I'll Tell You Every Day

Chapter 97 - NSFW

Chapter 97 - NSFW

0[NOTE: Anything that happens in a NSFW chapter will NOT affect the plot at all. Read for pure pleasure or skip without missing anything.]     4

[Tags: Lingerie/Blindfold/Recording/Sumata]     

[DISCLAIMER: Don't read this chapter if you are looking for examples on how to lead your sexual life as apparently, I need to make sure my readers dont think that this is the 'norm.']     

"C-can… can you wear a blindfold?" Daiyu shyly asked.     

"… Fine." Liu Jin answered.     


"But only if you wear one too."     


"You wanna see my man bits but I can't see yours? That's unfair!"     

Daiyu gritted her teeth. Why is it starting to sound like she was the pervert?!     

"… Fine!"     

"Okay then deal."     


As such, Daiyu went over to Liu Jin's closet and got two of his neckties. They then each tied it tightly over their eyes.     

When they were done preparing, the awkward silence resumed in between them.     

Liu Jin fumbled around before finally successfully cupping her cheek.     

"It's alright…" He whispered before gently pulling her closer.     

She then rested her head on his chest as he rubbed her back, easing her tension. When he felt her relax, he lifted her chin and leaned down to kiss her.     

He felt her shaking a bit and he smirked. He kissed her again, gently biting on her lower lip. He then slowly prodded her lips open, inserting his tongue inside her as his arm gently slid underneath her shirt.     

"Mmmm…" She lightly moaned into his mouth upon feeling his touch on her bare skin.     

He moved his hand, tracing her spine all the way to her nape. She shivered upon feeling the cold air on her back.     

"J-Jin…" She moaned.     

Liu Jin continued kissing her as he slowly started sliding his boxers down. Taking her hand, he gently led her to touch him.     

Daiyu tensed up upon feeling his hot length. Not knowing what to do, she obediently let him guide her.     

Using her hand, he started stroking himself from the hilt all the way to the top. Slowly, he felt her moving her hand on her own. He groaned in pleasure as he gently let go of her hand and allowed her to stroke him herself.     

He then continued kissing her as his hand wandered around her body. Lifting his hand, he cupped her breast, giving it a tight squeeze.     

"Ah! J-Jin!"     

"Shhh… it's okay." He coaxed her with kisses as his hand continued kneading her breast.     

Finding her shirt in the way, he lifted it up before inserting the hem onto her lips.     

"Bite this." He said and she obediently complied.     

"Xiao Yu… move your hands a bit faster…"     

She nodded and started stroking him in a quicker pace.     

"Urghhhh…"He groaned.     

Unable to resist the temptation, he slid his blindfold off.     

There, he saw Daiyu kneeling as her hand stroked him. She had a blush on her cheeks, her breasts exposed as she bit her shirt.     


Just then, Liu Jin took out a piece of paper and a pen.     




"YES. I CONSENT."     








He shivered at the sight. Reaching for his phone, he began to record her.     


Daiyu nodded. She then sat on his lap, legs spread open as her hand stroked him faster and faster.     

Biting his lip, he watched as her breast slightly bounced from her movement.     

"Good girl…"     

Daiyu took her other hand and began rubbing the tip of his length against her palm.     

"Urrgghhhh…" He groaned, his toes curling up from pleasure.     

Soon, Daiyu heard him moaning more and more while his breath started to quicken. She matched his pace and stroked him faster and faster until she felt him tense up. Soon, she felt thick hot liquid on her chin and breasts.     

"Good girl…" He said before taking a picture of her covered in his cum.     

He threw his phone to the side and pulled her close, sealing her mouth with his lips. He aggressively kissed her, thrusting his tongue inside her as his hand slid underneath her underwear. He squeezed her behind, earning a surprised moan from her.     

He then slid her blindfold off. He stared into her eyes that were glazed over with lust. He smirked before kissing her again. He pulled her even closer so that she was pressed directly against his raging erection.     

"J-Jin, the blindfold."     

"I haven't been wearing it for a while now."     

"W-what?! That's unfair…" She immediately blushed upon imagining him watching her.     

He smirked.     

"Xiao Yu… can you lie on your stomach?"     


"It's alright. As promised, I won't put it in…"     

Daiyu hesitated before nodding. She then lied down on his bed, her face buried in his pillows.     

Liu Jin got on his knees and lifted her waist up.     


She turned her head and saw him pulling her underwear down.     


"Shhh…. It's alright baby…"     

Daiyu blushed, tensing up as she felt the cold air against her skin. Soon, Liu Jin stroked himself with his left hand before closing her legs. He then inserted himself in between her thighs.     

Daiyu's eyes widened.     

"Ahhn!" She moaned. She could feel his hot length directly against her!     

She closed her eyes, her fingers tightly clutching his sheets. She felt him moving about and heard shuffling sounds. She opened her eyes and Liu Jin gently lifted her up so that she was resting on her elbows.     

"Babe… face the camera."     

"Wh-wha ah! Ahn!" She bit her lip as he squeezed her breast with his free hand.     

Right now, his phone was on the headboard of the bed which was conveniently on her eye level.     

"N-no wait ahhnnn!" Daiyu bit her lip as he began thrusting, his member rubbing against her slit.     

With his free hand, he held onto her waist tightly and began thrusting faster and faster.     

"Ah! Ahn!" Daiyu moaned and watched as his phone recorded their act.     

She saw herself moaning, her face contorted in pleasure as her breast swung back and fort. She saw Liu Jin bitting his lip, his brows furrowed as he thrusted faster and faster in between her legs. She watched as his honey tanned skin against her milky white flesh made her look even more fragile and pale.     

Soon, she saw his face contorting in pleasure before she felt his hand slip down as he started flicking her clit.     

"Ahn!" She closed her eyes, feeling the climax closing in.     

He continued thrusting and stimulating her until they both tensed up, cumming together.     

She panted and plopped down the bed, her hips still raised. He smirked. He then bent down and kissed her shoulder before pulling her up so that her back was against his chest.     

He cupped and massaged her breast lightly as he kissed her deeply.     

"Feel good?"     

Daiyu blushed and nodded.     

He smirked.     

He kissed her deeply one more time before reaching to turn the recorder off. He then got up and went to the bathroom. He came back with a wet towel and began wiping her down.     

Daiyu blushed.     

"I-I'll do it."     

"It's okay babe. I can do this much." He said as he struggled to clean her up with one hand.     

Daiyu watched as he gently tended to her.     

She smiled and leaned in to kiss him.     

"Jin… thank you."     

Liu Jin smiled back and kissed her forehead.     

She then took the towel from him and began wiping him down too. He smiled and tucked a stray hair behind her ear.     

"I'm so lucky to have you…" He said and she giggled.     

"You are! So you better treat me right!"     

He nodded vigorously and she laughed. She then cupped his cheeks and kissed his lips, staring into his eyes with a wide smile.     

"My perverted wolf!"     

He chuckled.     


After they were both clean, Daiyu replaced the sheets and they both got into bed.     

"Xiao Yu." He called as he patted the space beside him.     

Daiyu crawled into his arm and rested her head onto his chest. He then took his phone and began playing the video they recorded earlier.     

Daiyu immediately blushed.     

"Jin! Delete that!"     

"What?! No way! It's our first time doing sexy stuff together! I want a memory of it."     

"B-but it's embarrassing!"     

"I'm the only one who's going to watch this."     

"You're going to watch it?!"     

"Of course. I won't show anyone else, okay?"     

"… Promise?"     

"Xiao Yu. By now you should know how much of a jealous man I am. Do you really think I would share you with anyone else?"     

Daiyu paused.     

"But I'm still embarrassed."     

"Then I'll send you a copy too. So you can stare at my man bits as much as you want."     

"I don't wanna stare at your man bits!!!"     

"Lies!!! My man bits are fine as hell!!!"     

"Stop praising yourself!!!"     

The two bickered around some more before finally falling asleep in each other's arms.     

Daiyu slept deeply that night. Today, she got to know a new side of Liu Jin – that while he was much more perverted than she had imagined, he was also much more tender too.     

Maybe being devoured by such a big bad wolf wouldn't be so bad.     

[AGAIN: Nothing in this chapter will affect the plot. Recording included. If it goes against your morals, please skip NSFW chapters in the future. Thank you.]     


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