Emilia Yimo

Emilia Yimo

0In the neighborhood complex of the rich and elite was the extravagant mansion of the Yimo family.     

Inside a bedroom within the extravagant mansion sat the figure of a young girl – her golden silk locks draped smoothly down her narrow shoulders.     

With a dazed expression, the girl absentmindedly combed her hair as she stared into the mirror in front of her. The golden-haired girl in the room was none other than Emilia Yimo.     

At that moment, Emilia's thoughts were overtaken with a certain young boy.     

For the past few months, a lot had taken place on Emilia's side.     

Ever since the incident at the Hirogori event Emilia's father, Louis Yimo, was infuriated after hearing what Landon Williams had done to his precious daughter.     

The following day he immediately called Landon's father and informed him that he was cutting off all ties with their company. When Mr. William questioned why Louis Yimo replied with a curt response.     

"Ask that wonderful son of yours."     

Panicked, Landon's father summoned his son over to scold him and ask him what he did. With a ghastly expression his face, Landon begins explaining the events that took place that night.     

Instantly his father knocks him in the head yelling at him to fix it.     

"What's the big deal? We still have enough money to operate the company not to mention that project with Odo Corps right?" Landon said as he caressed his head.     

Mr. William's face raged with anger once more, his pudgy cheeks trembling. Raising his fist the round man smacks his son on the head a second time.     

"You idiot! Have you forgotten what connections the Yimo family has? Do you really think word of what you did won't spread around the industry?" He seethes fiercely. "Has the wealth blinded you so much to realize of the position we're still in? You even went out fooling around with another woman out in the open!"     

Landon's face instantly paled when hearing his father's words. It was true, he hadn't considered the consequences of his actions.     

He was aware his image would face some backlash after the incident, however, he assumed with just a few honeyed and sugary words he could change the situation in a flash.     

Regrettably, it seems as if he forgot about where Emilia Yimo stood. There were reasons for why she could freely act spoilt and arrogant.     

She possessed power and wealth and he suddenly realized those were the things that gave him status and a place in the industry.     

Clutching his fists tightly, Landon looks up at his father. "Don't worry, I'll talk to Emilia and work the situation out."     

Landon was sure with a few words he could win the naïve love-struck girl over. After all, for almost ten years, she would fawn over him and practically would do everything he told her if he were to use the right words. He didn't think this time wouldn't be different.     

Unfortunately, Landon's words of affection would have no effect on Emilia as her heart had long forgotten him and was replaced with…something else.     

The following day, when Landon arrived at Emilia's house asking to see her, he was immediately denied by the Yimo butler and told to leave. Holding back his rage, Landon forces out a kind smile.     

"Please. Tell Emilia I just wish to talk to her, it's important."     

Twitching his silver mustache, the butler with narrowed eyes stares at Landon. The butler was no fool. He knew full well why the young man before him was at their doorstep. Having raised Emilia ever since he was a child, he had seen her infatuation with the handsome young man – including the times when she'd stay up day and night working to complete his homework or knit him scarves.     

Unseen by the rest of the world, Emilia Yimo was nothing but a young girl who fantasized about true love. Staying in her room for days, Emilia would read romance novels and movies, constantly hoping of the romance she saw to become hers.     

Being selfish, Emilia was determined to conquer the heart of Landon; her childhood friend, and crush. Therefore, for years she purchased him gifts, begged her father to support Landon with his company and give in few words for him from other businessmen.     

She did everything for him. Yet who would have thought all of Emilia's heartfelt actions were taken advantage of by the one person she wished to share her future with – Landon Williams, her childhood friend.     

After the incident at the Hirogori event, Emilia shut herself in her room, refusing to come out. Back to Landon and the Yimo's butler, the old man putting on a professional and polite tone kindly speaks to Landon.     

"I'm sorry Mr. Williams, but Ms. Yimo doesn't wish to see anyone at the moment. If it's truly urgent you can come again another time."     

Landon looked at the butler's calm face and felt his face stiffen, rage and humiliation raising within his heart. What right did a butler of such inferior status have the right to refuse him! However, knowing him snapping at the butler would ruin his efforts in getting to see Emilia. He forcibly suppressed his anger and placed on a gentle yet stiff smile.     

"Of course, I understand. In that case, tell Emilia that I'll stop by tomorrow." Saying those words, Landon quickly walks away from the Yimo's house, an unpleasant expression placed on his face.     

Watching the young man's back disappear, the butler lightly huffs irritability before closing the door.     


Later that night after Louis Yimo returned from work, the butler quickly went to inform him of Landon's previous visit that day.     

"That shameless bastard!" Louis Yimo raged.     

He had the nerve to come over to speak to his daughter after he had betrayed and used her so harshly, truly shameless!     

"Next time that bastard comes over, don't even allow him a chance to speak and turn him away. Tell him we don't welcome bastards like him." Louis Yimo ordered as he glared hatefully at the coffee table in front of him.     

"Yes, sir."     

Due to his raging emotions, Louis Yimo hadn't detected the delicate sounds of someone's footsteps as they walked down casually down the stairs.     

Before long the gentle sound of a young girl's voice echoed throughout the room. "Daddy, what's wrong?"     

Looking up upon hearing his daughter's familiar voice, Louis Yimo stands up to walk towards his daughter.     

"Nothing my sweet pea, just some business daddy was taking care of." The man lovingly hugged his daughter.     

Shifting her silver eyes from her father's embrace, Emilia looks at her father with a complex expression.     

"Landon came over, didn't he?"     

Hearing the young man's name come out of his daughter's mouth, Louis Yimo's eyebrows twitch.     

"Emilia sweetie, don't bother with insignificant people like him! Leave it to me. Daddy will take care of everything." He huffed.     

Silently, Emilia bobs her head. Sighing at his daughter's silent agreement, the girl's father places on a tender expression.     

"That reminds me, that young man who helped you earlier, what's his name again?"     

Suddenly recalling the young boy who aided her that night, Emilia's expression flushes her eyes becoming hazy. His penetrating green eyes, jade-like skin, and tender luscious rosy lips all embedded in her mind.     

That's righ, it was him who helped her that night.     

Emilia couldn't help but think during the time he aided her, he looked somewhat…like a prince in shining armor.     

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