The CEO's Office Boy is a Girl

Chapter 148 "Resolution"

Chapter 148 "Resolution" S-she love this two-faced meanie man?! :knocked-out_face:     

Tan Hua face blushed red as she turned her head around to avoid seeing Nan Shen in her sight. Right she didn't know that she was in love before but then how could she didn't know when her heart always beat for him?     

Just now when she saw his face alone her heart beat faster to the point of nearly explode from her chest. She couldn't deny it that she indeed had feeling for this man.     

....wait but in the drama Nan Shen love Mi Shu right? Is okay for her to love him instead...well Mi Shu wouldn't fall for Nan Shen though so she should still have a chance right?     

Hmmm but now she was in a boy appearance Nan Shen wouldn't fall in love with a boy. Should she wait until her sister could be cured to chase after Nan Shen or...     

But what if someone else chase after him when she was still in her boy appearance wouldn't that be bad...should she just try to make Nan Shen like her for now?     

Nan Shen thought of her as his little brother so he would at least have a good feeling about her right. She should take advantage of this!     

Tan Hua was never someone who would stay silent when she knew what she wanted. Up until now she haven't realize her feeling for Nan Shen and so she didn't do anything.     

It's strange how after she was beaten up she got this enlightenment. Maybe it was true she had to be beaten up first to have her head clear like this.     

Now she fully aware of her feeling toward this man even though that would mean she was a masochist, she would do something to have this man heart!     

Just wait Nan Shen she would try to get his heart even when she didn't reveal her true gender to him!     

That night Tan Hua made a resolution that would be the first big step she made in this world. At this time Tan Hua didn't know that her decision would bring something unexpected to her whether it was good or bad.     

The next morning.     

Nan Shen had just awake when he saw Tan Hua was already eating apple that a nurse got for her with a very casual face.     

Noticing Nan Shen woke up Tan Hua try to look as normal as possible and flashed a smile greeting him cheerfully.     

"Big brother! Good morning~" Tan Hua smile was truly cute and no one would be able to resist her charm but unfortunately her face was still wrapped in bandage so the charm wasn't that effective as usual.     

Seeing Tan Hua already gain her consciousness and look alright without getting mental problem whatsoever, Nan Shen couldn't help but let out a big sigh.     

"Hhhhh thanks God thanks God..." Nan Shen thanked the God of this world which was none other that the one who punched him on his face. Well that God was in 'vacation' from his job as a God so it's pointless to thank him.     

"Eh? what is it?" Tan Hua saw Nan Shen slumped and looked very tired even more tired than usual. Nan Shen face look pale with panda eyes. He was also still wearing his su-     

Wait what?! He was still wearing his suit?! Wasn't that mean!     

"Big bro you haven't go home?! Wait Since when you are here?" Looking at how Nan Shen look, Tan Hua was sure Nan Shen has been here since a long time ago.     

The nurse who had just arrive and heard this question, giggled before telling Tan Hua by herself.     

"Your big brother have been here since yesterday since you get admitted to the hospital" the nurse giggled as she gave Tan Hua another apple.     

She was quite happy to see a 'big brother' as kind as Nan Shen who was obviously busy but he sacrifice his own time for his 'little brother'. How touching!     

Hearing what the nurse said, Tan Hua mouth was opened wide and her eyes looked at Nan Shen as if he was a rare pokemon.     

"W-why you do that?? You still have works in office right and-" Tan Hua was flustered since she knew this was her fault Nan Shen was here instead of doing his work as a busy CEO.     

She knew how busy Nan Shen was from morning to evening but he abandoned all of his works just to stay with her here! Who wouldn't felt touched as well as guilty because of this??     

Tan Hua was about to protest more when Nan Shen approached her and with one smooth movement, carefully hug her body as if she was a frail glass statue.     


"Don't say so it's not your fault. It's my fault for not being able to save your sooner" Nan Shen stroke the back of Tan Hua head as he whispered faintly. While he stroke Tan Hua head his hand was obviously shaking.     

He was still afraid that Tan Hua wouldn't be able to live like any normal people because of this incident. Just thinking about that made his heart hurt. It seemed that he had considered this girl as someone special for him.     

Well not to the point of falling in love of course.     

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