I'll Tell You Every Day

Chapter 82

Chapter 82

4That night, the twins, Daiyu, and Liu Jin slept together in one room. To Liu Jin's chagrin, he had to sleep on the edge of the bed because the twins each took up Daiyu's side.      0

"It's not fair." He sulked and Daiyu laughed.     

"Bleh!" The twins stuck out their tongues at him.     

"Daiyu-jiejie is ours!" Meili claimed and Mingli nodded.     


Liu Jin frowned.     

"Why you little –     

The twins squealed and giggled as Liu Jin chased and tickled them. Daiyu smiled and watched as the siblings played happily.     

"Did you two take care of mom and dad while I was away?" He asked and the twins nodded.     

"Mingli took care of daddy!"     

"Meili took care of mommy!"     

"Really? And what about your Daiyu-jiejie? Did you take care of her?"     

"Mingli did!"     

"Meili did!"     

"Then why is she so thin now?"     

The twins gasped and covered their mouths with their little hands.     

"Your jiejie hasn't been eating properly. So starting tomorrow, we will work hard to feed her, okay?"     

The twins immediately nodded.     

"We will keep feeding her till she gets her chubby cheeks back."     

Daiyu giggled upon hearing his plans.     

"Fluffy jiejie!"     

"Fluffy Daiyu-jiejie!"     

Liu Jin nodded.     

"Okay. Go to bed now so we can wake up early tomorrow and make breakfast for her."     


"Eggs and bacon!"     

Liu Jin nodded and started tucking them in.     

"Good night, Mingli." Liu Jin kissed the boy's forehead and he giggled.     


He kissed him again.     


He peppered his little face with kisses and Mingli squealed in happiness.     

"Good night, Jin-gege!" He kissed his brother's cheek softly.     

Liu Jin nodded and ruffled the boy's hair. Next, he tucked Meili in.     

"Good night, princess." He kissed her forehead.     

"Good night, Jin-gege!" She kissed his cheek in reply. He smiled.     

Next, he turned to Daiyu. She giggled.     

"Good night, Xiao Yu." He kissed her forehead and Daiyu smiled.     

"Good night, Jin." She replied as she softly kissed his cheek too.     

He smiled warmly at her before covering her with a blanket and stroking her hair gently.     

"Good night."     

He stood up and closed the lights before getting in bed himself.     


The next morning, Daiyu woke up to find the bed empty. She pouted. It felt so lonely.     

She rubbed her eyes and stretched before going to the bathroom to freshen up. Because she came over without a change of clothes, she went through Liu Jin's closet to find something to wear.     

She found a large shirt and wore it. She then yawned and slowly made her way down to have breakfast.     

"Daiyu-jiejie!!!" The twins came to greet her. She smiled and bent down.     

"Good morning." She greeted.     

The twins greeted her back by kissing each of her cheeks before holding her hands.     

"Breakfast is ready!" They called as they pulled her towards the table.     

The sight that greeted her next had her blushing. Liu Jin was by the stove, wearing a white apron, cooking.     

'So handsome.'     

Liu Jin, who heard the noise, turned his head. He saw Daiyu wearing his shirt and blushed.     

'So cute.'     

He smiled.     

"Good morning, Xiao Yu." He greeted with his boy next door smile.     

Daiyu immediately turned red. She was no longer used to that smile! Liu Jin, upon seeing her reaction, chuckled.     

"Daiyu-jiejie! Sit beside Meili!"     

"Nooo! Sit beside Mingli!"     

"Nooooo! Meili!"     

Daiyu giggled.     

"Daiyu will sit beside Jin-gege!" She happily claimed.     

The twins looked at her before frowning.     

"Nooooo!!!" They replied in unison.     

Soon, they all sat around the table and began eating.     

The moment Daiyu took a bite of the food, her eyes widened and sparkled.     

'So good!!!'     

Liu Jin, who had been observing her expressions, chuckled.     

"How is it?" He asked.     

"You win, you win!" She immediately conceded defeat and continued eating happily.     

If she could eat this every day, she didn't mind losing at all. He smiled and scooped more food onto her plate.     

"Eat more."     

Daiyu nodded, happily accepting the food.     


After eating, Liu Jin and Daiyu returned to his side of the house. Aside from enlarging his room, Nana had made a small living room and kitchen for him to give him more privacy.     

"Xiao Yu, can I ask for my prize now?" He asked.     

Daiyu nodded innocently.     

Liu Jin grinned naughtily. Still, he hesitated for a bit and decided to ask his conscience.     

'Should I…'     

"You shouldn't. Definitely shouldn't."     

A vein started pulsing on Liu Jin's head.     

"Why are you here?!"     

"TO PROTECT XIAO YU!!!" Zhihao immediately answered.     

"And how do you even know what I was thinking?!"     


"So you admit that you're a pervert?!"     

Daiyu laughed as she watched the two boys bicker.     

"Xiao Yu." Ying Yue called.     

"Jiejie!" Daiyu greeted back with a smile.     

"Oh right, Jin. This is Ying Yue. My wife–OUCH!"     

"Who's your wife?!"     

Daiyu giggled.     

Liu Jin nodded towards Ying Yue and extended his hand.     

"Liu Jin."     

"Jiang Ying Yue." She replied and they both shook hands.     

"Jin, she's the one in the photos I sent you." Daiyu excitedly explained and Liu Jin nodded with a smile.     

He knew. He always paid attention to everything she sent him. Even while he was away, he still tried his best to not miss out on her life.     

"Right! Now that we all know each other, why don't we go on a date?" Zhihao invited.     

"A date? Where to?" Daiyu asked.     


The four of them spent the rest of the afternoon at the park, riding bicycles. Daiyu didn't know how to ride one so Liu Jin patiently taught her.     

At one point, she managed to get the hang of it so Liu Jin let go of the handle and she started riding on her own. Soon, however, she lost her balance and fell.     

"Xiao Yu!" Liu Jin quickly came to her side.     

"Are you alright?" He asked, brows furrowed in worry.     

Daiyu scrapped her knee. It was just a scratch but it still hurt and it bled quite a bit. She stared at her wound for a while before facing Liu Jin with a pout.     


He chuckled and kissed her forehead.     

Zhihao, who saw the exchange from afar, smiled.     

"Hehe." He giggled.     

"Mmm? What's up?" Ying Yue asked.     

"She's acting like a spoiled little princess again." Zhihao replied with a warm smile on his face.     

Ying Yue followed his line of sight and saw Liu Jin patiently treating Daiyu's wound.     

"Is that a good thing?" She asked and Zhihao nodded.     

"Mmm! She's young. Let her act her age. She shouldn't try to be so mature yet. That's our job."     

Ying Yue smiled before nodding. When it came to looking after people, Zhihao was surprisingly really good at it.     


Just like that, Liu Jin continued spoiling Daiyu and slowly, she started opening up to him again.     

That summer, the four of them returned to the Liu summer house. They went to check on the tree that the three kids first carved their names on and Ying Yue raised a brow.     

"Jin x Daiyu x Zhihao x Uncle Tang x Grandpaw? Why are you guys in a ship with the old man?" She asked.     

"It's his fault!!!" The two boys replied in unison and Daiyu giggled.     

"Let's add Nao Nao's name!"     


After checking the tree out, they went to see the sunflowers that the twins and Daiyu had planted.     

"Jin! Jin! Look! They're in full bloom!" Daiyu excitedly ran towards the flowers, her face painted with a bright and beautiful smile.     

Liu Jin took his camera and snapped away.     

"They're so beautiful!" Daiyu commented and Liu Jin smiled.     

"Mmm. Beautiful." He replied as he stared at her.     

"See. A total creep." Zhihao told Ying Yue and she chuckled.     

Now she understood why Daiyu loved this man. She smiled.     


After checking out the sunflowers, they went to the river and ate cold slices of watermelon before returning back to the cabin. There, everyone prepared for the barbeque.     

Zhihao, Zhichen, Bob, and Liu Jin went to prepare the campfire while Liwei and Shuren set up the grill. Nana, Victoria, Ying Yue and the twins prepared the meat and marinade while Daiyu sat with her grandfather, drinking tea.     

Upon seeing Butler Tang arrive with a basket of vegetables, Daiyu quickly approached him and held his hand.     

"Uncle Tang, Daiyu wants curry."     

He nodded and led her towards the counter where they started preparing the ingredients together.     

Wang Jing chuckled as he watched them. Over the years, he had seen how much Daiyu and Tang Yun had grown attached to each other. If one didn't know any better, one would think that they were a father and daughter pair.     

He smiled.     

"I brought sea food!" A familiar voice came and he turned his head. He chuckled.     

Liu Honghui had arrived with Butler Shao, carrying crates of seafood.     

"Woah!!! Old man, you're the best!" Zhihao cheered and Honghui laughed.     

"Grandpa! Grandpa!" The twins hugged each of his leg tightly.     

Honghui bent down and carried both of them before placing Mingli in Wang Jing's arms. Mingli looked up, stared at Wang Jing's face for a while before smiling.     

He kissed the old man's cheek softly and giggled.     

"Grandpa Wang!" He called.     

Wang Jing smiled. Every day was truly filled with blessings.     

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