I'll Tell You Every Day

Chapter 88

Chapter 88

0Liu Jin covered his mouth with his hand, trying his best to suppress his smile. His heart was full to bursting but Daiyu keeps giving him more.     4

"Maybe ten years from now,     

You'll forget why you love me.     

Maybe you'll start to doubt     

And your heart's full of worry.     

But I'll give you each day     

A new reason to choose me."     

Daiyu continued to sing, her voice filling the atmosphere with warmth. After the song ended, she greeted Liu Jin.     

"Happy birthday, Jin." She smiled brightly.     

Liu Jin stood up and clapped his hands. He then approached her and hugged her tightly.     

"I loved your song." He said as he looked into her eyes.     

"Just my song?" She pouted cutely and he chuckled.     

"I love you even more." He gently kissed her forehead.     

"Hehe." She giggled.     

After that, the food soon arrived and they both ate, enjoying the cool night breeze together.     

Liu Jin took plenty of photos that night. While it was already dark, the string lights that hung above them illuminated Daiyu's face in a golden hue, making for a beautiful picture.     

"Xiao Yu, let's open up a website for you." Liu Jin suggested.     

"A website?" Daiyu tilted her head to one side.     

"Mmm. We can put up your photoshoot projects and your songs there."     

Daiyu paused.     

"But I don't know how." She honestly replied.     

"I'll handle it for you." Liu Jin smiled and gently stroked her hair.     

"… Okay then. I'll leave it to you." She smiled back.     


With that, Liu Jin worked with Zhichen in opening up Daiyu's personal website. The guy was surprisingly techy and very helpful… unlike Zhihao.     

"Put my picture in there! Put my picture in there!!!" Zhihao pestered his brother.     

"… Why?" Zhichen asked.     

"Why not?"     

Liu Jin buried his face onto his palm.     

"This is her personal website, you idiot! Why would we put your picture in it?!" He gritted his teeth.     

"Say something like, 'Zhihao, Daiyu's favorite big brother' or something!"     

Liu Jin rolled his eyes and continued working on the site while ignoring Zhihao.     

"Put my picture in there–     


Soon, Daiyu's website was up. Liu Jin had too much fun managing her page that he even made a timeline of her growth. He put up his best shots of her growing up and before long, the gallery was filled with her photos.     

"Hehe." He giggled and Zhihao rolled his eyes.     

"Now everyone will know that you're a stalker who's been following her since childhood."     

"Speaking of." Liu Jin's eyes sparkled.     

He then went to his desk and took two boxes from inside a paper bag. He then sat on his bed where Zhihao was. He had asked his father to buy this for him and he was surprised that Shuren got it for him really quickly.     

"What's that?" Zhihao asked.     

Liu Jin opened one box and took out the phone inside with a smirk.     

"Oh my god." Zhihao immediately rolled his eyes.     

Hooray for the age of smartphones! Liu Jin can now snap pictures of Daiyu with more ease.     

"I got you one too." He said as he handed Zhihao the other box.     

"Woah! Really???" Zhihao immediately opened the box and took out his new phone. It was the same model as Liu Jin's.     

"JIN!!! YOU REALLY LOVE ME!!!" Zhihao's eyes sparkled and he tackled Liu Jin with a hug.     

"Get off!!!"     


The next day, Daiyu saw them both sporting the same phone.     

"Woah. You guys really love to match."     



After Liu Jin's birthday, the next break they had was winter break. This year, all four of them went to France. When they got there, the pairs separated and went on their own tour dates, only reuniting at the hotel in the evenings.     

"Xiao Yue, are you having fun with me?" Zhihao asked.     

"Mmm? What makes you ask?"     

"I don't know. Just checking up to make sure you still love me." He pouted cutely and she laughed.     

"I'm having fun. Every day with you is fun." She said as she smiled sweetly at him.     

"Hehe." He giggled.     

"Xiao Yue, when we graduate from the academy, wanna get a place together for uni?"     

"… You want to move in together?"     

"Want, want, want, want!!!" He nodded vigorously and she laughed at his enthusiasm.     

"I'll think about it."     

"Okay! I'll convince you every day until you say yes!"     

"Why are you so excited to move in?"     

"So that we can have sex–OUCH!"     

Ying Yue immediately pinched his ear, her face red with embarrassment.     

Meanwhile, Liu Jin was no better.     

"Xiao Yu."     


"Since we have a hotel room all to ourselves, wanna have se–URGH!"     

Daiyu stomped on his foot as hard as she could and walked away. Tonight, she was going to share a room with Ying Yue!     


Zhihao sat on the bed with a glass of red wine in hand.     

"Ah… Isn't this wonderful?" He asked as he took a sip from his glass.     

"We're in the most romantic city in the world, inside a seven star hotel, enjoying each other's company." He smiled.     

"If only I wasn't spending the night with a man." He said as he downed his glass in one go.     

Liu Jin, who was on the bed beside him, gritted his teeth.     

"You think I want to spend the night with you?!"     


"Shut up!!!"     

In the other room, Daiyu and Ying Yue spent the night together, enjoying each other's company. They tried on different skin care products and had fun chatting until late at night. Before long, they finally fell asleep, completely oblivious of the two boys who were still bickering in the room beside theirs.     


The next day, Liu Jin worked hard to coax Daiyu into forgiving him. He didn't want to spend another night with Zhihao so he did his best to get on her good side.     

"Xiao Yu… forgive me, please?" He asked as he gently kissed her cheek.     


"Please?" He tried again, this time, he looked at her with big puppy eyes and a cute pout.     

Daiyu bit her lip, trying her best to suppress her smile. He was so cute!     

"… I'll think about it." Still, she was not going to give in easily.     

"Okay. I'll do anything as long as I don't get to wake up to Zhihao's ugly mug again."     

Daiyu laughed at his reply.     

"Anything?" She teased and he nodded sincerely.     

"Okay! Then you have to take me to eat at that new buffet we saw at the mall once we get back home!"     

He chuckled at her condition.     

"Okay. We'll eat there as many times as you want."     

Daiyu's eyes sparkled and she licked her lips unconsciously.     




When they arrived back home, they went to the restaurant as promised.     

"Jin, Zhihao-gege's birthday is coming up. Do you want to get him a gift together?"     

"Alright. What do you have in mind?"     

"… Remember that time when we were kids, he used to say that he wanted to build houses when he grows up? I've been researching about it and I found a computer program that he could use to practice."     

Liu Jin nodded, quite impressed at her idea.     

He smiled. Zhihao would surely love his gift. Not only because it would be useful, but more because Daiyu remembered a meaningful aspect of his life.     

As such, after they ate, they went around the mall to look for a copy of the program.     


On Zhihao's birthday, as Liu Jin expected, Zhihao loved Daiyu's gift the most. He was so touched about it that he began ugly crying.     

Ying Yue laughed as she rubbed his back.     

"Why are you crying?" She asked.     

"Xiao Yu remembers! She remembers!" He said in between sobs.     

"That you want to become an architect?"     

He shook his head.     

"That I want to build a house for you."     

Ying Yue blushed, not quite knowing how to react to his sweet confession.     

Meanwhile, Zhihao closed his eyes as memories began flowing into him.     

"Zhihao-gege!" Baby Daiyu called.     

She then crawled onto his lap and showed him her drawing.     

"Wow! That's a pretty house, Xiao Yu." He commented upon examining her work.     

"It's a house for – for Daiyu, Jin-gege, and Zhihao-gege when we grow up!" She claimed.     

Zhihao smiled and gently stroked her hair.     

"I'm sorry Xiao Yu, but I can't live with you in the future."     

Daiyu pouted.     

"Why not?"     

"I have someone else I want to live with. Someone really special to me. Someone I love." He said with a smile.     

Daiyu paused to think.     

"Like Jin-gege?"     

"Mmm! Like Jin is for you. I want to build a beautiful house for her. A place we can call home. Where I can love and treasure her."     

"… Zhihao-gege will make a very pwetty house. Daiyu is sure!"     

"Hehe. You think so?"     

Daiyu nodded vigorously.     

"Daiyu will visit you a lot so that – so that Zhihao-gege won't miss Daiyu."     

He laughed at her reply.     

"Daiyu will cheer Zhihao-gege on! Zhihao-gege, fighting!"     


He opened his eyes and smiled.     

"Xiao Yu! You can come live with us in our house!" He said as he hugged Daiyu.     

"No!" Liu Jin immediately pulled Daiyu away from him.     

"Daiyu wants!" Daiyu replied.     

"Then I'm moving in too!" Liu Jin pouted.     

"What?! You're not invited!" Zhihao gritted his teeth.     

"You have no choice!"     

Ying Yue laughed as she watched them bicker. Looks like their future home would be very lively.     

Just then, a thought came to her.     

"You said you wanted to build a house for me? But you didn't know me back then." She asked and Zhihao shook his head.     

"I've known you all this time. I've loved you longer than you think." He replied with a smile.     

"You mean… like a stalker?" Ying Yue raised a brow.     


Liu Jin burst out laughing. Looks like Zhihao got a taste of his own medicine!     

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