Her Wicked CEO: How To Seduce A Hikikomori Wife?

You already know who she is

You already know who she is

1"Kid, are you dead?" Furutani Taro questions the girl sitting in the passenger seat of a stolen car. "How come I am your murderer?"     

With her eyes closed, she inhales sharply. "They might have found someone who looked like me."     

"Same clothes too?" Furutani Taro folds the newspaper and throws it out of the window. Someone powerful is behind this girl. "The police are chasing me now."     

"Weren't you always a suspect?" She looks at him quietly. "Has one more murder change anything?"     

It hasn't. Furutani Taro starts the car. However, it's troublesome to have the police on his tail again. Staying in this city is dangerous. "We should leave the city for a while."     

Not for a while. Mira stares ahead at the road. Pawns like Tezuka Kohei can be replaced easily. The game has changed already. Can she choose the new pieces?      

The Consortium will be alert for sure.     

In her previous life, there were a few people who had a pivotal role in the game. First one was Maddox. He might have died before the game started, but he made significant preparations for his daughter's victory.     

The second one was Yuan Bo, Valerie's knight. He fought for a long time and died at the hands of Umezaki Yuta, who is Kamiyama Yuta now.     

The third person was Nagasaki Daniel, her so-called father. He was killed by Valerie's people.     

Then, there was Valerie Kang, a year younger than her. The girl was the epitome of evil, a dangerous mastermind. If she could find her now, she would kill her right away.     

Replaying the old game? What's the point? She knows how to finish the song.      

The song couldn't be completed by geniuses like Christopher Ash or Dionne Ash.     

And why was that?     

If she was truly a genius, Valerie would have never won.      

She didn't remember touching the founder's violin, but there was something that her father mentioned once.     

That violin was different.     

So, she wrecked her brain. How different could a violin be? She studied different types of violins, the materials, and designs.     

And Yuta… He was her sacrifice.      

Even if she didn't kill him, Valerie would have never let him be. He would have been tortured by Valerie Kang and her people.      

That day, she… Only she knows how she crafted that violin and made that wish. It was a blind bet. The time was turned back. Both she and Yuta are here.      

Many lives have changed. His parents are alive. He has a little brother now.      

Even her shadow shouldn't fall on his new life. He deserves happiness… something that he can never have with her. She's a sinful creature.     

After all, she's a direct descendent of Silvester Ash. She's born out of an incestuous union like her biological father and mother were.      

Yuta is something good. He was dragged into a dark life by Maddox. He had never liked killing or hurting anyone.     

If he wasn't good, then why did he let her live when he was reborn? A smile forms on her lips. Beating her up… hurting her… He was angry for sure.      

And reaching for her that day in the cave…     

She sighs. Hopefully, he will find someone who will love him a lot…      

Her only goal is to destroy the Consortium before the game gets the chance to begin again. Even if she has to hunt everyone down on foot, she will not stop until her last breath.      

There's one more person who was quite important to Valerie. That person is not in this city. She might never return to this city again.     

 "I want to check on someone before we leave."     


After they reach the place, Mira tells Furutani Taro to wait in the car. She walks toward the villa where the Kamiyama family is residing. She just wants to get a glimpse of the boy before she leaves. Finding that person might take years. Then, she has to find Yuan Bo. Surely, Valerie is with Yuan Bo right now.     

She sneaks through the gate and heads toward the villa. In her previous life, he had always thought of her as a common girl who couldn't even hold a knife properly. Well, he was a little idiot.      

As she moves through the garden, she hears the sound of a baby's laughter. Yuta's younger brother? Maybe Yuta is also there.     

Mira steps in the direction of the sound. She hides behind a tree and tilts her head a little to get the glimpse of the children. The chubby baby is lying on the grass. A girl in a white dress with her back toward Mira is making faces at the baby, trying to make him laugh.      

She has heard about the adoption. This must be the newly adopted girl. Maybe Yuta isn't at home. Then, she has to leave this country without seeing him. Maybe that's good. If she sees him again, she might be tempted to talk to him.     

"Sho, you pooped again!" The girl wrinkles her nose in disgust. The baby laughs in response.     

When the girl picks up the baby and turns around, Mira's blood turns cold.     


Someone grabs her from behind and pulls her away from the spot. Even without looking, she knows who the person is.      

Kamiyama Yuta takes her to the storage room and locks the door. He faces her and asks, "What are you doing here?"     

"I…" Mira blinks her eyes. The shock vanishes from her face. "I am here to kill Valerie Kang."     

"Kill her…" Yuta stands against the door. "You can't kill her. My family will be in danger."     

"If I don't kill her now, your family will be in greater danger," Mira tells him with a low voice. "Yuta, I…"     

She can't finish her words. Everything will be wasted if the game begins again. She can't sacrifice him again or let him die at Valerie's or the Consortium's hands.      

Why is he not shocked to hear that the girl is Valerie Kang? Mira takes a step toward him, curving her brows. "You already know who she is."     

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