I'll Tell You Every Day

Chapter 98

Chapter 98

0The next day, the twins got up early to visit their Jin-gege. They held each other's hand as they groggily made their way to his part of the house, still very sleepy.      0

Just then, they smelled something really good and their instinct led them to follow it. There, they saw Daiyu in the kitchen, preparing breakfast. Their eyes widened in excitement, now fully awake.     

"Daiyu-jiejie!" They ran towards her excitedly. They each hugged her leg and looked up to her with big sparkling eyes.     

Daiyu giggled and ruffled their hair.     

"Good morning Meili. Good morning Mingli."     

"Good morning!"     


"Can you go and wake your Jin-gege up for me? Breakfast is almost ready."     

The twins nodded obediently and went to Liu Jin's room to wake him up.     

"Jin-gege! Jin-gege! Wake up!"     

"Up!" They said as they jumped around his bed.     

Liu Jin covered his head with a pillow, ignoring them.     

The twins pouted.     

"Jin-gege! Daiyu-jiejie made you breakfast!"     

"If you won't wake up, Mingli and Meili will finish it for you!"     

"WHAT?! NO!" He immediately got up and raced them downstairs.     

The twins giggled and ran after him.     

"First!!!" The three of them said in unison as they each pulled a chair and sat down.     

Daiyu laughed and began handing them their breakfast before sitting next to Liu Jin. She then began feeding him and he ate heartily.     

The twins pouted.     

"Daiyu-jiejie! Feed me too!"     

"Me too!"     


After everyone finished eating, they went back to their respective rooms to freshen up before going to the academy together.     

"Daiyu-jiejie, Mingli wants a goodbye kiss!"     

Daiyu giggled and bent down to kiss his cheek. She also kissed Meili's cheek and watched as the twins waved before walking hand in hand to their classroom.     

"How bout me? Where's my kiss?" Liu Jin pouted.     

Daiyu giggled before walking away, ignoring him. Liu Jin hurriedly ran after her before walking to her other side to hold her hand with his left hand. Daiyu smiled. She tiptoed and gave his cheek a light peck before hurriedly walking away.     

Liu Jin blushed and stared at her retreating back.     

"Hehe." He giggled.     


Liu Jin instinctively jabbed Zhihao by his rib before walking away.     

"Urgh!" He groaned before chasing after Liu Jin.     


After class that day, the trio decided to start serving their community service hours together. To their surprise, their classmates and friends all joined them in a show of solidarity.     

"Surprise!" Chunhua greeted Daiyu.     

"Wow! You're all here!" Daiyu commented as she looked around. Even Zhenzhen was present. Of course, Ying Yue was there too. She was the one who planned the unity drive and everyone joined in. Even Liu Jin's fangirls were there. Suyin was absent though.     

"Okay guys. Let's start!" Ying Yue called everyone's attention and they all nodded.     

Their main project was to clean up a long stretch of wall around the campus. They were going to remove the weeds and vines around it before repainting it.     

For the next two days, everyone worked hard to clean it up. The following day after that, they started repainting it. By the fourth day, they managed to rack up twelve hours by working three hours each day.     

Victoria would send food and drinks over as thanks and by the end of each day, the number of people who helped them increased because the meals provided were really delicious.     

When the academy staff saw how many students were helping, they decided to have everyone decorate the wall with their own drawings too.     

As such, the students had fun painting, specially Zhihao who enjoyed hiding… little surprises across the wall.     

"Aaaaaand that's the thirtieth dick!"     

Liu Jin rolled his eyes as he watched the idiot paint mini penises hidden in between the drawings.     

"Now I can join the ranks of the academy's seven greatest mysteries!" He proudly huffed.     

"Yeah. Greatest idiot to survive the longest without getting kicked out." Liu Jin commented.     

Zhihao ignored him and continued working on his masterpiece.     

Meanwhile, Daiyu sat on the floor, painting. Liu Jin walked over to her side and sat down next to her.     

"What are you doing?"     

"Painting for the both of us!" She replied.     

Since Liu Jin couldn't use his right arm, Daiyu was drawing for him. She painted the bunny and the wolf together and to their side was a bear looking at the reflection of the moon on the river.     

He smiled.     

"You really love that idiot." He said as he stared at the drawing of the bear.     

Daiyu nodded.     

"I hope Zhihao-gege can be happy forever. Jiejie will take care of him well. I think she's the only one with patience long enough to survive Zhihao-gege's… uniqueness."     

Liu Jin nodded, completely agreeing with her.     

To the side, Ying Yue saw Daiyu's drawing and smiled. She tugged on Zhihao's shirt and pointed towards their direction. Zhihao shifted his attention and smiled upon seeing the painting.     

He approached Daiyu and bent down before drawing a mini penis beside the moon.     

"Zhihao-gege!!!" Daiyu gritted her teeth and Ying Yue laughed heartily.     

"Thirty-fifth diiiiiick!"     


By the time everyone finished repainting the wall, the trio had completed their hours. They were finally free!     

To add to the good news, Wang Jing and Butler Tang were also arriving back home from Italy today. As such, Daiyu went directly to the airport after her class to fetch them.     

"Grandpa!!!" Daiyu excitedly ran towards him.     

Wang Jing chuckled and hugged her tightly.     

"I'm home, Xiao Yu."     

"Uncle Tang!" Daiyu went to hug Butler Tang next. He smiled and hugged her back before gently kissing her forehead.     

"Did you two have fun?" She asked excitedly.     

"Of course! How's Nao Nao?" Wang Jing replied.     

Daiyu laughed. Wang Jing had grown really attached to Nao Nao to the point where the dog now slept with the old man in his room.     

"He's fine. He misses you too!"     

With that, the three of them left the airport to have dinner outside before returning back to the Wang Mansion.     


After that day, life at the academy returned to normal. While Liu Jin's arm was healing, Daiyu attended her activities with the school choir daily. However, it was because of this that his problems began.     

Due to her daily practice, Daiyu had been going home late every day. That means, she had less time for Liu Jin. Less time for him meant grumpy wolf boy the next day. And a grumpy wolf boy meant constant petty fights between the two. As such, they were not in their best terms right now.     

Moreover, Liu Jin was not happy that Daiyu's mentor was a man. While he would not normally care about matters like this, he hated the fact that her mentor would often ask her to stay behind to practice when the rest of the choir members had already left.     

Her mentor had managed to convince Daiyu by saying that he saw a lot of potential in her which he wanted to hone. As such, Daiyu gladly spent more and more time with him.     

When Liu Jin warned her about it, they fought for a long time until they finally came to a compromise. Since Liu Jin didn't want her to be alone with that man, he accompanied her to practice every day.     

Daiyu was not completely comfortable with Liu Jin in the room since he constantly glared at her mentor the entire time. Nevertheless, she let him be. She knew that he was also trying his best to find a middle ground between them and she really appreciated that.     

He would grumpily bring her to practice every day and grumpily bring her home too. She giggled at the thought. He was just too cute.     


"Oh, sorry teacher." She shyly smiled. She was so lost in her thoughts that she apparently zoned out during practice.     

Her mentor frowned.     

"You need to be more serious about this. I'm spending extra hours on you every day." He scolded her.     

Daiyu nodded meekly and practice continued.     

After they were done for the day, they started cleaning up the room and packing up.     

"Daiyu, how long will your boyfriend be disturbing us for?"     

Daiyu paused.     

"I'm sorry. He doesn't mean to disturb us. He's just looking out for me."     

"Looking out for you? Why?"     

"Because we'd be alone otherwise."     

"So??? Are you implying something?!" The teacher roared.     

Daiyu took a step back, shocked at his reaction.     

Liu Jin, who heard the raised voice, stood up as well.     

"What kind of sick mind do you have??? I'm working extra hours for you every day and you show your appreciation by thinking wrongly of me?!"     

Daiyu frowned. She was about to answer back when Liu Jin held her hand.     

"Let's go." He said.     

Daiyu looked at him with a face that said 'But this bitch!!!'     

Liu Jin smiled and gently pulled her away. He then gave the man a fleeting glare before leaving the room with Daiyu.     

Throughout the ride back home, Daiyu kept her silence. Anger was still rampaging inside her since she wasn't able to let it out earlier.     

Upon arriving at the Wang Mansion, Liu Jin went to speak with Wang Jing at once. He reported the matter to the old man and to Butler Tang as well. He wasn't sure if that mentor would cause trouble after this but it was better to be prepared.     

After that, he went to the kitchen and made tea for Daiyu. He had a hard time bringing the tray to her room with only one free hand but he somehow managed.     

Upon arriving at her door, he called out to her.     

"Xiao Yu…"     

Daiyu opened the door and was greeted by the scent of chamomile and a smiling Liu Jin.     

"Tea or me?"     

Daiyu laughed.     

"Can I have both?"     

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