My Crazy Housemate

You look... flustered

You look... flustered

0By the time the car stopped in front of Leo's house, Mia could tell Leo was really sick and was trying to hide it from her.      0

"Get on my back." She said as squatted in front of him making him raise a confusing yet amused brow at her.     

"Are you... okay?" He asked as he looked at her without making a move.     

"You are sick. I can't let you walk too much so hop on my back and I'll carry you inside the house."     

It wouldn't have been very funny to Leo had Mia not looked very serious as she said to him in an authoritative voice.     

"Hurry up!" She said sternly as she looked over her shoulder to see his face which had a smile plastered on it as he watched her in astonishmemt.     

He had never had anyone offer to give him a piggyback ride before.     

"I don't.." He suddenly stopped talking and the smile on his face turned to a mischievous one as he leaned in on her back.     

Since she was stubborn, he was going to have to indulge her.     

Mia's brows knotted when she felt his heavy body on hers. She placed both hands on the sides of each of his legs and tried to get up but couldn't.     

Leo's lips were hidden inside his mouth as he tried not to laugh. Hell! He desperately wanted to laugh. Anyone who saw them would think they were both crazy.     

"Come on, hurry up. I am cold and weak." He said as he feigned being tired.     

"Keep shut! Your talking too much is making you heavier." She snapped at him when she heard the smile in his voice.     

'Who asked me to do this? Had I let him walk, we would have been inside the house now.' She scolded herself.     

Meanwhile, Leo was having fun.     

Mia gathered all her strength and tried to carry him but...     

"Aaaahhh" She almost fell on the ground but Leo was quick to pull her up by wrapping his hands on her tiny waist.     

He tried not to laugh but he couldn't help it. He burst into laughter making Mia scowl at him as she began to stomp her feet towards the door.     

"Come on Mia, don't be mad. You offered. I was just playing along."     

"You should have told me you could walk!" She snarled.     

"When did I tell you I couldn't walk? You assumed so yourself and forced me---" His voice grew lower and faded when he saw the evil eyes she was looking at him with.     

"I'm very sick." He said as he slipped his hands inside the pocket of his hoodie.     

"I can see it. I guess its affecting your brain that's why you are laughing so much." She said with an eye roll as she began to type in the passcode.     


A smile was always etched on her face whenever she typed in the code.     

When the door opened, she first peeked in as she looked around for Tara.     

Leo shook his head behind her as he watched with her butt stuck out in front of him.. She had stayed with the adorable dog for a long time yet she hadn't fallen flat for the Tara's adorableness. She was something.      

She had not finished looking around when a force suddenly pushed her inside.     

It was Leo. He went in and locked the door.     

"What are you doing?" She asked in a whisper.     

"Some days you barge into the house without caring about Tara while some days you---"     

*Woof woof*     

Tara introduced herself as Mia did what she knew how to do best. She ran to hide behind Leo and wrapped her hands around his waist to hide.      

Leo stood there a bit frozen. He liked it. He liked Mia holding him like this in a backhug even though Tara had made her initiate it.     

Mia slowly moved her head to the side to look at Tara who was awfully quiet and not making those whiny sounds she usually made whenever she welcomed Leo back home.     

Immediately she saw the dog, her eyes bulged out when she saw Tara also looking at her and immediately, Tara charged towards her making her scream and began to try to hop on Leo's back, who was trying his best to contain his laughter.     

When she couldn't succeed in climbing his back and Tara was barking at her, she turned to Leo's front and wrapped her hands around his neck as she tried to hop on him. This time, he helped her and carried her.     

"You are so evil Leo. How can you let her come to me? She almost bit me." She said in a voice that sounded like she was crying as she buried her head on the crook of his neck. Now that she was in his arms, she felt safe. He was big enough to not give Tara the chance to get to her no matter how high she hopped.     

"I'm sorry. Tara wasn't going to bite you."     

"I don't know.. I want to like her but anytime I see her looking at me, I fear she is going to bite me. Please take me to my room. Don't put me down."     

She said and held his neck tighter while he placed both hands under her butt to keep her from falling. Things didn't look too good because today of all days, she wore a skirt which had now rode up but that wasn't anyone's concern at that point.     

She was scared and he wanted to protect her.      

"Alright. I'll take you there." He promised and carried her towards her room.     

She felt so small in his arms and very light.     

He took the opportunity to sniff her hair. It smelled different. He guessed she changed her shampoo, but he didn't actually mind. Whichever she chose was perfect. Or maybe it was her who made it perfect.     

He was able to open the door and when he entered inside, he saw Tara who had been following them, hopping excitedly. He wondered why she was suddenly in a good mood. He only winked at her before closing the door.     

It was until Mia heard the door close that she raised her head. When she did, she realised the position they were both in and gulped nervously.     

Her face was directly in front of Leo's face. They were so close they could feel each other's breaths. His eyes just stared deep into hers.     

She had to confess, the hoodie he wore made him look really cute but she liked to see his hair.     

She liked to look at it and liked to touch it so she reached for it with a hand and slowly pulled the hoodie down to reveal is messy dark hair.     

She smiled a little before looking into his eyes again. She quickly broke the contact and cleared her throat.     

"You can.. put me down... now." She stuttered.     

"I feel sick." He said quietly as he lowered her to the floor. His hands touched a handful of her butt— unintentionally, and he tried to keep himself from having naughty thoughts as he walked towards her bed to lie down.     

"What are you doing?" She asked when she saw him take off his shoes since they hadn't been able to do so before Tara interrupted.     

"To rest here a bit. Don't think I have the strength to return to my room right now. We have about three hours before we meet Mr Timothy so…" He let his words trail off and relaxed on the bed with his head on the pillow and his eyes closed.     

If anyone had told Leo a month ago that he would willingly come relax inside his unholy room, he would have laughed at the joke. But here he was… he thought about redecorating the room and changing the things inside since he didn't want Mia using the things his flings had used.     

"Are you very sick? What drugs do I get you?" Mia asked in worry as she went over to the bed to touch his forehead.     

Immediately her palm touched his forehead, he held her hand and pulled her until she fell flat on his body.     

She didn't know how it happened but she only knew he was controlling her movements and found herself lying on top of him with his hands holding her waist firmly.     

She looked at his face with a startled expression as his eyes slowly fluttered open.     

He watched her quietly before saying…     

"You look… flustered."     

Mia blinked rapidly and looked away as she tried to get away from his arms.     

"Stop being naughty. You are sick." She scolded in a weak voice that showed just how affected she was.     

"So... I can be naughty when I am not sick?" He asked with a teasing smirk making her swallow hard.     

Her heart was beating very fast and seeing how Leo looked down at her chest, she could guess he could hear it.     

He flipped her until her back was on the bed while he was on top of her but he tried to keep his weight off her body.     

Mia bit her lips nervously and that just directed his attention to it as he stared at it with longing.     

She was quiet.     

He was quiet.     

They both quietly stared at each other until he spoke in a quiet but husky voice like he was very scared.     

"I... like you Mia Lucas." He confessed as he used his hand to brush her hair from her face.      

Thunder rumbled and it slowly began to rain outside.     

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