I'll Tell You Every Day

Chapter 53

Chapter 53


Daiyu wore a strawberry one-piece swimsuit. It had neon green frills on her chest area while the rest of the suit was in hot pink. Her hair was up in two high ponytails and she wore heart shaped pink sunglasses. She carried a strawberry smoothie in one hand and a unicorn floatie on the other.



"Look over here, Xiao Yu! Okay, now… smile."

Daiyu obediently complied. Liu Jin took several pictures of her in different poses before helping her apply sunscreen. After patiently indulging her Jin-gege, he finally allowed her to go swim.

Daiyu squealed in excitement and ran towards the nearest pool. She had never tried swimming before and she was very excited.

"Zhihao." Liu Jin called.

"Gotcha!" Zhihao then ran after Daiyu to watch over her.

"Do you know how to swim, Xiao Yu?" He asked.

Daiyu shook her head.

"Want me to teach you?"

"Do! I do!!!"

"Alright. Let's try the shallower pools for now. When you get better at swimming, we can try the wave pools."

"Owkay!" She obediently nodded and Zhihao led her away.

While Zhihao taught Daiyu how to swim, Liu Jin took care of other things. He unpacked their things at the hotel, ordered lunch and instructed the staff to have it delivered to their poolside cottage.

Since it was the holidays, Wang Jing had booked them a three day stay at the resort. They came with Uncle Tang, Zhihao's mom and dad, and Nana and Shuren as well. Liu Honghui couldn't join them because he was currently busy taking care of the company. After all, he had to shoulder Shuren's share because the latter wanted to look after Nana during her pregnancy.

While the establishment they were in had both pool and beachside fronts, Liu Jin planned to spend their entire stay by the pool to help Daiyu learn how to swim first. They couldn't enjoy the beach because while it was already spring, it was still rather cold. Nevertheless, he had promised Daiyu that they would return during their summer vacation.

After finishing his tasks, Liu Jin proceeded to where Zhihao and Daiyu were. The adults refused to swim, saying it was too cold, and enjoyed the comfort of their hotel rooms instead.

"How is it?" He asked.

"Jin-gege!" Daiyu excitedly called him.

"She's doing great. She's a natural." Zhihao praised her with a smile.

"Wow. That's great, Xiao Yu!"

"Hehe." She giggled.

"Want to go have lunch now?" He asked.

Daiyu hesitated. She was really enjoying the pool right now.

"I'll be joining you after lunch." Liu Jin stated.

"Owkay! Lunch now!" Daiyu immediately agreed and got out of the pool.

He chuckled and held her hand, helping her steady her footing.

They then proceeded to the cottage where they had lunch together, enjoying the sumptuous meal that Liu Jin had ordered for them.


Meanwhile, Wang Jing stayed inside his hotel room, melting into the soft bed in a deep sleep. In the past, he used to spend all his time at work, frustrating his doctors who constantly advised him to take a break. But now that he made a conscious effort to spend more time with Daiyu, he had tasted the comfort and luxury of holidays.

While he could not deny that he did miss a few business deals and lost a bit of revenue, his health had significantly improved and so did his mood. He was less grumpy now and he learned to enjoy the peace and quiet of home.

Butler Tang was the same. Whenever his master took a break, so did he.

While he loved his work and enjoyed taking care of the mansion, recently, he found that he quite enjoyed taking care of children as well.

His young mistress, for example, was a delight to look after. She was a curious little bunny, hopping around the mansion while bringing sunshine into every room she entered.

Right now, he was enjoying their little vacation over a bottle of ice-cold beer while the sun was still up, chilling by the poolside.


After lunch, Daiyu enjoyed the giant waterslides by the pool. She repeated the ride again and again and enjoyed her Jin-gege catching her in the water every time.

When she tired herself out, she enjoyed sunbathing with Butler Tang over a nice cold class of cucumber juice. She would turn whenever he turned, and she would take a sip whenever he did. She loved copying her Uncle Tang and Butler Tang indulged her too.

Of course, the pair drew quite the attention. After all, it was not an everyday sight to see a well-toned man with several tattoos sunbathing with a chubby little girl in a hot pink swimsuit.


When the sun began to set, the boys enjoyed preparing the barbeque grill with Shuren and Liwei while Nana and Victoria prepared the meat and marinade.

Daiyu sat with her grandfather, enjoying the view of the sunset quietly.

When dinner came around, everyone enjoyed a hearty meal. The children then took a bath and stayed in one hotel room before watching TV the entire night. They woke up close to lunch time the next day and took a brief swim before having lunch.

After lunch, the boys played with water guns while Daiyu followed her Uncle Tang to the beach. While he laid on the sand, Daiyu covered his legs with sand and shaped it like a mermaid tail.

At night, everyone ate at the beachside restaurant. The adults stayed back to enjoy a night out over wine and beer while the children returned to their room. Of course, missing his beloved beer, Zhihao managed to steal a bottle before running off.

Liu Jin sighed.

"Zhihao-gege! What's that?" Daiyu tilted her head to one side.

"It's something only for adults to drink."

"Then why is Zhihao-gege drinking it?" Daiyu pouted.

"Because he's an idiot. Come with me, Xiao Yu. I have something to show you."

Curious, Daiyu took Liu Jin's hand and followed him. He then brought her to the beachside front and started preparing.


Daiyu's eyes widened with excitement.

Liu Jin had prepared sparkler fireworks for her to enjoy. Daiyu squealed in delight and excitedly took the one Liu Jin handed her. She drew words in the air with the sparkler while Liu Jin tried his best to capture the moment with his camera.

After finishing the fireworks, Daiyu and Liu Jin stayed by the beach, enjoying the cold sea breeze while listening to the sound of the waves crashing on the shore.

"When we grow up, I'll take you to many places, Xiao Yu! Right now, we're still young and there's not much I can do. But when I get my driver's license, we can go on long drives by the countryside! Or if you're not in the mood, we can drive by the city too. We can look for a good view and just sit and watch the city lights together."

Daiyu looked at her Jin-gege. She didn't understand most of what he said but it sounded like fun.

"Daiyu wants! Daiyu wants to grow up with Jin-gege!"

He smiled and nodded. He then gently kissed her forehead.

"Take your time growing up, Xiao Yu. We have time."

He then took the jacket he had packed earlier and draped it over her shoulder. Daiyu giggled and rested her head on his shoulder.


The next day, the children enjoyed the last day of their vacation. Liu Jin and Zhihao competed in swimming while Daiyu followed her Uncle Tang around as usual.

Today, they were going to collect seashells. Butler Tang helped her hold the bucket for her while she ran around collecting all the colorful shells she could find.

When the sun had set that day, their three-day holiday was finally up. By the end of their little trip, Daiyu had stayed out in the sun too much that she had visibly tanned. While she didn't want to go home yet, her Jin-gege had promised her that they would return. Reluctantly, she said goodbye to the resort and they resumed their every day school life.


"Eeeeew! You're so dark, Daiyu." Zhenzhen and her posse scoffed.

"It's – it's called a tan, Zhenzhen! It means, Daiyu can affowd a vacation. How bout you? You must have stayed home, h-huh?" Daiyu huffed proudly.

Zhihao had taught her that line. He had been teaching Daiyu several sassy comeback lines to use against Zhenzhen whenever the opportunity arose.

"T-That's not true!" Zhenzhen gritted her teeth.

"Awright then. Whatever you say." Daiyu then did the hair flip that she had practiced several times with Zhihao before turning around and walking away victoriously.

From afar, Zhihao clenched his fist and cheered.


Liu Jin sighed. They had seen the entire exchange from here. Zhihao wanted to see Daiyu's performance so badly that he refused to go to their classroom until the last minute.

"How's that?! Daiyu's really cool huh!!!" Zhihao proudly praised Daiyu.

"Stop teaching her weird things!!!"

Still, it was true. He also thought that Daiyu was really cool. But then again, her chubby cheeks and slightly round tummy betrayed her. She was still very cute in Liu Jin's eyes.

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