How did it happen?     

"I didn't think it was necessary." She answered.     

"You didn't think it was necessary?" He asked while sounding like he had just heared something ridiculous.     

"You could tell me about how you wanted to kiss Benjamin but you didn't think it was necessary telling me about the dance?" He asked angrily.     

"It was different back then!"     

"How different? You wanted to practice how to kiss him with me, you practiced how to dance with him with me and now you had me come here while you also invited him? What do you see me as? Someone you can mess around with?" He asked feeling frustrated. He had never found himself in something like this before.      

He felt used and it made him really angry.     

He had wanted to walk away back then when Benjamin told him Mia had invited him but on a second thought, he realised he deserved an explanation which was why he returned.     

"You tell me!" She raised her voice back at him. "I don't even get why you are so angry.. okay, maybe you deserve to be pissed. But why? I specifically told you I wanted to kiss Benjamin and I needed to practice with you. I also told you I would be doing that dance with someone else. And about this party, you promised Mira you were going to drop me off and I know I didn't tell you about Benjamin but I think you are overreacting and overthinking by saying I see you as someone I can mess with because I never saw you that way."     

He shook his head and scoffed in disbelief. "You really aren't smart Mia Lucas."     

"So you are saying I am stupid?" She asked with a red face while trying not to blow up at him.     

"You think you would still be sounding this way if you had seen me come here with another woman?" He asked looking at her intensely to watch her reaction.     

She paused as if trying to find the answer to that question and after a few moment's pause, she shrugged. "I … why would I not be okay?" She asked back even though the look in her eyes showed she wasn't sure about that answer.     

Leo buried his face in his hands and moved his hand to his hair to ruffle it roughly.     

"Do you love Ben?" He asked her seriously.     

"Do not ask me questions okay!? You don't have any right to." She snapped at him.     

"I don't have any right to?" He asked in confusion.     

"You rarely tell me anything about yourself but I always tell you about myself. Sometimes, you just black out and then you leave the house and return later feeling down and when I try to find out what is wrong, you tell me nothing! Plus you keep confusing me.. sometimes I think you like me, sometimes I think you just see me as one of those girls who you have sexual control over…."     

"I don't see you that way." He interrupted with a frown.     

"Oh you don't? Then how do you see me? Do you really see me as your friend just like I see you?"     

"Friends? I am your friend?" Leo asked shaking his head.     

"Look Lucas, I am not your friend. And I will never be your friend." He said in a firm voice.     

He took closer steps to her making her look at him warily while taking a few steps backwards.     

"Fine!" He suddenly said looking deeply into her eyes.     

"Go on! Go have fun with the boy you like.. but if you think I'll let you both have a good time together, then you do not know me well. Lucas" He said with a smirk and turned to leave.     

"So now you are threatening me?" Mia asked in disbelief stopping him in his tracks.     

"Threaten?" He turned around to ask her.     

"I am not." He shook his head.     

"You stay in my house, you eat my food, you've even kissed me and slept on my bed…. That makes you my person and I am telling you that I won't let you have a good time with him." He said to her making her eyes widen in surprise and confusion as he walked away to join the party.      

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