I'll Tell You Every Day

Chapter 80

Chapter 80

1This year, Daiyu didn't visit the Wang rest house by the mountains. Instead, she spent the entire time with the twins at the summer house. There, they played with the horses, planted vegetables together, cooled off by the river, and set off fireworks at night.     

"Daiyu-jiejie!" Mingli called.     


"Daiyu-jiejie, when Jin-gege comes homes, will you still love Mingli?"     

Daiyu giggled.     

"Of course!" She then carried the boy in her arms and peppered his face with kisses.     

Mingli squealed in happiness.     

"Daiyu-jiejie! Meili wants kisses too!" Meili called and pouted.     

Daiyu picked her up and kissed her too.     

"Xiao Yu!"     

Daiyu turned her head and saw the old farmer approaching them.     

"Here, for dinner." He handed her a basket of fresh vegetables.     

Daiyu gently put the twins down before accepting the basket. As the two of them talked, the twins talked among themselves too.     

"Mingli!" Meili called and held his hand.     

Mingli turned his head to face her.     

"When Jin-gege comes home, we must work hard!"     

"Work hard? Why?" He asked as he tilted his head to one side.     

"Because Jin-gege will steal our Daiyu-jiejie away from us!" She pouted.     

Mingli gasped and covered his mouth with his little hands.     

"Mingli doesn't want that!" He said as he shook his head in worry.     

Meili nodded and spoke.     

"That's why we will bully Jin-gege together!"     

"Bully together!" He agreed and nodded.     

"Bully together!" They chanted in unison.     

The twins huffed, ready to fight against their big brother.     


Back in England, Zhichen had finally finished his last school year there. As he was packing his things and getting ready for his move, he found several photos of Alice that he had kept in the past.     

He clutched them tightly, a single tear rolling down his face. He then sighed and wiped his tears away before tossing the pictures into the bin.     

After packing up, he had the workers load his items onto the moving truck before leaving the house to take a cab.     

About thirty minutes later, he arrived at a hospital.     

"Excuse me, for patient 368 please." He spoke.     

The nurse nodded and checked her files.     

"Right this way, Sir." She then led him away.     

After walking for a while down a long white hallway, the nurse led him to a room with a one-way glass window. Inside, he saw Alice sitting by a chair, silently staring into space.     

"Can I speak to her?" He asked.     

"I would advise against that, Sir. She still has unexpected bouts of violence every now and then. I'm afraid that she might hurt you."     

"… Just a few words please." He begged.     

"You can have your staff accompany me too. I don't mind." He negotiated.     

The nurse paused before nodding.     

"Alright. Please wait while I call for other staff."     

He nodded.     

Soon, around three male nurses arrived. They then entered Alice's room together.     

"Alice." He called but she did not respond.     

"It's me… Zhichen."     

Upon hearing the name, Alice's eyes widened but she still did not face him. Zhichen then slowly walked towards her before kneeling in front of her. Alice slowly turned her head to face him. He smiled.     

"I'm here." He said as he held her hands.     

Alice stared at him, a tear rolling down her cheek. He gently wiped it away.     

"Alice, I'm moving far away… I won't be able to see you again after this…"     

He paused.     

"I… I hope that you get better soon… I love you, Alice…" He said as he softly kissed her hands.     

"But I will work hard to forget that love too… I want both of us to heal…" He smiled bitterly.     

"We will heal… and get better with time… just… not together, like we planned." He said as his tears fell.     

"Take care of yourself, please." He wiped his tears away and stood up before softly kissing her forehead.     

"I wish you a happy life." He smiled and stared at her one last time before walking away.     

Before he could exit the room, Alice's voice stopped him.     

"Zhichen!" She called.     

He turned around to face her.     

"… I'm sorry." She said as tears streamed down her face.     

He smiled and nodded.     


He then turned around and walked away.     


The next school year passed by in an instant. Daiyu joined the home economics club and had fun baking. She would visit Zhihao and Ying Yue in their classroom to bring them samples of her creations and Zhihao's classmates would fight him for them.     

"Give me some!!!"     

"Not a chance!" Zhihao replied as he shoved the entire slice of cake into his mouth.     

Ying Yue sighed. Would he be this protective of their future children too?     

Upon realizing that she had already started imagining their future together, she blushed.     

"What's that? Why are you blushing? Falling for me again-OUCH!!!"     

Ying Yue pinched his ears.     


The twins were growing up well too. They started primary school this year and while Liu Jin was still away, Daiyu took over his role first. She took their first day of school photos, brought them to class every morning, and accompanied them home every afternoon.     

"Daiyu-jiejie!" The twins called her in unison as they ran to her excitedly.     

"Daiyu-jiejie!!!" Their classmates came out to greet her too.     

Because she had been fetching the twins every day, the other children had come to know her well and they've been quite attached to her.     

"Daiyu-jiejie read us a story!"     

"No! Daiyu-jiejie come play house with us!"     

"Noooo! Daiyu-jiejie fix my hair please!"     


In other news, Zhichen had moved into the Zheng Residences and he started his last year of senior high in the same academy as Zhihao and Daiyu. Of course, he was really popular with the girls but Zhihao drove them all away too.     

"Go away! My brother doesn't want a woman!!!" Zhihao gritted his teeth.     

"Kyaaaah! His little brother is cute too!"     

Zhihao blushed but Ying Yue pinched his ears.     


Zhichen laughed. His brother was still a cute little idiot after all.     


Aside from Zhichen, Bob was adjusting to his new life too. He started university that year and while he struggled with his studies, he worked really hard to make his new parents proud.     

"Never in my life did I imagine that I would actually have the chance to finish my education. Gotta work hard and not fuck it up." He said as Zhihao tried convincing him to relax.     

Zhihao smiled.     

"Hehe!" He giggled.     

"What you giggling at?" Bob asked.     

"Bob-gege HAHAHAHA!"     

"Fuck! Don't call me that!!!"     


Finally, the year was almost over. With Liu Jin's return quickly approaching, Nana had the house renovated. She knew that his son would need more privacy now that he was older so she had a new section of their house made.     

"You're spoiling him too much." Shuren said as he looked at the plans that Nana had drawn out.     

Nana giggled. Shuren's only saying that but he was actually more excited than her for Liu Jin's return. He had already booked a week-long trip for them and he even ordered a car. Liu Jin can't drive it yet but Shuren didn't care.     

"Oh, honey don't you think the new bedroom is a bit small?" She asked.     

Shuren paused before nodding.     

"You're right. Let's extend it up till here."     

Nana secretly giggled. See!     

Of course, Daiyu was really excited too. She heard that Liu Jin would be returning home this summer and she was really looking forward to it. While he would miss another one of her birthdays, she assured herself that she had to endure just a few more days till his return.     

Soon, it was finally time.     


Daiyu laid on her bed, wide awake. Tomorrow, Liu Jin was finally returning home. She tried to sleep early but her excitement got the better of her and she couldn't even stay still for a minute.     

Soon, the clock had rung and it was already midnight. Still, she remained wide awake. She stayed that way until about five in the morning when her exhaustion finally took its toll. She fell into a sleep so deep that she didn't even realize that Liu Jin had arrived.     

He opened the door to her room quietly and peeked inside. Daiyu was peacefully asleep on her bed. Sunlight poured into the room, illuminating her face. He smiled and slowly approached her.     

He laid beside her carefully, making sure not to wake her. He then gently tucked away a stray hair behind her ear.     

He stared at her at her face for a long time, carefully memorizing her features. It had been so long since he last saw her. He smiled.     

He listened to her soft, even breathing before he too fell asleep. He gently wrapped an arm around her waist, basking in her familiar warmth.     

Soon, Daiyu opened her eyes.     

Upon seeing the man in front of her, she blinked, not sure if she was just dreaming.     

Liu Jin, feeling the slight movement in bed, woke up. He opened his eyes and was greeted by her surprised expression. He smiled coyly.     

"Missed me?"     

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