Villain Lady

Another One?

Another One?

0Huh?      4

The soldiers were dumbfounded when they heard how Shi Lu Wen greeted the bandits' leader in front of them so nonchalantly. It sounded as if they were already friends from a long time ago and only met at the street.     

But…how in the world that happened?     

Looking at the menacing expression and also blood thirsty aura that the bandits exuded, the soldiers definitely couldn't connect it to the harmless Shi Lu Wen.     

What kind of connection would they even have with each other?     

"Miss Lu Wen, this…" a soldier tried to speak.     

Shan Yi smiled. He cut off the soldier's speech. "I heard the sound of your flute, so I guess you're leaving Dong Shan City?"     

"Just for a short trip," Shi Lu Wen replied. "Also, you haven't answered my question, Shan Yi."     

"I did."     


Shan Yi shook his head. "Are you still so adamant that you don't wish to be with me, Lu'er? I promise you that I'll be your most loyal husbands and you can even use my men as you wish."     

"Leader!" The men were trying to stop their leader from giving more promises. They didn't mind following Shi Lu Wen's order, but they didn't wish it to be a widely spread fact. Come on leader, why would he sell them out like this?     

"Follow your sister in law's words."     


The bandits felt like crying when they saw their leader like this. Come on, leader, they were already trying to keep their faces. But their leader just mercilessly trampled on their faces by proposing to Shi Lu Wen in front of the soldiers.     

Ahhh, they were sure that it wouldn't take long before everyone knew that Shan Xi Gang's leader fell head over heels over a woman.     

Shi Lu Wen rolled her eyes as she had seen this a few times in the past few months. On the other hands, the soldiers felt as if the sky had fallen on top of their head. The infamous bandits who was so notorious in the northern area actually fall head over heels over Young Miss Lu Wen.     



They can't accept this, ah!     

Thinking of the difference in the two young people's temperament and built, they couldn't imagine just how could someone like Shan Yi even met with Shi Lu Wen. The two of them should have been living a completely different life, right?     

Did the sky rise from the west today?     

"Shan Yi, how many times I told you that you should stop proposing to me at random times?" Shi Lu Wen protested.     

Shan Yi laughed heartily. "I only want you to remember that no matter how long, I'll only wait for you."     

The soldiers: "…"     

Wei Liuying: "…" who is this?     

Du Min only sighed. He had already seen Shan Yi proposed to Shi Lu Wen numerous times in the past. It was considered as common occurrence because Shan Yi's persistence was so big and he was unwilling to try finding another woman.     

In his eyes, there's only Shi Lu Wen and Shi Lu Wen alone.     

Wei Liuying rubbed her temple. She had met with Shan Yi before in the forest and fought with him. At that time, she knew that he was a brash person and also quite powerful as a bandit. At the very least, that was all that she knew.     

She never heard from Yang Xian or Prince Ji Sheng that Shan Yi actually had a crush to Shi Lu Wen. And being the blunt person he was, he proposed to her countless times only to get rejected….     

"Shan Yi, that should be enough, isn't it?" Shi Lu Wen asked in clear annoyance. From her tone, it sounded as if she didn't like Shan Yi's presence at all and was also very brave to utter out her discontent.     

Well, with Shan Yi was trying to please her, there would be no way that he would mind her attitude.     

Shan Yi laughed. "Miss Lu Wen, please don't drive me away."     

The soldiers: "…"     

Inside the carriage, even Gao Ling was struggling hard to resist from laughing out loud. She had already known about Gao Ling and Shan Yi's relationship. Saying that these two didn't like each other would be too much as they were clearly close to each other.     

Though, Shi Lu Wen always refused to acknowledge it.     

In public, the two of them would look as if Shan Yi was the only one who had a crush on Shi Lu Wen. But in private, Gao Ling grinned lightly. These two were close friends. Seeing their interaction was always brought smile to her lips.     

Shi Lu Wen snorted and shook her head. "You're annoying, Shan Yi."     

"I'm only expressing my feelings to you, Miss Lu Wen!"     

Wei Liuying: "…"     

Alright, she underestimated the affection that Shan Yi had for Shi Lu Wen. Wei Liuying thought that Shan Yi only had some interest to Shi Lu Wen, but from the way it looked like, he cared for nothing when it was about Shi Lu Wen.     

For some reason, it reminded her with Gao Ling and Prince Ji Sheng's relationship. Whenever they were talking about Gao Ling, Prince Ji Sheng would never had any other thoughts but her. Now, this Shan Yi was clearly similar.     

What made her baffled was their interaction. Despite the clear discontent in Shi Lu Wen's tone, there was no hatred or anger within her eyes. It looked as if they were only two children who were quarrelling with each other. The entire settings now looked like they were only playing.     

But Wei Liuying clearly couldn't say it out loud. Based on the way Shan Yi acted, it was clear that Shan Yi would never give up unless he got what he wanted:     

Shi Lu Wen.     

Well, she didn't know their relationship that clearly, so she could only accept this development for now. Though, based on her observation, there was nothing bad with this thing.     

'Prince Ji Sheng truly collect interesting people around him.'     

Wei Liuying resisted the urge to rub her temple again. At that time, she had completely forgotten that she was included in the list of interesting person whom Prince Ji Sheng brought into his group.      

"Don't block the route, Shan Yi. We're going to the temple."     

"Ah, what a coincidence. We're also heading there, so I'll be guarding you along with my men!"     

The bandits: "…" Boss, when did you learn how to lie so quickly?     

The soldiers: "…" it's A LIE!     

Wei Liuying chose to stay silent and hid in the crowd. Shan Yi knew her face, so it would be better for her to act as if she was nothing more than an extra in this group. In any case, having Shan Yi would mean more protection for Gao Ling and Shi Lu Wen since the soldiers from Gao City were quite untrustworthy.     

Internally, she was thinking about the flute sounds from before. For whatever reason, she had the feelings that it was Shi Lu Wen who purposely played the flute to bring Shan Yi out.     

But she would never say this out loudly.     

Even if she had suspicion, she should never tell anyone.     

"Really?" Shi Lu Wen asked with distrustful tone.     

Shan Yi laughed lightly. Even though he looked scary, when he laughed, he looked far more refreshing than usual. He looked at Shi Lu Wen. "When have I ever lied to you? These are some new men I brought in, so going to the temple to practice should be good for them."     

Since when bandit head to temple when they want to train?     

By this time, the bandits behind Shan Yi chose to shut their mouth. What Shan Yi said was partially the truth. Half of them who came here were new recruits that Shan Yi brought into the gang not long ago.     

Shan Yi had been wanting to test their skill.     

Since Shi Lu Wen planned to go to the temple, wouldn't it be a good chance for him to train them there? Should a battle break out, he would be able to use the chance to evaluate their loyalty and also skills.     

'It's not a bad idea.'     

Shi Lu Wen opened her mouth but no words came out. She turned her head inside to Gao Ling as if asking for help. Her brain had run out of idea about what she should say to Shan Yi.     

"Shan Xi Gang's leader, Shan Yi," Gao Ling called out in soft tone. Her eyes were watching Shi Lu Wen carefully as she tried to decipher what Shi Lu Wen actually wanted to say. "Would you create trouble for us?"     

"I won't create trouble if Miss Lu Wen didn't want me to," Shan Yi replied with certainty. He patted his chest as if he was saying that he would uphold his promise. Afterwards, he swept his gaze to the soldiers and his men. "I just think that this will be a good opportunity for both of us, wouldn't you agree Miss Gao."     

The soldiers tensed up when they heard Shan Yi greeted Gao Ling with such familiarity, but inside the carriage, Gao Ling's lips merely perked.     

This Shan Yi truly knew how to create trouble.     

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