My Crazy Housemate

Princess and Alaadin 1

Princess and Alaadin 1

4After almost an hour, the bus Mia's team rode finally came to a halt in front of a large gate, with some big looking security men patrolling around. Their car was in a queue with other cars as they all tried to get in.      

One of the security man entered inside the bus to count the number of people who were inside and once he saw it was same as the number of tickets, he left the bus and let them go through the gate.     

They had driven to the outskirt of town where the competition was to be held. There was no way the government or any organization was going to allow the disruption of activities in the main city because some dancers wanted to make use of the street. So using smaller towns where they accepted events like this was the best. It wasn't everytime they got to see different calibre of people and fleet of luxury cars.      

The place was like a parking lot. It was wide, clean, and had people almost everywhere. It gave a typical 'street dancing' vibe because there were no other lightings other than the different colors of vehicle headlights. And the lights were not too bright.      

At the centre of the parking lot was a little stage which was elevated above the ground level, not a place where anyone can dance so it was obviously for the MC.      

"Wow! There are a lot of people this year." The main dancer, Paul said and shivered visibly.      

"Yes. CMT is going global soon. You know what that means? Here, you are going to find different kinds of people. Especially the kind of people that can change your lives forever. All you need to do, is to put in your best. This is you doing this for yourselves." Mr B said before urging them to follow him.      

They got to a door at the end of the parking lot and after he showed them his ID which was believed to he a form of 'pass' for the coaches, they checked a list for his name before letting him inside.      

This was where they were to change their costumes and touch up their make ups one final time.      

"You can do this Mia Lucas." She took a really deep breath and relaxed.     


"Wow! I have never been to a place like this before." Ellie said as she looked around. Her brother smiled, glad that he had made the right decision by bringing Ellie instead of someone else. He knew how much his sister enjoyed things like this. So when Mia handed him two tickets and told him how Leo's friend had gotten it for herself and Leo but since she was going to be performing, she already had her special ticket and Leo wouldn't be around, so she had to give it out to her friends and currently, only one close to her was Jeremy.      

"You can come with Ellie or Chloe if she agrees." Mia had said.     

It had tempted him to invite Chloe, but on a second thought, he wanted to go with his sister. He had neglected her for so long. He wanted to repay her for her patience with him and his childish attitude lately.     

"If you get tired of standing, let me know, I'll carry you on my shoulders." He offered but Ellie wasn't paying attention.      

She was screaming excitedly and clapping just like almost everyone there was doing as they watched the dancers on stage. It wasn't really Jeremy's thing so even though it was a bit interesting, he got bored after the first four groups danced. But Ellie was far from bored. She had never seen this type of dance before up close and neither had Jeremy. In fact, he didn't understand how their body freely moved from one point to another without them putting much effort. Talk about the robot style dance, it was something that always fascinated him but he didn't have a talent for it either.      

"This people are talented. Are you sure Mia's team will win?" Ellie asked skeptically. Because of the loud music and loud cheers, he didn't hear what she said but he nodded and turned to look ahead. His hand never let go of Ellie's. If Ellie missed there, it would take a while to find her in the crowd.     

Thankfully, the audience had formed a big circle and even better, they were standing in the front, so he didn't have to start wondering for how Ellie was going to watch the show without getting obstructed by a bigger body.     

There were some few people sitting on some seats beside the podium which looked like VIP guests. This was a lot more bigger than Mia had made it sound. The show was even being televised!      

His attention went back to the stage when the screams increased and the group left. They called for another team and Jeremy held Ellie nervously. He didn't know what Mia's team was called so everytime he heard a new name, he got nervous on behalf of Mia.      

The lights in the park dimmed even more and they wondered why the next team wasn't coming out. People began to murmur but stopped when they saw the silhouette of a young girl. She was standing in a dark spot with her hands holding both side of her princess gown. A slow music started and she began to move towards the stage, her shoulders drooped like she was dejected. Everyone was quiet as they watched. This was Creativity Meets Talent so they expected a lot of things. Nothing was surprising.      

She looked like the type princess who lived in a big castle. She wore their dress, their hairstyle, but what surprised them was the fact that she was barefooted and wore a mask. It looked like a facemask, plastered to her face but it was very colorful and maybe a little scary.      

She looked around like it was the first time seeing so many people and her dejected body posture began to seem normal until it looked like she had relaxed completely.      

All of a sudden, another person joined the stage. He dressed like an olden days aristocrat while another one who dressed haggardly with the signature 'Aladdin's hat' and a monkey doll in his shoulder stole something from the aristocrat.      

And that wasn't just a simple 'steal and go'.     

People watched in awe as the two danced while they tussled with a small leather pouch which the aristocrat wasn't willing to let go.     

"That's Alaadin and princess Jasmine!" Ellie said excitedly while pointing at the stage.      

The princess Jasmine looked at the two men from the side, her head tilting to both sides curiously.      

Alaadin managed to steal the gold pouch but came face to face with the princess.     

She looked surprised to see him looking at her curiously. From her stance, all could tell that her character was used to being feared by people so it was strange that someone was looking at her with genuine curiosity.      

He lifted a hand and slowly reached to touch her face but she showed surprise and moved away. She moved effortlessly like a ballet, the tip of her toes touching the ground and her heels in the air.     

"He is so handsome!" Some young girls who looked like high schoolers squealed beside Jeremy as they looked at 'Alaadin' who was following every step of the princess.      

It looked like it was the wind controlling their body movements. Soft and wonderful.      

Alaadin stole a shoe from someone beside them and gently wore the princess the pair of sneakers before smiling up at her.     

"Wow! They are talented. They aren't even saying anything but I just want to keep watching this." Another person beside Jeremy said as he watched with his full attention.     

This was different. There were no much screams or shouts or claps. Everyone paid attention as they watched. They feared making a noise would ruin the 'play' but there were still murmurs of people praising them while some ridiculed them for doing something childish.     

Jeremy prayed it was Mia. He wanted it to be Mia.     

This talented dancer has to be his best friend.     

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