Her Wicked CEO: How To Seduce A Hikikomori Wife?

He's pooping

He's pooping

3"Kiyohira, we should try to make one more." Rie grins at Kiyohira.       0

Kiyohira gives her a thumbs up. He loves that job the most.     

Yuta lies down on the floor again. He doesn't want any more siblings.      

"Mother, how do you make one?" Aerie puts her finger on her chin. "I also want to make one."     

She has made a mistake like Yuta. Speaking in front of kids is dangerous. They pick up what they shouldn't and forget to pick up what they should have. Then, kids don't know what they should or shouldn't do. She needs to become a responsible adult who can inspire them to take a better path in life. Rie clears her throat. "You can make one when you are tall and smart like me."     

"But you are short," Aerie replies. "Father is taller."     

Rie presses her lips into a thin line. What should she say now?     

"Then, wait until you become tall like me." Kiyohira lifts Aerie in his arms. "You have to be strong enough to carry your kids like this."     

"Father, I will become strong like you."      

"Yuta will help you become a strong adult."      

"No, I want you to help me." Aerie shakes her head. "He's a kid."     

Being called a kid by a kid is worse than the insult that Mira gave him. Yuta jumps on his feet and glares at Aerie. "You are a kid!"     

"No, it's you!" Aerie retorts. "Only kids refuse to go to school."     

Rie chortles when she hears that.      

"Oh, I can go to school." Yuta rolls up his sleeves. "I am going to be the genius child of this century."     

Aerie takes her tongue out and mocks him.     


Fuming, Yuta heads in her direction. "I am going to teach you a lesson today."     

Aerie coils her arms around her father's neck. Seeing him trying to climb up Kiyohira's body like a monkey, she bursts into tears. "Father, he's going to beat me up."     

"Enough." Rie grabs the back of Yuta's collar with her left hand. In her right hand, she's carrying Sho. Raising kids, especially those who are reborn, is highly difficult.     

But Yuta doesn't let Kiyohira go. He grabs his father's arm while his mother struggles to pull him off. Seeing the chaos, Sho starts laughing.      

"Let me handle this." Kiyohira grabs his son's arm and lifts him up, carrying him on his left arm. "It's time for both of you to go to school."     

Yuta is half-embarrassed and half-angry. He scowls at Aerie who gives him a pitiful look. "Since I am your elder brother, you should learn to listen to me."     

"You are younger than me," She mutters.     

"Everyone in the house decided that I would be the older one." Yuta points at her face. "Just because you were born earlier, it doesn't mean that you are the older one. Besides, you agreed too."     

"I didn't know what it meant back then." Aerie pouts. "You should have told me the meaning of being an older one."     

Kiyohira and Rie listen to their argument, feeling perplexed. Rie exhales, "Maybe we should make Sho the eldest one."     

Sho coos, possibly agreeing with his mother's suggestion.     

"No!" Yuta and Aerie shout in unison.     

"I am fine with him as my elder brother." Aerie puts her chin on her father's shoulder. "I am still Sho's elder sister."     

"You heard her, Mother." Yuta yawns. "I wish I could attend night school."     

As if there's any night schooling for elementary schoolers… Kiyohira feels exhausted. He heads toward the door with his son and daughter in his arms. Just then, Takeshi and Iori enter the house.     

"You are back already." Rie notices the look on their faces. "Is something wrong?"     

"I have something to talk about," Takeshi replies solemnly. He doesn't think that the kids would pay attention. "It's related to the Consortium."     

Yuta widens his eyes. Was the fire at Yamashina Chiyo's place done by the Consortium? Why? How is Kinoshita Iori related to the Consortium? They might not touch him or his family, but Kinoshita Iori won't be safe.     

"Ugh!" Yuta clutches his stomach. "Father, my stomach hurt."     

Everyone in the house except for Iori knows that he's pretending to be sick. Takeshi smiles at his nephew. "I think his stomach is crying for pancakes."     

Yuta pales. He does want to eat pancakes but they aren't more important than the Consortium. So, he comes up with an excuse, inspired by his younger brother. "I need to poop."     

His father lets out a heavy sigh as he puts him down on the floor. "Go to the bathroom. I will send Aerie first."     

Kiyohira nods at Rie and walks out of the house with Aerie.     

Imamura Ken is waiting for them outside. At first, Kamiyama Kiyohira and Umezaki Rie wanted to go to their kids' school with them since it's their first time.      

But something has happened and they can't ignore things when it's related to Consortium or the safety of their family.      

Kamiyama Kiyohira opens the car door. A little girl with twin buns on her head is sitting in the corner whilst licking a lollipop. Her eyes are round like pigeon's eyes and lips are so small that it almost seems like red beaks. She looks at Aerie curiously. Her eyes brighten up.      

"Are you my new friend?" Imamura Honoka asks with excitement in her voice. "I am Honoka. I'm six-year-old. My favourite colour is pink. I want to be a beekeeper because I like eating honey."     

"Boss, please don't mind my daughter." Imamura Ken apologizes to Kamiyama Kiyohira. "I keep telling her that she can just buy the honey. But she kept crying for hours about wanting to become a beekeeper or a bear. We compromised. A beekeeper is better than a bear."     

Kiyohira laughs. "I like her. She's unique."     

Meanwhile, Honoka stretches her arm toward Aerie. The lollipop is covered with her saliva. "You can have my lollipop."     

Aerie, feeling shy, shrinks in her father's arms. When her father urges her to speak, she gives a stiff nod to Imamura Honoka. "I don't want it. You can eat it."     

"Then, I will eat it." Honoka looks for another figure. "I thought I would meet one more friend today."     

Before Kiyohira can open his mouth to answer, Aerie blurts out sullenly, "He's pooping."     

Kiyohira chuckles. Everyone in his family is also unique.      

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