I'll Tell You Every Day

Chapter 93

Chapter 93

2After the twins celebrated their birthday, it was time for all of them to return to the academy. This year, Daiyu was finally starting senior high.      1

"Alright, smile…" Liu Jin took Daiyu's first day of class photos as usual.     

After he was done taking pictures of her with everyone, she went over to her grandfather.     

"Bye grandpa. Bye Uncle Tang." She kissed each of them goodbye.     

The pair were only staying to see her off before they leave to catch their flight. Daiyu had booked them a trip to Italy. She insisted that they needed to relax and get some time off work.     

"Be good at school." Butler Tang gently kissed her forehead and she giggled and nodded.     

"Grandpa, bring lots of snacks home for Daiyu!" She requested.     

Wang Jing chuckled and patted her head before nodding.     

With that, she entered the car with Liu Jin before rolling the windows down.     



Now that Daiyu was in senior high, she decided to join the academy's choir. Ying Yue stayed in the literature club while both boys were still deciding on a sport.     

This year, Ying Yue and Liu Jin shared a class while Zhihao was in another.     

"NOOOOOOO!" He wailed.     

Ying Yue giggled and gently patted his head.     

"Work hard."     

"It's not faaaaiiir!" He clung to her tightly.     


The pair turned their heads towards the voice and saw a group of boys.     

"Clinging to your girlfriend like that. Aren't you embarrassed?" They mocked.     

"No. Not at all." Zhihao replied naturally.     


"Well, when your girlfriend is as pretty as Xiao Yue, why would anyone be embarrassed?"     

Ying Yue blushed and playfully punched Zhihao.     

"Hehe." He giggled.     

"Let's go." She said with a smile.     

With that, Zhihao escorted Ying Yue to her class before entering his own. To his surprise, he was classmates with the group of boys from earlier. They all took the surrounding seats and only the one in the middle was empty.     

He sighed.     

Looks like things were going to be rough.     


After classes ended that day, Ying Yue and Zhihao went home together as usual. However, she noticed that all throughout the ride, he had been rather quiet.     

"What's wrong?" She asked.     

"Oh, nothing. Just a few stuff on my mind." He smiled.     

"Anyway, how's your class?" He asked, changing the topic.     

Ying Yue then began to talk about her class, forgetting her earlier concern.     


Days after that, Zhihao's odd behavior continued and Ying Yue could not take it anymore. Even when confronted, he would refuse to open up about his problems so she decided to ask Liu Jin instead.     

"Jin, can I talk to you for a sec?" She asked.     

Liu Jin stood up from his seat and nodded. They then left the classroom and went to look for an isolated and empty balcony.     

"Jin, Zhihao's been weird lately." She started.     

"What do you mean? He's always weird."     

Ying Yue laughed at his answer.     

"Not weird like that. I mean, he hasn't been as lively as before. I know something's bothering him but he won't tell me. Do you know anything?"     

Liu Jin paused to think before shaking his head.     

"I'll ask later." He said.     

"No. I think if you ask, he'll just keep quiet too… He'll probably think I sent you. He's sharp like that…"     

Liu Jin nodded. She was right. That idiot was surprisingly smart when it came to weird things.     

"Leave it to me." He said.     

Ying Yue looked at him, worried.     

"Are you sure?"     

He nodded.     

"I'll tell you if I ever find anything."     

Ying Yue smiled.     



After their little talk, Liu Jin began snooping around. He started by asking some of the girls in Zhihao's class if anything was out of place.     

"You see…" The first girl nudged the second girl, asking her to speak instead.     

While they were both really excited to talk to Liu Jin, they weren't as excited about the topic.     

"Is something wrong?" He asked.     

"I… well, we don't want to get into trouble."     

"It's fine. I won't tell anyone."     

"… Promise?"     

Liu Jin smiled and nodded.     

The girls immediately swooned and willingly spoke.     

"I think he's being troubled by Wen Duyi's group."     

"Wen Duyi?" He asked and they nodded.     

He knew that name. Wasn't he the one crushing on Ying Yue?     

"They're really mean!"     

"Yeah! They fill his bag with trash, shove him around 'accidentally' and one time, they even tripped him down the stairs. I think he got a sprain after that."     

Liu Jin furrowed his brows.     

'THAT IDIOT!!!" He clenched his fists, his nails digging into his palm.     

"They surround him in class and bother him during lessons. We… we want to help him but those group of boys are really mean. We… don't want to be caught in the crossfire…" They looked down, ashamed.     

Liu Jin sighed and nodded.     

"Thanks." He replied, gently patting their heads.     

The girls immediately blushed. Before they could reply, however, Liu Jin already walked away.     

He was going to find that idiot and confront him!     


Zhihao made his way to the rooftop, planning to eat alone during his break time. He wanted to eat in the cafeteria but he knew that he'd run into those dicks again. He sighed.     

"Man. If I could just beat them up, I would have already done so."     

"Then why don't you?"     

Zhihao immediately turned his head and saw an angry Liu Jin. He gulped.     

"Hahaha… Jin! My man! Why are you-OUCH!"     

Liu Jin slapped the back of his head.     


"What do you-     

"For the record, I already know. I'm giving you this chance to explain yourself."     

Zhihao paused before sighing.     

"Did Ying Yue send you?"     

"What? You think your girl's the only one concerned?"     

Zhihao paused.     



"Fine! Fine!"     

Zhihao sat down and began to talk.     

"Those dicks are led by Wen Duyi. You know, the guy who likes Ying Yue. They've been bothering me for a while now, doing nasty shit to my things and what not… I ignored them at first, since this was all too fucking childish. But then shit started escalating so I fought back. See."     

He lifted his shirt to reveal black and blue bruises.     

"I didn't think slacking off from training would dull my skills this much and fuck." He buried his face onto his palm.     

"I lost terribly. There were eight of them. I managed to get six but then their reinforcements came and-URGH!"     

"WHAT THE FUCK MAN?!" Zhihao held his cheek.     

Liu Jin had just punched him.     

Right now, he was standing in front of him, seething in anger.     

"What do you take me as?" He asked.     

"… Huh?" Zhihao didn't quite understand what he meant.     

Liu Jin lifted him up by his collar before throwing a punch right to his gut.     


Zhihao felt his vision darkening. He heard Liu Jin mumble a few words but he couldn't quite understand what he was saying. Not before long, his consciousness faded.     

"Fuck… you Jin…!"     

"No thanks."     


Liu Jin made his way to Zhihao's class. There were only a few minutes left before break time was over.     

Upon entering the room, he immediately searched for Wen Duyi.     

"Outside." He said, motioning for them to leave.     

Wen Duyi smirked.     

"What? Can't handle us alone he had to call for bac-URGH!"     

"Less talk. More moving." Liu Jin said before swiftly leaving the room.     

Enraged, all of them followed him to the back gardens. There, they circled around him, cracking their knuckles and mocking him.     

"I heard you went to the military? Ha! Bet we can whoop your ass faster than that Zheng boy."     

Liu Jin smirked.     

"Try me." He goaded.     

"You'll regret this!" Wen Duyi shouted as him and his men launched themselves at Liu Jin.     



Daiyu, who was enjoying her snack, stopped her bite midway to face Zhenzhen.     

"Jin got caught in a fight with other upperclassmen! They're at the back gardens right now!"     

"What?!" She immediately stood up to leave.     

However, she paused and looked back at her snack. She picked it up and finished it with a smile. She then hurriedly left the room to find Liu Jin.     

Upon arriving there, she saw him on the floor, clutching his right arm. All around him were fallen students who were in a worse situation than him.     

"Jin!" She ran to his side immediately.     

Inspecting him closer, he had several cuts and bruises. She furrowed her brows and she felt her heart clench.     

"I'm alright." He said with a small smile upon seeing her worried face.     

"Hey! You over there!"     

They both turned their heads and saw a group of guards running towards them. They immediately restrained Liu Jin.     

"Urgh." He groaned when they twisted his broken arm.     

"Careful! He's hurt!" Daiyu said as she tried to stop them.     

When Daiyu saw that the guards were ignoring her, she stomped on their foot as hard as she could.     


"I said he's hurt!" She frowned.     

The guard, upon finally realizing that Liu Jin's arm was broken, loosened his grip.     

By this time, other staff members arrived at the scene and began escorting the fallen students to the hospital while Liu Jin was brought to the principal's office.     

Daiyu rushed to the clinic to fetch some supplies since the guards refused to have him treated.     

"I'll be back. Don't do anything rash, okay?" She said as she cupped his cheeks.     

He smiled and nodded.     

Daiyu paused and gently kissed his lips.     

"Wait for me."     

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