My Crazy Housemate



2Thankfully, the students in the management class at school didn't have a quick lecture on Monday morning until it was noon, so those who went partying, woke up pretty late except for Chloe who was sitting in her office chair with two of her staff opposite her. One was her female Personal Assistant, the other one was the head of Public Relations.     

"I tried talking to the major investor who wanted to pull out but he insists on meeting the boss first before he considers changing his mind." The head of the PR who was a young man reported.     

"He wants to meet me first? Why?" Chloe asked in confusion.     

"I do not know. He refused to say anything else to me."     

Chloe scoffed in disbelief. 'Who does he think he is?' She asked herself and a voice in her head answered. 'He is a major investor and if he pulls out, it's at your loss.'     

She moved her gaze to look at her personal assistant. "You should meet him instead. I have a lot on my hands already, I do not have the time to attend meetings and start trying to persuade someone." If only she had the patience to do so. She knew as a businesswoman, one thing she really needed was patience but sometimes, people tend to take advantage of it.     

"But boss.. he says he wants it to be you.."     


All heads whipped to the side when they heard someone giggle softly.     

Chloe frowned deeply as she looked at the sleeping Jeremy sprawled on her large sofa. His hairband was nowhere in sight so his hair was all over his face while one of his hands was loosely hanging off the couch. She wondered what he was dreaming about that was making him giggle.     

The two people opposite Chloe had seen Jeremy when they came in and had been surprised but they said nothing.     

Chloe cleared her throat to get their attention and they quickly turned their heads to look at her while they wondered what her relationsip with the young man was. Even though his face was covered, they knew the only guy with long hair around Chloe was the part timer, Jeremy Williams, who had a big crush on her.     

"Then, it has to be on my schedule. I'm still a student and can't skip classes for a meeting."     

She said in resignation and they all heard Jeremy giggle once more.     

She sighed deeply as if trying to contain her temper before dismissing the two staffs who were trying really hard not to burst into laughter. They were surprised to learn their boss was this  tolerant.     

Immediately they left, she massaged her temples as she looked at Jeremy's direction.     

Last night, she had asked him to go home but he had refused and said he would stay with her.     

"Ellie isn't at home and there's nothing I would be doing at home so let me continue being your bodyguard." He had said.     

Which bodyguard convinced their boss to go to a party with them? She wondered.      

She had eventually allowed him follow her amidst the curious eyes of the night shift staffs. It was even more strange because it was obvious Jeremy was drunk but it was containable.     

When they got inside her office, she had started to work immediately while he watched in boredom. He said he wanted to do something also and she had obliged him by giving him one of their management textbooks for him to read but only five minutes passed and he dozed off. He hadn't woken up since then.     

She checked her wristwatch, it was almost 9 am.     

"Bodyguard? Silly!" She said to herself before standing up to walk towards him before she could take a step, a call from a strange number came on her phone..     

It was David. She knew it was him. He had been calling her with different numbers for days and her phone's block list had notified her that he had tried calling her Two hundred and sixty one times since she blocked his number.     

She wanted to ignore the call but on a second thought, she picked it.     

"Oh god! I'm so happy you are finally taking my calls. Please baby do not hang up" David said immediately.     

Hearing him call her baby, she suddenly felt disgusted.     

"What is it? I have told you to stop calling me. If this continues, I am going to report you to the police and charge you for harrassement." She threatened.     

"A King must avoid trouble and scandals at all cost." He quoted the words he had heard from her a couple of times.     

It was the same reason she hadn't let people know they were dating because the tabloids was going to spread the news when they ran out of something else to say. But David was silly and had happily told a lot of people they were a couple. It was probably to boost his ego.     

"Please Chloe … let's just meet up. Let's talk." He said sounding like he was about to burst into tears any minute.     

"I miss you. I can't live without you. My life has been hell since you left."     

She didn't want to start arguing with him now that she knows he was only there for her money so she simply said,     

"Move on. We can never be together."     

"Says who?" He suddenly asked in a angry voice which made her shiver.     

"Is it that boy? That mop-haired monkey who's been following you everywhere?"     

"Now stop right there! Firstly, there is nothing wrong with his hair.. it's perfect" Her eyes strayed to where Jeremy was sleeping. Seeing how his hair was all over his face and the couch, she shook her head.. 'Or maybe not' She said in her head.     

"And secondly, he is far more good looking than you are."     

Well, that part wasn't a lie. She wouldn't have been tolerating Jeremy if he wasn't quite good looking.     

She suddenly remembered the last line David had said and her eyes widened. "How did you know he's been following me? You've been following me?" She asked in shock.     

"Chlo.. Chloe.. I can't believe you are saying this now. How can you prefer that boy to me? I love you!"     

"You have been following me?" She asked again in an angry voice. She wondered the number of times he would have approached her had Jeremy not been there with her.     

"Because you've been refusing to take my calls goddamnit!" He said in a loud, angry voice and she heard the sound of something crashing to the floor.     

"Stay away from me, David." She managed to say while trying not to sound scared.     

"I can't.. please."     

"Stop calling me or else, I'll really get you arrested and make sure you never come out."     

"Meet me this noon.. please." He continued persistently.     

"You are a sick bastard!" She said, suddenly burning from anger.     

"I'll come make a scene at the mall if you refuse to—"     

Chloe cut the call before he could finish his sentence and placed a hand on her chest. What had she gotten herself into? How did she ever think to end up with someone like him?     

She dropped her phone and after she steadied her breathing, she went to where Jeremy was sleeping.     

When she started the mall, she knew there were nights when she would have to sleep in the office and so she had comfortable sofas in the office. She had only ever slept on the one opposite Jeremy. It was the first time someone was sleeping on that couch and it was Jeremy who deflowered her precious couch!     

She picked up the textbook she had given him which was on the ground and threw it at him making him jump immediately.     

"Who's there? Are you a robber? Where's my sister?" He said in panic as he sat up and struggled to push his messy hair away from his face.     

She shook her head at him and saw him suddenly wince in pain while touching his forehead.     

Well, Hello there hangover!     

She quietly watched him until his eyes finally settled on her.     

"Chloe?" He called in surprise before looking around him and remembered he was inside her office.     

"I wonder who's the bodyguard amongst the two of us if I have to be the one watching over you." She said with a frown and didn't give him a chance to talk before she went inside her bathroom. She came out with a bottle of medicine and went to take a bottle of water from the fridge.     

"Drink this and go home." She spoke sternly before handing him two pills for his headache.     

 He looked at the pills in her hand and hesitated for a bit before taking it. She didn't move but waited there for him to swallow it.     

After a moments hesitation, he finally swallowed it but immediately, he began to gag and ran into the bathroom to throw up.     

"What's wrong with you?" Chloe asked sounding worried as she stood by the bathroom's door to hand him two extra pills since he just vomited the one she first gave him.     

He looked at her and this time, he didn't take the pills from her hand. "What are you doing? Take it." She said and waited for him to take it but he didn't.     

Seeing the way he was looking at the pills, she raised a brow to ask in surprise.. "You are afraid of taking meds?" She asked in slight amusement and saw his cheeks flush in embarrassment.     

No way! She thought.     

"Wow! What a bodyguard I have." She sighed and shook her head.                                       

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