My Crazy Housemate

Say it again

Say it again

2If not for the soft music which he could still hear, his vision which allowed him watch every of the girl's movement, and his body which still felt warm under her soft touches, Leo would have thought he had died from sheer excitement.     

He had thought the kiss on the forehead could not be measured with anything else, but he had been wrong. She had said those words, those three words he yearned to hear. She had said it, and she meant it. He couldn't describe how he had felt at the moment those words left her soft lips. He hadn't expected it, he had expected it at all. He had been willing to give her time to know how she truly felt about him. But tonight, he heard the words. And if he had thought that was all, then the next thing that came was even better and more surprising. She kissed him.      

It wasn't just a peck that she pulled away from quickly, she had kissed him. A long lingering kiss with her hands wrapped around his neck. His eyes were wide as he stared at her face. Her cheeks were flushed, she was shy, he noticed. But he could tell his cheeks were equally flushed. He could feel his face burning as he stared wide-eyed at her face. How can such a small girl have such power over him?      

She nibbled on his lower lip before releasing it to pay equal attention to his upper lip. He didn't react immediately. Of course, how could he react immediately when his brain decided to be extra slow tonight?     

Mia stopped the kiss.      

Noting he was unresponsive to her kiss, she drew back with her eyes still close before she slowly opened them.     

Her eyes looked different. Love, passion, desire. He couldn't find the right words for it. Maybe it was a mixture of them all. But there was something he identified from the way she looked at him– innocence.      

They stared at each other for a while, the song playing at the background.     

Both had totally forgotten about the video camera which was supposed to capture them dancing. This was far from dancing right now.      

"Did I... hurt you?" She managed to ask in a stutter as her cheeks coloured even more. She hadn't been the one to dominate a kiss before. The first time she tried it with Leo, he had quickly took charge, so she didn't understand why Leo had been unresponsive to her kiss. Maybe she did something?      

With her lips no longer on his, his lips felt empty and cried for her attention, so he ran his wet tongue over it while Mia watched attentively.      

"Say it again." He whispered and she heard it despite the music playing at the background.     

His gaze bore into hers. He was begging her. He wanted to be sure his mind hadn't played a trick on him. He wanted to be sure she had really said those words to him.     

Mia looked at him in confusion before she said the words she believed he was asking her to repeat.     

"Did I hurt...."     

"Not that." He shook his head, more amused than frustrated. He took a step closer to her and looked down into her eyes.      

"Before that.. those words you said, I want to hear it again." He said in a soft but coersive tone.     

Mia finally understood what he was saying and chewed her lip shyly.      

"I... said I love you..." She repeated.     

His face lit up and a smile sprang up suddenly.      

"You... really mean it?"     

"Hmm." She nodded.      

"Sure it's not because you are overwhelmed by all of this?" He asked again as his eyes went around the room.      

"I know what I am saying Leo King." She said firmly, making his smile widen.     

He took both of her hands and wrapped it around his waist, then he pulled her close and hugged her, placing his chin on top of her head.      

A small smile tugged on Mia's lips as she held him close with her head resting on his chest as she listened to his heartbeat which she enjoyed more than the song which filled the entire room.     

"I do not regret ever meeting you Mia Lucas." He said as their bodies swayed from one side to the other.      

She removed her head from his chest to look up at him while he looked down at her.      

"It's been a blessing meeting you." She said, sounding very emotional as a tear slid down the corner of her eye.      

Leo caught it in his fingers and wiped it off like it never existed.      

"Same here." He dropped his lips down and claimed hers. Mia was a bit surprised but quickly recovered and her eyes closed as she kissed him back.      

His kiss was gentle, warm and soft. One hand on the back of her neck, the other holding her waist firmly to his body while she stood on her toes with her hands around his neck.     

His tongue slid inside her mouth and found hers while she moaned in response to the meeting.     

He liked to hear that sound from her. It was more pleasant that any other sound in the world to him.      

The music made it more romantic and arousing for the both of them and soon, they were both lost in the kiss until he felt she could no longer stand on her toes so he lifted her off the floor and held her tightly to his body with her legs wrapped around his waist for support while he slowly moved away from the camera's eye. He was definitely going to do a lot of editing.       

Slowly, they got to the little bed and he carefully placed her down on it while he hovered above her. He took a moment to admire how pretty she looked, how red her face was and how her chest heaved up and down as she panted for air with her slightly swollen lips, parted.      

He lowered himself down, careful not to crush her with his weight, and claimed her mouth once more. Mia's legs found his waist again and wrapped around him, bringing him down on her.     

His weight pressed down on her but she didn't seem to mind at all. She had always wondered how women were able to breathe under men in situations like this but well... she didn't really have to wonder about it anymore since that was the least of her problems at the monent.      

Their position made his bulge press down on her feminine core and she shamelessly enjoyed the feeling. Her gown had ridden up to her waist but thankfully, it was less embarrassing since she was sure her panties weren't fully exposed to his eyes even though his erection was pressing down on her lady part and making her crave for his touch.      

A low growl escaped Leo's lips when she ground him. He didn't think she had done it intentionally, probably unconsciously, but she did it again and he hissed in pleasure.     

He had been skeptical about touching her but now, he let it all go and his hands went to her bare thigh. He ran his hand on it gently and felt goosebumps on her skin. His kiss moved down from her lips to her cheek and then her chin before he went to her neck. His favorite spot where he liked to tease her. As expected, she arched her back and further pressed into his hard-on. Both moaned at the same time from the sensation.      

He realised he was always so gentle and patient with Mia. He didn't waste his time trying to pleasure other girls. Everything he did with them were always for his own pleasure. But here he was... loving her.     

He knew if they continued like this, they were going to end up having sex and he didn't think Mia was ready for that just yet, but he couldn't stop himself. He had done so a couple of times in the past but now, it was so difficult to stop. Maybe because Mia wasn't drunk this time and there was no voice in his head trying to cuss at him for taking advantage of a drunk and vulnerable woman. It was obvious she wanted it. She wouldn't regret this later right?      

His hand stopped midway on her thigh and he raised his head from the crook of her neck to look at her face. He needed to be sure she wanted this as much as he did.      

Mia's eyes was closed. She was biting down on her lips, holding the moans that had been trying to escape. The sounds somehow embarrassed her. No longer feeling the pleasure only Leo could give her, she opened her eyes to peek and saw him looking at her with a gaze she couldn't read. But the look in his eyes made her blush the more.      

"I do not want to part from you." He confessed when her eyes settled on his face. His breathing was laboured just like hers and the words came out a bit husky.      

"If you tell me not to leave this country, tell me you want me to stay with you..."     

"..I will." He said as determination shone in his eyes.     

Mia looked at him, stunned. She didn't believe he would actually do that for her. He had been really happy when this job offer came. She still remembered how happy and nervous he had been then. She didn't believe he would give that all up just for her.     

"You are joking." She said in a hoarse whisper.     

"I'm not."     

"I... want this to work. I feel I may never get this chance again–" He said.     

"This is a once in a lifetime opportunity you have before you Leo. But I am always here. I'll always be here, rooting for you, praying for you, waiting for you." She raised a hand to touch his face gently.     

"This is your dream."     

"It doesn't matter..."     

"It does." She cut in again     

"I haven't even found my dream yet, I can't let you give up yours... for me. I won't let you do that." She shook her head at that making him sigh before he rolled off her and lied down beside her.     

He pulled her closer to himself and spooned her without saying another word.      

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