Villain Lady



2Standing up and looked at the right as more and more enemies came from the right. Her lips curled up to form a cold smile. Her enchanting figure along with the bloodied robe created a gory yet beautiful sight.      1

Gripping her sword tighter, Wei Liuying muttered, "Betrayers."     


"Kill him!"     

Rushing forward, Wei Liuying controlled her sword and formed an arc. The enemies who came to her direction fell one by one. No hesitation present in her movement as she stepped forward and continued to kill the enemies who came.     

Just like the torrent water, nothing could stop her as she eliminated those who dared to challenge her.     


When the last one had fallen, Wei Liuying stood up and looked around her. There were countless bodies around her. At the same time, screams continued to resound on the right side of the building as more and more men fell down thanks to Gao Ling's arrow.     

"Lady Gao, can you hold on?"     

"Yes. Don't worry about me."     

Gao Ling could barely aim with her head throbbing so painfully. She was looking in the right's direction and the men looked blurry in her opinion. Still, she didn't care and simply docked more arrows to her bow and killed the men in a swift motion.     

They were all betrayers.     

Or probably, they were spies. Gao Ling didn't care and knew that if she left them alive, the one who would end up hurting and dying would be her.     

She couldn't let that happen.      

Within a few breaths of time, the men were already killed. There were only several of them who were still standing still and rushed over to Wei Liuying's direction. Because of Gao Ling's current condition, she certainly didn't dare to shoot her arrow when they were already near Wei Liuying.     

She was afraid that she would accidentally injure Wei Liuying because her accuracy was not that good at this night.     


"You…" a man donned in soldiers' clothing looked at Wei Liuying with heated gaze. There was pure hatred in his eyes. "HOW DO YOU KNOW?"     

Wei Liuying looked at the soldiers before her. She recognized him as one of the few soldiers from Gao City who came with them. However, right now, the soldier was looking at her with hatred.     

He had obviously blended very well and only leaked a few people from time to time while buying time by asking the other soldiers to only delay the enemies. They would not kill the enemies and wished to let Gao Ling and Wei Liuying to suffer from crushing defeat when there were more people there.     

After all, once there were too many enemies, they would rather turn around and help the enemies attack.     

At that time, it would be the end for these two.     

There was no way Wei Liuying and Gao Ling could possibly handle so many enemies charging at them at the same time. It was the tactic that they had agreed upon with the tribes, but now, it would be impossible.     

He couldn't understand.     


How did Gao Ling and this supposedly new soldier could figure out his plan so swiftly? There were not enough enemies yet to incur the devastating lost that they had been planning.     

Wei Liuying arched her eyebrows. Her lips curled up to form a sneer. "Isn't it obvious when it's only your side that allowed the men to pass?"     


"Soldiers from Gao City are tasked to protect Lady Gao with their lives. Since you didn't even do your work properly, I could guess that there are a lot of spies among your ranks. The real loyal soldiers are already dead in your hand, right?" Wei Liuying asked with a calm tone.     

There was no anger present in her voice, yet her eyes grew colder. The temperature in that cold night seemed to drop several more degrees around Wei Liuying. Her facial expression said nothing but the faint pressure around her suggested that she was angry.     

Very angry.     

In that very moment, the soldier felt trepidation from the bottom of his heart. When he looked at Wei Liuying, he couldn't treat him* the same as before anymore. Just who is this new soldier?     

This pressure and his ability to command was simply comparable to those terrifying leaders.     

There was no way he could simply be a new soldier who tag along with Gao Ling.      

Even though she still has the same small body and looked harmless, her action was saying otherwise. She was filled with power and generated enough pressure to crush everyone around her without even uttering a word.      

How could someone so young and small be so accomplished and powerful?     

Young and small…     

A name emerged within the soldier's mind as realization dawned on him. The soldier in front of him was not a new soldier who came in this trip to accompany Gao Ling practicing. There was no way someone so skillful and powerful could be here just to amuse the young lady.     

Only one person with such skill and power matched the appearance of this young man before him.      

His real purpose was to protect Gao Ling, meaning he must be Liu Ying, the famous rising strategist in Prince Ji Sheng's City.     

"Men! Kill…"     


Before the soldiers could finish speaking, Wei Liuying had killed him.      


Hearing the dull sound, Wei Liuying looked to the back and noticed the two maidservants who used to accompany Gao Ling. Hai Yue was on the back, trying to protect the house from the back while the other maidservant was trying to grab the torch. Or to be exact, she was trying to make it fall.     

"You stupid!"     

Wei Liuying rushed forward to the maidservant and brandished her sword.     


The maidservant fell on the ground without able to touch the torch. Wei Liuying looked at the torch and grabbed the dirt before she poured it into the torch. The dirt effectively made the torch die. At this time, she felt sudden pain on her back.     

An arrow hit her back.     

"I hit him!"     

"Liu Ying!" Gao Ling shouted from above. She couldn't see the archer, but she saw the arrow passed by and hit something below her.     

"I'm fine."     

The voice sounded more like she was trying to reassure others. Gao Ling knew that the arrow must have hit Wei Liuying as she noticed several men from the right came over to Wei Liuying. She docked more arrows and directed it to the men who were coming.     

Dzing! Jleb!     

Wei Liuying looked at the men but stopped moving when she saw Gao Ling's action. She looked at the arrow behind her and gritted her teeth.     


"Liu Ying!" Gao Ling called out from above. She was cursing her stupidity for getting drunk at a crucial time like this. If she could survive, she promised herself that she would never drink so much again to the point of having her head hurt like this. If she couldn't fight, she would be putting herself in the mercy of other people.     

The feeling made her so frustrated.     

She really wished that she could turn back time and made a different decision. Making Wei Xiao Hua suffered didn't worth if she ended up losing her life or even someone important to her.     

"I'm alright."     

"What did you do?" Gao Ling asked in worry. Her fingers trembled as she prepared the next arrow. Her heart was swarmed with fear.     

Wei Liuying looked at the broken arrow in her hand. Since she couldn't pull it now or she would risk dying because of blood loss, she snapped the arrow in two. That way, she wouldn't have to worry about having her movements hindered because of the arrow on her back.     

"It's nothing."     

"But you…"     

Several men had approached again. Wei Liuying rushed out and moved to kill them. Even though she was wounded, her movements didn't seem to change in the slightest bit. She continued to move and kill the next one as if moving around didn't give her pain on her back.     

"Liu Ying!" Gao Ling called out, her voice chocked a bit due to the fear and worry she experienced. For the first time in her life, she felt death was so near. She had the feeling that Wei Liuying might die if this continued.     

Her heart ached terribly as the thought crossed her mind.     

Wei Liuying glanced up and smiled. "Don't worry, Lady Gao. I'm perfectly fine. You should stay there and continue the battle."     


"Don't cry, it's not over yet."     

Suppressing the pain, Wei Liuying stepped forward and swung her sword. The dull pain nearly stopped her movement, but she pressed on. Determination was written all across her face.     

Even if she had to bet with everything, she would never allow them to succeed.     

She would make sure to protect everyone here and come out of this place safely. It's her duty as the strategist and promise she made for her friends.     

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