Villain Lady



2She wanted to know everything very clearly.     3

Wei Liuying was silence for a moment then she cupped her hand. "In that case, please pardon my rudeness, Lady Gao."     

"Go on."     

It took some time for Wei Liuying to explain most of the things that occurred in the border for the past few months. Even though women were not supposed to know about these matters, Gao Ling was not an ordinary young lady. She was also someone who stood at the front and fought bravely with the soldiers, so Wei Liuying chose to let her know.     

"That's all, Your Highness."     

"Thank you, Liu Ying."     

"It's my honor to be able to fulfil your wish."     

"You may leave."     

"Thank you, Lady Gao."     

Wei Liuying headed out from the residence and went to the street. There were already a lot of people there, waiting for the procession to start. General Gao was also present as he wished to give his final goodbye to his daughter.     

The procession started after a long while. The red sedan headed to Prince Ji Sheng's Residence with so many people watching. When it finally arrived, Prince Ji Sheng came out to kick the sedan and brought his bride back. From his eager expression, Wei Liuying knew that he was already waiting for this for a long time.     

'I should just wait outside.'     

Being an unmarried young girl, Wei Liuying stayed outside the residence while the commanders were trying to get their general drunk. She could hear their laughter from outside, but she believed that their attempt wouldn't bear any result. Prince Ji Sheng can hold his liquor well.     

"Are you still there, Liu Ying?"     

"Is it done, Yang Xian?" Wei Liuying asked.     

"Not yet, but I'm already getting pretty lightheaded myself," Yang Xian replied with a bitter smile. "If I stay there any longer, I'm sure that I'll be the one to pass out and not Prince Ji Sheng."     

Wei Liuying looked at Yang Xian and scoffed. "You've just turned to be an adult and you already drink so much?"     

"I can't possibly disappoint His Highness. Putting that aside, can you help me walk back to the residence? I don't think I can walk by myself properly…"     

Wei Liuying could see that Yang Xian could barely walk straight. She sighed and put his hand on her shoulder as she led him back to their residence. His smell reeks of alcohol, but she stayed silent. There was no use talking to him when he was in this condition.     

"There will be more work to do tomorrow, Yang Xian."     

"En. We'll depart early in the morning."     

"Don't you need to give report to His Highness?"     

"I already told him that we'll be leaving to do our work tomorrow, so it's fine."     

"In that case, I understand."     

Thinking about the work that she had to do, Wei Liuying sighed. She better made sure that Yang Xian didn't have a hungover or her workload would increase.     

Slowly, they made their way back to their residence. Wei Liuying dragged Yang Xian to his bed as the strategist could barely move properly. His movement was sloppy and totally unlike his usual self.     

"You're drinking too much," Wei Liuying complained.     

Yang Xian laughed lightly. "I'm not drunk yet, ugh."     

"Yes, you are. Come on, I need to take off your shoes."     

"I want to rest."     

"You…" one way or another, Wei Liuying managed to pull his shoes out. She put him on the bed and looked at his outer robe. Should she also loosen it a bit? She was not sure how she should treat a drunk person.     

After a while, Wei Liuying chose to leave him be. She stood up, intending to take a basin and prepare a cup of tea for Yang Xian.      

A hand stopped her.     

"Yang Xian, I'm just taking a basin of water," Wei Liuying said helplessly.     

Yang Xian furrowed his eyebrows, clearly looking displeased over the matter. He exerted more force and pulled Wei Liuying to him.      


"Yang Xian!"     

Wei Liuying was now standing right in front of Yang Xian. She could see that his face had turned a bit red. His other hand held her chin as he leaned in.     

'This strategist…'     

Turning her head to the side, Yang Xian's kiss landed on her cheek. Wei Liuying could feel her face burning up as she thought of what Yang Xian had did. She used her hands and pushed him away.     

"Go to sleep! You're not in your right state of mind, Yang Xian!" Wei Liuying said in a cold tone.     

"I'm not drunk."     

"Every drunkards always say that!"     

Without waiting for Yang Xian's answer, Wei Liuying rushed out of the room. She was sure that if Yang Xian was sober, he would realize that she had totally lost her composure. Standing in front of the door, Wei Liuying touched her cheek lightly. It felt warm and most importantly…     

She didn't dislike it…     

Shaking her head, Wei Liuying worked hard to regain her usual composure and quickly prepared the tea and carried a basin. When she entered the room, she could see that Yang Xian was already sleeping soundly on the bed. His long hair partially covered his handsome face while his robe had been pulled off slightly.     

'What did he do when I go out?'     

Wei Liuying was speechless, but she chose not to think too much. Putting the basin and tea on the table, she looked at Yang Xian. He had fair complexion. Now that she was looking at him properly, she noticed that he looked cute when he was sleeping.     

Wei Liuying raised her hand and pushed his hair so that it wouldn't cover his face. Ah, really, she didn't think that she would ever get bored watching him like this.     

But she also needed to rest now.     

"Sleep well, Xian."     

Wei Liuying stood up and walked out of the room. She made sure that she closed the door as quiet as possible so that she wouldn't wake him up.      

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