My Crazy Housemate



1Mia looked around the apartment when she returned from school and  wondered where Leo was. He had called her to come home immediately after classes, and because of that, she practically ran back here immediately the last class ended. But Leo wasn't  in. She only saw Tara whose presence she had gotten used to. She could not explain how fast she was able to get over her fear of dogs. Scratch that! Fear of Tara. She was probably still going to flee for her life when she sees another dog.      0

After knocking on his room's door to confirm he truly wasn't in, she went to the kitchen to take out a bottle of water. The day had been a very exhausting one.      

A long sigh escaped her lips after she gulped down the last drop. "Tomorrow is Friday." She said to herself sadly. A day closer to Leo's departure.      

She shook every sad thought out of her head. She was just going to ask Leo to go with her to watch the school's talent hunt.     

She was just about to call Leo when she heard the front door open.      

"Remain wherever you are! Where are you?" She heard Leo's voice call out to her from the front door and frowned in confusion.      

"In the kitchen. Why? Are you okay?" She asked and unconsciously took a step towards the door but he quickly asked her to remain there.      

"Just stay there for a minute, I'll be with you shortly. Please?"      

"Uhm... okay? I guess." She said with uncertainty and sat down while waiting impatiently for him to join her.      

Was he trying to surprise her? Maybe he sprayed his hair or something?      

She wasn't sure she liked surprises.      


"Sugar? You... want some sugar?" She asked as she stood up from her seat to go get the jar of sugar.     

She heard him laugh from the sitting room. It was the kind of laugh he usually laughed when he thought she was being silly.      

"I was referring to you. Aren't you my sugar, baby?" He said in a flirty tone that made her cough and blush instantly. She wasn't sure she was ever going to get used to all of this.     

"Oh....I... Uhm.." She seriously didn't know what to say. Whenever she watched movies, she always thought the protagonists were being silly. Well now...      

She could hear him snicker outside the door. He was really fond of making her feel flustered.     

"I'm coming in now." Gently, he pushed the door and saw her inside the kitchen.     

"Oh! You are just returning from school?" He asked when he noticed how stressed she looked and what she was still wearing.      

"Yeah.." She answered. She was glad he wasn't teasing her right now.     

"You look tired. What have you been up to?" She asked, moving the topic away from her. If he called her baby one more time, she may have a heart attack from over excitement.       

He gave her a mischievous smile before taking out a blindfold from his pocket.      

"O—kay... this doesn't feel alright." She said and looked at it suspiciously.      

"Come on, you don't have to be suspicious about everything. Just be calm and let me do this, kay?"     

She didn't have a choice anyway. With a shrug, she surrendered and let him do whatever he wished to do.      

"Good girl." He rewarded her with a small pinch on her nose and a smile, before he tied the blindfold around her eyes and began to lead her away from the kitchen.      

"I hope the surprise is worth it. I'll kill you if it isn't." She warned, earning a chuckle from him. He must confess he missed hearing her talk like this. The past few days hasn't really been the best for her, but he liked how strong she still appeared and how focused she was on her education.      

"I give you permission to kill me if you do not like it."      

"Pfft! You know I won't." She huffed.      

Honestly, she was really excited and nervous. No one had ever surprised her before. In fact, it was rare for her to receive gifts especially when it wasn't her birthday, and the gifts were usually from her friends. Her father did give her a few when he was still around but the highest Linda always did was baking nice breads for the family as a form of 'celebration'.      

'No sad thoughts right now. Focus!' She scolded herself. The last thing she needed was ruining this moment.      

She heard the faint sound of the door opening before they both entered inside. She instantly knew they were inside his room. It smelled like Leo.      

"You aren't planning to give me a strip tease, are you?"     

Leo gasped. "When did you become so perverted, Mia Lucas? Oh! I forgot, you have always been a pervert." He said with a laugh and moved away when she tried to hit him.     

"You better stay still if you want to see the surprise now."      

She took a deep breath and remained still. She was curious anyways.      

"Here we go." He went behind her and untied it gently. He was too slow that Mia was almost tempted to do it herself but eventually, he took it off.      

It took her a few seconds before she opened her eyes but frowned when she saw that the room was dark.      

"What is..."      

Leo flicked the light switch, stopping her from saying anything else. And her jaw dropped.      

"Guess you really won't kill me after all." He said with a smug smile before moving behind her to give her a back hug.     

"When... did you..." She looked around the room, face as red as a tomato.      

The room was decorated with balloons which had different letters written on it. The several balloons placed together spelt 'I LOVE YOU' and it was in almost every corner of the room. That wasn't all, different pictures of her was hanging on the wall. She almost didn't recognize herself until she looked properly at it. She would have thought it was a model.      

There were the photos he had taken of her in the cottage by the beach and the one they had taken together on the beach.      

"I... look so happy." She said in a very low voice that sounded like she was at the verge of tears. She moved away from Leo's hug to touch the photoframe.     

She was in the beach, her hair flying behind her. She wore Leo's shirt which was covering only some part of her thigh. The wind made it cling to her body and ride up a bit but she looked like she didn't care about it. She couldn't remember what Leo told her at that moment that made her laugh so much.     

She had no idea she was capable of looking this happy.      

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