Her Wicked CEO: How To Seduce A Hikikomori Wife?

Take off your clothes

Take off your clothes

1"What have I done?" Ren grabs his hair. "That was wrong… Why did I drink that wine? Wait! I wasn't even on the street. I was drinking at my home."      3

Can't people even drink at their homes anymore? How did he end up sleeping with the woman he dislikes the most? Dear Lord! How did he mistake her for Princess Maria? Princess Maria has bigger boobs. Her hair is yellow and her eyes are sparkling blue. Princess Maria has a voluptuous body.      

That Coroner doesn't look like Princess Maria from any angle.      

"What was wrong with me?" Ren drops on the couch, staring at the black laptop screen. His heart feels dead. Is this karma? Because he took away Kiyohira's favourite wine and drank it at home, he ended up sleeping with that kind of woman.     

No. He was at his home. HIS HOME. That woman came to him. It doesn't make sense why she would come to his apartment at that hour of the night. Why can't he drink at home and relax?     


Ren raises his head and looks at the woman standing at the doorway of his bedroom. Seeing her fully dressed, he feels a tinge of regret. Though she's not voluptuous like Princess Maria, she's sexy in her way.      

What? Why does he find her sexy? He rubs his eyes. Something is wrong with his sight. Iori's cousin isn't sexy. Not at all. She would never appear sexy to him. His fingertips are itching to touch her skin again. Ren covers his face with his palms. "Stop thinking about it!"     

Yamashina Chiyo purses her lips. What should she stop thinking about? And why is he not dressed yet? Not that she has any complaints about it. Seeing him flustered, she releases her breath. He must really hate her.      

The wine bottle is still lying on the table. It seems that he was drunk last night and he regrets it now.      

Last night was a mistake. A huge mistake. Why did she come here? She bends her waist, bowing deeply to Kawamoto Ren. "Please accept my apologies for what happened last night."     

"Apology?" Ren glares at her. "Would an apology bring back my virginity? I was saving it for..." Princess Maria!!! Even if she is a fictional character, his love is true. In any case, he would never sleep with anyone.     

First, it was Nina. Now, it's this woman.  He fists his hands. "Your apology changes nothing."     

"I am sorry." Yamashina Chiyo straightens her back and meets his eyes. "But were you really a virgin?"     

"You shouldn't be asking that!" His barks at her.     

"If you want me to take responsibility, I will take it." Yamashina Chiyo clasps her hands behind her back and cocks her head slightly, finding it funny that she took his virginity. Nothing must have happened between him and Nina. It doesn't matter to her.     

However, she can't help but smile.      

"Responsibility?" The corner of his lips twitch. She will take responsibility. What does she think of herself? This is the 21st century. He's not a maiden who lost all of his…     

"You seemed quite eager last night." Yamashina Chiyo glances at his bare chest. "It's true that I came to you, but I was also drunk. As much as I remember, you thought that I was a princess. You were quite keen on massaging my breasts and helping me grow them bigger. You were also in heat. You wanted to do it with me. Still, I apologize again for taking your virginity."     

It's not like there's any significant meaning. "Since I encouraged you to lend your body to me for a night, I shall take responsibility. Tell me what you want."     

Ren feels like he's in a drama where he's the maiden who lost his virginity to a rogue man. Now, the rogue man is asking for a price. Incensed by those words, he stands up on the couch. "My virginity is priceless."     

His sudden movement causes his makeshift cover his private part to fall down. He follows her gaze and looks down. His face turns beet red and hot when he realizes where she's looking with those dark eyes. He drops down on his knees and grabs the blanket again to hide it from her eyes. "Stop looking, you shameless woman!"     

"Don't show it to me if you don't want me to look." She frowns at him. "Besides, why are you being shy? I have seen it already."     

"Then, take off your clothes," Ren yells at her. Does this woman have common sense or not? Just because she saw it, it doesn't mean that it's okay to stand naked in front of each other.      

When Chiyo begins to take off her shirt, he bends down his head. "STOP, YOU CRAZY WOMAN!"     

It's useless to talk to a woman like this. She is not from this planet.      

"You asked me to take off my shirt." She wrinkles her nose, displeased by his fluctuating mind. "I thought that you wanted to do it again."     

"I don't." Ren replies breathlessly, "Never again. We are never ever sleeping again."     

"That's disappointing," She mumbles to herself. She wouldn't mind sleeping with him again. "So, what do you want? I owe you a lot now. The car cleaning fees, clothes, and now… your virginity… If you want me to marry you, I will marry you. You don't have to sign a prenuptial."     

He looks at her with disbelief. "Marriage? You? No! I would rather die."     

That ticks her off. "Why? I am rich, you know. I earn a lot. If you marry me, you don't have to work for the rest of your life. I will buy a house for you and the games that you like so much."     

What kind of shit is in her head? Ren grimaces. "Yamashina Chiyo, I don't want a sugar mommy. I can make a living and pay for my expenses." In fact, he's going to work as a game developer at Re Games. He doesn't care about salary. As long as he can do what he likes, he's fine with it.      

"You have been to prison twice." She narrows her eyes on him. "What can you do? This kind of opportunity doesn't always appear. I told you that I would take care of you because I took your virginity."     

"Get out of my house." He shouts at her. "I don't want the car fees or that t-shirt. Don't ever show up in front of me again. Next time, I won't care that you are a woman."     

Her blood boils when she hears those words. She scowls at him. "Fine then. I don't want to see you either."     

She storms out of the apartment. These hormones don't judge the other person objectively. Kawamoto Ren is a useless man. Since he doesn't like her, why should she like him? What's there to like about him?      


A surge of hope rises in her chest. She stops walking when she hears him yell. With a blanket wrapped around his waist, Ren runs after her. He shoves her phone in her hand and drops her shoes in front of her. "Take this with you. Otherwise, you will find an excuse to throw yourself at me again."     

Before she could retort, he dashes back to his apartment and slams the door close.      

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