I'll Tell You Every Day

Chapter 83

Chapter 83

2Everyone had a hearty meal for dinner that night. After that, the adults stayed behind to chat over wine and beer while the younger ones were sent to bed.      4

"Xiao Yu." Liu Jin called.     

"Mmm?" Daiyu innocently asked.     

"Want to take a bath with me?"     

Daiyu's eyes widened and she blushed until her ears turned red.     


"Why not?" Liu Jin pouted.     

He hugged her from behind and rested his head on her shoulder.     

"We used to bathe together all the time." He whispered into her ear.     

Daiyu, feeling her embarrassment reach its peak, quickly stomped on his foot as hard as she could. Liu Jin groaned but chuckled.     

"Why are you feeling shy? There's nothing to hide." He teased.     

Daiyu covered her ears and quickly looked away.     

"What was that? Didn't you always ask me… Jin-gege, please bathe Daiy-URGH!"     

Daiyu quickly turned around and kneed him in the groin before leaving with a red face.     

Liu Jin chuckled at her retreating back.     


The four teens stayed together in one room. After their bath, they talked some more before deciding to sleep.     

"Xiao Yu. Are you still mad at me?" Liu Jin asked as he hugged Daiyu from behind. They were currently sharing a bed.     

Daiyu huffed, her cheeks puffed and her eyebrows furrowed. Liu Jin giggled and kissed her nape.     

"I'm sorry. I won't tease you about it again. Okay?" He coaxed her.     

Daiyu hesitantly turned her head and looked up to him with big eyes.     

"Promise?" She asked as she raised her pinky.     

"Promise." Liu Jin nodded and hooked his pinky onto hers.     

She smiled.     

"Okay." She hugged him back and rested her head on his chest.     

Liu Jin gently stroked her hair before speaking.     

"Xiao Yu."     


"Didn't you promise me that you'd work hard to grow fat boob–URGH!"     

Daiyu kneed him in the groin before glaring at him with a red face. Liu Jin laughed. His baby was so easy to tease.     


Everyone stayed over at the summer house for a week before finally returning back home. Before they left, Daiyu and Liu Jin carved their names onto the tree like they always did every year.     

"Four more years till a baby." Liu Jin whispered to himself.     

"Mmm?" Daiyu asked, not quite hearing what he said.     

"I said I can't wait to take away your virginit-URGH!"     

Daiyu stomped away, her brows furrowed in anger and her face red. Was her Jin-gege always this perverted?!     

Upon remembering his words earlier, she blushed even harder before shaking her head.     

'Daiyu won't lose!' She huffed, ready to fight back against him.     


The rest of the summer was mostly Liu Jin and Daiyu catching up. He told her all about his experiences in military school while Daiyu in turn shared about her life at the academy.     

Soon, a month had passed and it was time for the twins to celebrate their seventh birthday.     

"Mingli, this is for you. And this is for Meili." Daiyu pointed towards their gifts and the twins excitedly inspected them.     

"So big! Daiyu-jiejie what is it?" Mingli asked as he looked at the box that was about his size.     

Daiyu giggled.     

"Daiyu-jiejie and Jin-gege worked hard to look for those! Open it and see." She smiled and the twins nodded. They then proceeded to tear through the wrapping before opening the box.     

"WOAH!!!" Mingli's eyes sparkled upon seeing the blue car inside.     

"A PINK CAR! LIKE DAIYU-JIEJIE'S!" Meili too was excited.     

Daiyu giggled and nodded. They bought matching toy cars for the twins, a blue one for Mingli and a pink one for Meili.     

"Ride now, ride now!" The twins chanted in unison and began climbing inside the toy. Soon, the two of them were driving around the estate, showing off their new toys to everyone.     

"Daddy!" Meili called.     

"Mmm?" Shuren asked as he bent down to her eye level.     

"Daddy, can you help Meili redecorate Meili's car?" She asked as she tilted her head to one side.     


Meili nodded.     

"Meili wants, a white one with a big red cross!"     

Shuren paused.     

"An ambulance?"     

Meili nodded excitedly.     

"Meili wants to become a doctor!"     

A smile slowly bloomed on Shuren's face and he ruffled her hair before nodding.     

"Meili will become a wonderful doctor."     

"Really?!" Meili asked, excitement and expectation filling her eyes.     

Shuren nodded.     

"Daddy will support you all the way."     

Meili giggled happily upon hearing her father's words.     

"Meili wants to become a doctor?" Mingli asked as he drove to their side.     

Meili nodded.     

"Does Mingli want to become a doctor too?" She asked.     

Mingli shook his head.     

"Mingli doesn't like blood and owies!"     

"Then what do want to become?" Shuren asked.     

"Mingli wants to become rich! Like daddy!"     

Shuren laughed at his response before ruffling his hair.     

"A smart child." He grinned.     


After the birthday party, Wang Jing left to visit Yi Jie in America like he always did every year. The teens, on the other hand, spent the rest of the summer at the Wang rest house by the mountains.     

"Xiao Yu, let's go to the coast to get some fresh seafood. Then we can ask the chef to set up a hot pot for dinner." Zhihao suggested.     

Daiyu licked her lips and immediately nodded, eyes sparkling with excitement. The other three laughed at her expression.     

After Liu Jin's return, Daiyu's appetite had greatly increased. Still, no matter how much she ate, she would only gain a little weight and nothing more. As such, Liu Jin continued feeding her, hoping to get her chubby cheeks back.     

As decided, all four of them went to the coast and bought a lot of food. They also dropped by the wet market to buy some vegetables. They then made their way back to the old house where Nao Nao was waiting and had dinner.     


Zhihao watched as Daiyu gorged down on her food.     

"Our baby piggy is back!" He said, eyes filled with emotion.     

Daiyu frowned and stomped on his foot.     


"Daiyu is beautiful!" She huffed.     

Liu Jin chuckled and continued scooping food onto her plate. Daiyu ate heartily, accepting everything given to her.     

After dinner, the four of them went to bathe at the hot springs. Daiyu and Ying Yue went to the other side of the wooden barrier, away from the boys.     

"Woah! Jiejie, your body is so beautiful!" Daiyu commented.     

Ying Yue smiled shyly before speaking.     

"You too, Daiyu. You're very… well endowed."     

On the other side, Zhihao had his ears pressed against the wall. He gulped.     

"She said Ying Yue has a nice body!"     

"Stop doing that you pervert! Get back here!" Liu Jin gritted his teeth as he watched Zhihao eavesdrop on the girls.     

"Woah!!! She said that Daiyu is well endowed!"     

"Where? Well endowed where?!" Liu Jin quickly joined Zhihao and pressed his ear against the wall too.     


After summer vacation, it was finally time to return to the academy. Zhihao, Ying Yue, and Liu Jin were officially starting senior high while Daiyu was on her last year of junior high. Liu Jin took Daiyu's first day of school photos this year and she happily posed for him.     

"Let's go." He called.     

Daiyu nodded.     

"Bye grandpa. Bye Uncle Tang." She kissed each of them goodbye before entering the Liu family car with Liu Jin following her close behind.     

Just before Liu Jin could enter the car, Wang Jing called for him.     

"Ah Jin."     

Liu Jin turned around to face the old man and approached him.     

"… Ah Jin. That woman has become Cui Cheng's wife. Be careful."     

Liu Jin's eyes widened for a split second before returning to normal. He nodded.     

"I'll watch over Xiao Yu well. Don't worry, grandpa."     

Wang Jing smiled and nodded. After his return from military school, the boy had started calling him grandpa shamelessly. Still, he didn't mind. In fact, he quite liked the sound of it.     

"Go now."     

Liu Jin nodded and entered the car as well. Daiyu rolled the windows down and waved them goodbye as the car drove further and further away.     

When they've left the gates of the Wang Mansion, Daiyu rolled the windows back up before turning to face Liu Jin.     

"What did grandpa say?" She asked as she looked up to him innocently.     

Liu Jin stared at her for a while before speaking.     

"He said that he wants six great grandchildren–URGH!"     

Daiyu jabbed his rib and huffed before looking out the window. Liu Jin chuckled and wrapped an arm around her waist.     

"Xiao Yu…" He kissed her hair and smiled.     

"I love you."     

Daiyu blushed, still angry, but also touched.     

"Xiao Yu…" He called but she continued to ignore him. He chuckled.     

"From now on, we'll be facing a long life together. We'll get into fights, misunderstandings, and we may even grow tired of each other."     

He paused.     

"But please, don't give up on me. Okay?" He asked.     

Daiyu turned around to face him. She cupped his cheeks with her hands and stretched his cheeks.     

"We're a team." She smiled. "We'll work hard together to make it work."     

He smiled widely at her reply and peppered her face with light kisses. Daiyu giggled before kissing the tip of his nose.     

"I love you, Jin." She said with a beautiful smile on her face.     

Liu Jin's eyes widened.     

"Again. Say it again."     

Daiyu shook her head and stuck her tongue out at him.     


"Why you little –     

Daiyu giggled and squealed as Liu Jin tickled her.     

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