My Crazy Housemate

Truth or Dare?

Truth or Dare?

2"So where are we starting from?" Peter asked as he looked at all of them with a smile on his face. There were some people who naturally liked playing games like these and Peter was one of them.      2

"Mia?" Mira whispered Mia's name. Since they were seated beside each other, it was easy to communicate.      

Ever since Mia came back inside, she hadn't said a word to her or even to anyone. She felt Mia was still mad at her and she wouldn't want that especially now when things were pretty awkward for her both at home and here.     

"Are you still mad at me?" Mira asked her when Mia only looked at her and said nothing else.     

"I'm not. I just don't want to talk about it." Mia said in a gentle voice. She was really tensed and uncomfortable especially since Leo's gaze had been on her ever since he came back inside.     

"Are you okay?" Mira asked her.     

"Yea.. sure." Mia replied before looking ahead.     

She was just going to try to do things on her own from now on. But it didn't mean she was really mad at Mira. Mira was her friend who cared about her just that her ways were sometimes unnecessary and risky.     

"Remember the rules.." Peter read it out again. "You have to only tell the truth and do the dares. If you fail to tell the truth, you have to do a dare and vice versa. The person beside you would have to tell you what you are to do. And… if you are at the receiving end of a dare and you do not want someone to use you, you have to gulp down two full glasses of beer."     

"Oh! And if you do not want to do any, you have to drop a thousand bucks. The money would be given to James since this is his party." Peter added cheerfully.      

"That's crazy." Mia said from the side as she bit her lip nervously. Her eyes strayed to Leo and caught him still staring.     

His eyes seemed to be communicating with her to not play the game and leave but she sat there anyway.     

"I think the punishment is quite fair." Benjamin whispered into her ear and she saw Leo fnally look away.     

"So we are starting from her." Peter said as he looked at his 'girlfriend' who he kept claiming wasn't his girlfriend.. Since they were going clockwise, it started from her.      

She smiled nervously before dipping her hand into the box to pick out a random card.     

Everyone waited for her to read it and she did.     

"Oh! It's a truth." She said excitedly as she read it out loudly for everyone to hear.. "If you could change one thing on your body, what would it be?" She giggled before placing her hands on her hardly visible boobs.     

"I'd like them to be bigger." She said erupting laughter from most of the folks there.     

"I think this game is a bad idea." Chloe said in a quiet voice.     

The next person was Leo. He leisurely dipped his hand inside the box and picked a card.     

"A dare." He said with a smirk before reading it out. "Try to make the person next to you laugh. You've got 60 seconds."     

Leo turned to look at the person beside him. It was Richard. Richard kept his face stone-cold as he waited to make sure Leo failed. Leo smiled at him before inching closer to whisper in his ears..     

"If you do not start laughing. I am going to tell everyone how you peed in your pants in grade school because the girl you were crushing on held your hand." He threatened.      

Before everyone knew it, Richard was laughing like a maniac while they all looked at him in confusion and amusement.     

The next was Richard. His card was a dare. "Show your browsing history to all the players."     

"Now everyone's going to know what a pervert you are." Leo said with a smirk as Richard took out his phone. But on a second thought, he shook his head. "Can I drink?" He asked looking at all of them with an embarrassed smile.      

"Nope! The guy beside you would have to ask you a question." Peter said as they all turned their attention to the next guy.      

The next guy called Frank looked pretty uninterested as he asked. "How many girls have you had sex with?"      

"Woooah!" Most of the people in the table exclaimed.      

Richard looked at all the people there. He wouldn't want to make a bad impression so he quickly reached for his wallet and gave Peter a thousand bucks while the others clapped and cheered.      

The next person was Frank. He picked a truth card. "If you could take away one bad thing in the world, what would it be? Obviously my ex girlfriend!" He answered immediately making all of them erupt into laughter.     

Next was James.. He also picked a truth. "Your last relationship and why it ended?"     

He looked at Mia and just went on to answer honestly. "It was about 2 months ago. She wanted me to choose between a friend and her and I chose my friend." He answered with a shrug making Mira and Mia to look at him as they wondered the friend he was talking about.     

"Ohhhh." Some people exclaimed again.     

"How could she say that?" The blond girl who had been flirting with him asked with a smile but he only smiled back and didn't answer.     

Next was the blond girl. She picked a card and rread t out.. "Find someone you think is with a condom here and search them. If you fail, you have to stand until the party is over."     

"Woooaaaaah!" This time, it was longer.      

"Oh wow!" The blond exclaimed when she was done reading it and stood up.     

"I guess I have to narrow my search to the guys here." She said with a giggle and began to look at all of them while the ladies watched curiously.     

She looked from Peter to Leo to Richard to Frank to James, Benjamin and Jeremy.     

"Well, here we go.." She said with a sigh and went to stand in front of Benjamin and Jeremy.     

Both guys just looked at her as she flashed them a smile then she pointed at Benjamin making the crowd cheer while waiting for the search to begin.     

Benjamin looked briefly at Mia who was also staring right back at him before he turned to look at the blond.     

"I think I'll drink instead." He said when the girl asked him to stand up so she could search him.     

"I knew it.. he's definitely with a condom." She said smugly as she returned to her seat while wriggling her waist.      

While some looked cheered, some looked at him in surprise— most of them actually including Mira, James, Chloe, Jeremy and Richard who had been pissed earlier about Mia being beside Benjamin instead of beside Leo.     

But there was one person who kept staring daggers at Benjamin and it was obvious to all those who knew about Mia and Leo.     

Benjamin downed two full glasses and sat back down without looking at anyone.     

"What the hell!? He brought a condom!" Mira whispered to Mia who said nothing and just continued to look ahead. She tried not to think about anything else. She also made sure not to look at Leo.      

Next was the girl who had shared the tags.. "Give someone a lap dance." She read out.     

"Wow!" She said happily before walking to where Leo was sitting without even thinking twice. It was as if she had been waiting for this moment.     

"What are you doing?" Leo asked when she stood in front of him with a big smile on her face. He had noticed the kind of look she gave to him immediately he arrived the party.     

"A lap dance." She said with a flirty smile.     

Leo looked at her one more time before he reached for two glasses of beer. As he gulped it down, he locked eyes with Mia and didn't look away until he was done with both glasses.     

They all cheered for him while the girl returned to her seat less confidently with flushed cheeks. She hadn't expected him to turn her down just like that in front of everybody.     

The next was Mira. She picked a card and looked at it in surprise.     

"French kiss someone for 2 minutes."     

"Wooooah!" They cheered excitedly.     

Mia's mouth fell open as she turned to look at Mira who was frowning in confusion. James also looked at her in surprise.     

"Just tell them you want to drink." Mia whispered to Mira even though she knew they wouldn't let her. She was going to pay a thousand bucks instead and that was a really huge money!     

"You know that can't happen. Even if it's possible, it's two glasses. You want me to pass out cold?" She asked before standing up.     

She looked around and deliberately ignored James as her eyes fell on Richard. She smiled at him and turned to look at Jeremy.     

Jeremy noticed it and shook his head immediately in a way to tell her not to choose him. He wasn't one to joke with intimate things like kisses and it was the reason he was mad at Benjamin for allowing a lot of girls kiss to him at his party the other night. His hate for him had even spiked up tonight.      

Mira shrugged and moved towards Leo and Richard's direction. She held out her hand to Richard who was smiling brightly and he took her hand and stood up.     

"Well… here we go." She said and stretched to meet his lips while he brought his head down to make things easy for her.     

Mia gasped in surprise as she watched Mira and Richard kiss. She turned to look at James but noticed he was suddenly very busy with his phone and not looking at them.     

Mira placed her hands on Richard's shoulders while his hand held her waist to hold her in place as their tongues moved together.     

Leo looked at Mia and almost laughed when he saw her mouth hanging open. He was glad she hadn't been the one to pick that card.      

His eyes went to his sister and he saw her looking down at her nails with really flushed cheeks.      

'They are both so alike.' Leo said in his head as he kept looking between Mia and Chloe. Then he watched the other three girls who were clapping and hooting excitedly.     

"Time up!" Peter said after the two minutes were over and they broke the kiss.     

Richard and Mira opened their eyes and looked at each other before bursting into laughter while the others cheered loudly.      

"I think I'm in love." Richard whispered to Leo immediately he sat down.      

"You say that everytime." Leo reminded him.     


"That wasn't so weird was it?" Mira asked Mia immediately she sat down.     

"It sure was.. really weird!" Mia said with flushed cheeks as if she was the one who had kissed him.      

The next person was Mia....     

Truth or Dare?     

Which would it be?     

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