My Crazy Housemate

Happy boyfriend

Happy boyfriend

0Chloe was fully concentrated in working when she heard a knock on her door. Assuming it was her PA, she absentmindedly asked the person to come in.      4

"Hello there, pretty lady!"      

Chloe's head snapped up when she saw a smiling Jeremy enter. He was wearing a suit and had his hair tied into a ponytail. She had to admit he looked very handsome whenever he was dressed like this. But there was something else, he never wore a tie unless there was a meeting he had to attend. She wondered how come they allowed him do as he pleased in the office.     

"What are you doing here?" She asked, pleasantly surprised to see him. "It's still work hours."      

"I missed you."      

She narrowed his eyes to look at him. "We see each other almost everyday. That isn't a good reason for coming here." After work, he usually come over to her place. Lately, she went to his. Since he got off work before her, he always went home to make dinner for them so she stopped by his place first to eat and took Mia's with her back.      

"Are you not happy to see me?" He asked, feigning a sad pout. "The others were happy to see me. They even congratulated me for finally having a good job and getting the lady boss. They wanted me to congratulate you for having your job back."     

"Arggh! Those people."      

Chloe stood up and followed him to the couch inside the office before they sat down beside each other.      

"You really aren't going to tell me why you are here?"      

He sighed and began to complain, "Those girls in the company are annoying. They are always flirting with me and trying to flash their 'assets' at me. It was very worse today. So I wanted to see my beautiful girlfriend instead."     

She looked him up and down and rested her eyes on his crotch area, "You got tempted by them?" She asked accusingly.      

"Of course not!" He denied passionately while using his hands to cover the area she was looking at. "Why would I be tempted by those girls? You are prettier than all of the—"     

He was silenced by a quick kiss that made him shut up. When she pulled away, she smiled at him and he returned it shyly.      

"Come once in a while to visit me so they'll know I'm serious about having a girlfriend?" He pleaded. "I even told them my girlfriend is scary but they think I am lying to push them away."     

She brushed away some strands of hair away from his face and nodded. "I will."      

When he gave her his usual infectious smile, she smiled back.     

"How come you are here? Don't you have to get back to work?" She asked. She didn't want him to get into trouble when it hadn't been long he started working.      

He snorted. "Those people treat me like a king. At this rate, I'm sure I'll be getting a promotion soon. Knowing bigshots like Maria and my dad is something. I think my dad actually told them I am his son so they have been trying to suck up. You know how it works, especially now that there is a rumour saying he is a presidential candidate."      

"Really?" Chloe asked.      

"Yes. Just this morning, I was invited to the office and given a check. I was told it's a bonus for joining the company. Can you imagine that?" He laughed.     

"Wow!" Chloe exclaimed. "Do you think they are doing it under the instruction of your father?"      

"I suspect so. But I don't care anymore." He grinned. "It's another reason I came here. I wanted to take my baby out."      

She looked at him in amusement. "Me?"      

"Yea." He smiled. "I have always been worried since I didn't have enough to take care of you. Do you know how excited I am now?"     

She laughed. "Are you sure about that? I told you I didn't mind. You should use the money for yourself and Ellie."     

"It's quite much. Enough to get you a gift, to get Mia, Ellie and Maria a gift. Besides, I'll be getting my first paycheck soon. So you see.."      

"I am happy for you." She said sincerely. "You should give your father a gift."      

"I'm thinking about that. Get your purse let's leave now."     

"What about if we go out during the weekend? We can all just go together. I don't want them thinking you are taking liberty of the fact that they were being nice to you because of your father. Hmm?"      

He looked disappointed but he nodded. She had a point.      

Chloe looked at her watch. "I have a meeting with the employees soon so I need to get ready."      

"I can't believe you are sending me away!" He said, feigning hurt.     

Chloe rolled her eyes at him. "You are such a drama queen. I will see you tonight."     

They both stood up and she offered to see him out.      

As they walked out, he asked, "I was wondering, should I cut my hair? A lot of the girls who approach me always try to touch my hair—"     

"I'll kill you if you do it."      


"No buts. I'll visit you at work and make sure to pull the hairs of any girl I see trying to flirt with you."     

He chuckled. "I am looking forward to that."     

"Me too."     

"I want us to get couple outfits later."     

Chloe snorted, "That's childish.... but if you want us to... let's also get similar bracelets."     


Mia was the first to wake up. Along the line, they had both seperared and were facing each other now. This room was always dark and the lights were off, so she would have thought it was already late at night if she hadn't seen the clock and realised it was just a little past 4:30. No wonder she didn't hear the alarm ring. It wasn't 5pm yet.     

She looked at Leo's face which she could fully make out in the darkness. He was sleeping so peacefully.      

"How can you look so handsome even in your sleep?" She whispered.     

She looked at him for close to five minutes before she slowly reached for his face and touched it gently.      

It didn't matter if he had been promiscuous in the past, it didn't matter if he had liked Cherry to the point of wanting to marry her. It didn't matter if Cherry had manipulated her way to work in the same place as him. None of that mattered.     

All that mattered was that she loved him, and he loved her too.     

She had a feeling she would be able to forgive him for anything. That was how much he meant to her.      

His lips tempted her. It wasn't as if she would be a pervert for kissing him while he was sleeping. He was her boyfriend so it didn't matter right?     

She moved closer, gently not to wake him up before she pressed her soft lips to his. She didn't try to deepen the kiss because she didn't want to wake him up.     

She just remained there with her lips pressed to his until his lips moved and he captured her bottom lip with his.     

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