My Crazy Housemate

Putting you to sleep

Putting you to sleep

2It wasn't until 4 am before the whole place was quiet and peaceful.. No loud music, no giggling ladies, no boys loud voices.     

If they had close neighbours, James was sure they would have called the police.     

He looked at his sitting room which was terribly messy with some people who couldn't go home lying in different corners and positions.     

Peter rubbed his eyes drunkenly as he walked down the stairs and looked around as if searching for something.     

"What is it?" James asked him.     

"Rachel. She isn't inside her room." Peter answered with a yawn.     

"You look sleepy. I'll look for her. What about Mira? Have you seen her?" James asked remembering it had been a bit long since he last saw her.     

The last time he saw her was about a hour ago when she was seeing Richard off. Richard had said he wasn't used to sleeping in other people's houses and thankfully, one of the guests had offered to drop him off so he could find a taxi home.     

"I don't know. Let's just check the other resting area." Peter suggested as they walked to the other room beside the sitting room. They could hear some strange sounds coming from there as they approached.     

The light was off so Peter flicked the light switch and stared in surprise when he saw a couple having sex right there on one of the sofas. They obviously looked drunk and didn't even mind that the light was on. Peter and James stared in surprise as the lady kept bouncing on him.     

The lady's top was discared so her boobs was exposed to them.      

They looked small but it was a nice sight to behold.     

"She has nice tits." Peter said absentmindedly.     

"Yea. But Mira's is prettier." James said in a barely audible whisper.     


Peter turned to look at him and James suddenly realised what he had just thought aloud.     

'Damn it! What the hell is wrong with me?' He asked himself. Thankfully, it seemed Peter hadn't heard what he said or maybe he was too drunk to make out what he said.      

James was the first to look away. It was uncomfortable watching especially with his brother beside him.      

"There they are." James said pointing at Mira and Rachel who were cuddling together on another sofa.     

Peter peeled his eyes from the couple which were now moaning a bit loudly. Both boys obviously sprouting a hard-on.     

Peter hurried to carry his little sister who was reeking of beer.     

"I told you not to let her drink." James said with a displeased frown. She was still 16 and if their parents knew they had let her drink, they were going to be angry.     

"I stopped her from drinking. Girls are too stubborn. You needed to see how much Mira also drank." Peter said shaking his head.     

He and James had also drank a lot but the good thing was, they had strong alcohol tolerance like their father while Rachel took after their mother. They wouldn't be surprised she had only drank half a cup to have passed out like this.     

"Good night." Peter said as he carried Rachel.     

"Christ! When did she add so much weight. I need to make sure she works out with me tomorrow."     

James could hear Peter complaining as he carried their little sister out while trying not to trip.     

James looked down at Mira who was trying to find a confortable position since her sleeping buddy had been carried from her.     

Her dress was riding higher and higher so he quickly pulled it down to cover her thigh. He had seen her wearing only his shirt a couple of times and felt nothing but now... well, he did feel soemthing a couple of times but it hadn't been really serious.      

He was embarrassed now to see he was getting really turned on just watching her. He guessed it probably had to do with the fact that he was drunk and the couple at the other end who had now passed out.     

He gently carried the sleeping girl like a princess and head towards his room. She moved about, obviously uncomfortable so he tightened his grip around her so she wouldn't fall. He looked down at her briefly and noticed her eyes were slightly open.     

"Are you awake?" He asked but she only groaned in reply.     

James kicked his room's door open and the sound made her open her eyes again.     

"James?" She called drunkenly as he pushed the door close with his back.     

"Yea. It's me. Putting you to sleep." He said trying to let her know it wasn't some other guy trying to take advantage of her.      

"Oh.. I feel so… weak." She said as she struggled away from his arms to stand on her feet.     

James slowly put her down but when she tried to walk, she staggered and almost fell so he held her waist to keep her up. His erection pressed to her butt in the process and it grew even larger at the impact. The suddenly let her go in panic.      

"I'm fine." She said with a short giggle and fell face down on the bed with her clothes and shoe still on while her legs were dangling.     

James sighed in relief seeing Mira hadn't taken note.      

"Aren't you going to change out of those?" He asked her. He knew Mira wouldn't be comfortable sleeping with her clothes on. She preferred wearing only his large polo and panties.     

"Arggh! I'm so tired." She replied weakly and tried to unzip her dress while James shook his head at her and watched her quietly.     

Was she going to take off her own dress while sleeping?      

"I'll just go get you one of my tee shirts."      

He was about to turn but noticed how she was struggling with her zip.      

He moved to sit very close to her and it wasn't until he began to help her unzip her dress that he realised what he was doing. His hand stopped midway when the back of her white lace bra came into view.     

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