My Crazy Housemate

You seem to care.

You seem to care.

3For over an hour, Mia spoke on the phone with Chloe and slowly explained the confusing table for her to understand.      0

"Thank you. I really do appreciate this." Chloe said by the time they were done.      

"Yea. It's all good." Mia said casually.     

"I should treat you to lunch sometimes... to thank you." Chloe said. This was her opportunity to get closer to Mia which in turn would help her academics this semester. Even though she already had good grades, she wanted better grades.      

"That wouldn't be necessary. Must take care of yourself." Mia said before hanging up.      

She was pretty much exhausted with the lecture and by the time she checked the time, it was already past 8 in the evening. She was at least thankful she didn't have any class to attend the next day which was a Thursday.      

She heard the front door open and her heart skipped when her mind registered Leo had just returned.      

Chloe's words echoed in her ears... "Be careful. My brother plays about with women"      

She knew that also. She had seen that from the first day she came here. She warned herself not to ever forget that.      

She didn't come out from her room even though she was starving. She told herself it was best to no longer have anything to do with him and also stop those evening conversations they always had but she almost jumped when a knock came on her door.      

"Mia are you sleeping?" She heard him ask.      

"Ignore him. He'd probably think you are sleeping and leave." She told herself and tried to focus on her textbook.     

"Mia?" He called again.      

"I'm sleepi—" She bit her tongue and closed her eyes when she realised what she had done.      

She got down from the bed and slowly dragged her feet till she got to the door and opened it only a bit.      

Leo watched as she stuck out only her head and wondered why it looked like she was hiding.     

"Are you okay? If it's Tara, she is inside my room He explained as he imagined she was probably hiding because of the dog.     

She noticed he was carrying a nylon bag in one hand and when he saw her looking at it, he raised it... "I got us fruits. Want to join me in the kitchen?" He asked.      

Leo was now used to always having a evening chat with her. He felt guilty though since he knew she was a student and was supposed to let her study or probably sleep but he couldn't help it.      

"I don't want to talk to you anymore or even want to see you standing in front of my door again." Mia said with an angry glare.      

"Why?" He asked with a confused frown.      

"Don't ask me silly questions!" She said before banging the door in his face.      

"Mia?" Leo called her again when he noticed she looked deep in thought and she jerked back to reality. She had actually imagined telling him all that in her head.     

"Sure.. I'll join you inside the kitchen." She heard herself say to him and pinched herself for it.      

"Good then." He sent her one of those smiles that made her want to smile back before turning towards the kitchen.     

She shut the door slowly and returned to fall flat on her bed with her face.      

"What are you doing Mia?" She asked herself as she faked a cry. She was supposed to stay away but it seemed she couldn't. She was probably going to get bored to death in the house if she decided to stay away.     

She stood up and changed into her 'grandma' outfit before joining him in the kitchen.      

Leo'didn't look as startled as he had looked the previous night. He was probably used to the big skirt and shirt by now.      

"Hi!" She greeted awkwardly before sitting down.      

"That's weird." He noted as he watched her intently.      

"What is?"      

"Your attitude tonight. It seems... off" He said with a confused frown on his face as he served her a fruit salad. "What's wrong?"      

"Nothing.." She answered with a shrug.      

"There is definitely something" He said with his gaze never leaving her face.      

She lifted her head to look at him and after a moment of hesitation she asked...      

"Do you play about with women?"      

If he had been eating or drinking something, he was pretty sure he would have choked on it.      

"Wait what..?" He asked in confusion.. He hadn't expected such question out of the blue.     

"I'm asking whether you mess with women.. like.. is it a kind of hobby for you?"      

Leo frowned. "Where did you hear that from?"      

"Nowhere. I just remembered the first time I saw you, you were having sex with a lady in my–"     

"We didn't have sex." He quickly corrected.      

"But you both almost did if I hadn't been in there." She said with a frown as she remembered the lady.      

The lady then was pretty and really matured. His ex-girlfriend also was. But compared to them, she was just... plain! Did he also want to mess with her by chance since he hadn't been with someone like her before?      

"But I didn't have sex with her.... thankfully.." He added.      

"That's beside the point. Are you planning to mess with me?"     

"Of course not. Where did you get this idea from?" He asked her.     

When he noticed she wasn't going to talk, he spoke...     

"I have no intention of messing with you Mia." He informed her honestly. "You do not deserve that."     

Mia was a bit touched by that. She didn't deserve that? A smile almost formed on her face but she quickly shook it away and asked,     

"So... you are saying the ladies you mess with deserved it?" She asked while casting him a suspicious look.      

Leo almost chuckled. "The thing is..." He moved closer to sit on the seat beside hers.      

"I just... you know..  it's... mutual.." He stammered.      

"What is mutual?" She asked while looking at him in confusion.      

Leo didn't know how to explain it. Mia always made things difficult for him.     

"If I want it and the lady wants it, we just do it.. no love.. no attachment." He explained in the best and simplest way he could and saw her face form a frown.     

"You know I do not get it how men just have sex with women they do not even know. It's.... I don't know how to put it.. I mean... you have to kiss her and touch her and stick your–" She suddenly stopped talking and threw a slice of papaya inside her mouth to stop herself from talking further.      

Leo watched her in amusement and could see how flushed her cheeks were from embarrassment...     

"You are done asking questions?" He asked as he continued to look at her with an amused expression on his face.     

"I'm done." She answered almost immediately without looking at him.     

"Look Mia..." He held her hand and gently squeezed it, totally startling her but she still didn't look at him and just hiccuped.      

"There are sometimes where we have to just become wild and do crazy stuff..."     

"There is no excuse for being irresponsible." She scolded before standing up.      

"I have to go to bed." She looked down at their hands, hinting for him to let go. He also looked at their hands and to her surprise, he pulled her hand and she lost balance and fell forward on him.     

Her eyes shot wide open as she looked into his eyes.      

She didn't know what else happened but she realised she was sitting sideways on his thigh..     

"What... are you... doing?     

" She stuttered in shock.     

"You sounded like you were jealous earlier." He said in a low voice while looking at her with a serious face.      

Mia could swear Leo could hear her rapid heart beat.     

Leo pulled her closer to him and turned her face with a hand so she would face him.     

He saw how flushed her cheeks were and could feel her temperature rising. Everything about her seemed to drive him crazy and he tried to control his emotions. He was Leo King. He had to keep cool. He reminded himself over and over again.     

"I'm... not jealous. Who cares about the girls you have sex with?" She stammered.      

"You seem to care Mia... but just so you know... it's been long I did that."      

Mia looked at his face, hoping to know if he was actually telling her the truth. But then, she asked herself why she cared. It really wasn't her business.      

They kept looking at each other's faces and she saw his mouth move like he was saying something..      

"What?" She asked in confusion when she didn't catch it.     

"I said... I want to kiss you.."      

"What?" She asked in shock as her eyes shot wide opened..     

"It's going to be quick I promise." He said with his eyes fixed on her lips.      

His self control wasn't working. It wasn't at all.      

When he noticed she wasn't making any effort to move away, he slowly led his hand to the back of her neck and pulled her gently so their faces where just and inch apart.      

"You have no idea how much I am trying to hold myself back Mia." He confessed to her in a husky voice before covering her lips with his....     

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