Villain Lady

Playing the Bad Person

Playing the Bad Person

1Princess Ji Xiaoli looked at Wei Liuying with tears rolling down her cheek. "You're cruel."      2

"I'm merely stating a fact. From the moment you were born with high status, the number of people who will be affected with your action increased. Even ordinary people can indirectly kill other people with their action, what's more a leader."     

Wei Liuying looked at Princess Ji Xiaoli in front of her. She knew that life as part of the Imperial Family was not easy. For princesses, they were already destined to be married for an agreement like this. The only positive point would be the fact that they would have high status even after their marriage.     

"Who do you tell me all of this?"     

"It's to allow you to understand more of your position. Even concubine's daughters will be married away because of their father's wish to expand his career. Only a select few can possibly be married to the man they wanted by using schemes or something like that. Some can run away, but they have to live bearing the burden of killing so many servants who were left behind."     

Princess Ji Xiaoli looked at Wei Liuying's direction. There was only calmness on her expression, but her eyes seemed to be giving off the sense of determination.     

"How do you know so much about….? You're a girl, aren't you?" Ji Xiaoli asked back.     

Wei Liuying smiled. "Yes."     

"And you run away?"     


"Even if it cost the lives of so many servants?"     


The three yes sent chills on the back of Ji Xiaoli's back. Her heart couldn't bear with the thought of killing so many people, but Wei Liuying didn't seem to be bothered in the slightest bit. It was as if she could only see it as something normal that didn't hurt her conscience at all.     

"Do you not have any heart?" Princess Ji Xiaoli asked in a cold tone.     

"I didn't know whether I have a heart or not, but I know that if I wish to survive, I don't have any other option," Wei Liuying replied. She slowly stood up and looked to a distance. "If you're arranged to get married as a man's plaything, would you be happy? At the very least, you'll still be crown princess after your marriage with Xiong Tribe Crown Prince."     

Men's plaything.     

How many women fell to this type of fate because their father was the one who sent them there? Ji Xiaoli had heard about those very often from her maidservants. And those maidservants who failed and sent back to the department would be suffering from the same fate altogether.     

There was no place for them to serve any master anymore.     

"Every position has their own responsibility that's different from each other. Now, it's your turn to choose, Princess Ji Xiaoli. Also, please remember that everyone in this group today will die if you were to escape because we're responsible for your safety to the border."     

Princess Ji Xiaoli merely looked at Wei Liuying and then lowered her head once more. Even though her position was not ideal, this marriage agreement would give her good position even among the Xiong Tribe. Who would dare to slight their crown princess?     

However, there was no telling whether she would be happy or not.      

All would depend on her ability.     

"Shall we return, Your Highness?" Wei Liuying asked in low tone.     

Princess Ji Xiaoli was still crying, but she no longer looked as distraught as before. There was a faint light within her eyes. It was as if she had finally come into terms to her condition or at the very least, she considered it.     

"What do you think would happen to me?" Princess Ji Xiaoli asked in a low tone.     

Looking at the pitiful princess in front of her, Wei Liuying stayed calm. How many times had she seen the servants acting pitiful just to be able to gain compassion from others? Sometimes, it could work because the one who saw it couldn't stand seeing them, but Wei Liuying was different.     

She would not be moved just because someone cried.     

"Princess, do you have someone whom you fancied?" Wei Liuying actually wanted to use the word 'love' but it didn't seem to be appropriate. For those who were at high position, they would not give out their heart so easily unless they were so naïve and fell at the very first sight.     

"None." Princess Ji Xiaoli replied unhurriedly. Women were not able to meet with the males often. The only people whom Princess Ji Xiaoli could meet all this time were only officials in the palace who came for business with her father.     

And they were mostly old men.     

There was no way she would suddenly fancy as most of them were already married and already above thirties.     

Wei Liuying nodded. "You'll be fine."     

One sentence.     

From all the answer that Princess Ji Xiaoli thought that Wei Liuying would give, she only gave out one sentence as the answer. Raising her head, she looked at Wei Liuying with disbelief.     

The gaze on Wei Liuying's gaze didn't change in the slightest bit. She was looking at the princess in front of her with calmness that didn't suit her age at all. It was as if she had seen a lot in the world despite their age being almost the same, no, Wei Liuying was even younger than Princess Ji Xiaoli.     

"How…" The words from Princess Ji Xiaoli's throat came out little by little. Her eyes were still filled with disbelief. "How are you so sure?"     

"The most important thing that might affect your decision is if you have someone whom you fancy, Your Highness," Wei Liuying replied unhurriedly. In the name of love, there were so many people who did stupid things. She had seen some servants who dared to go against her mother because they wanted to be released.     

They dared because they had someone whom they loved.     

"If you don't have anyone whom you loved, you may try to love Xiong Tribe Crown Prince. And even if you can't like him, you will still be respected as long as the two sides want peace."     

Wei Liuying's eyelids fluttered. She knew that the Xiong Tribe might not be able to stay in this agreement for a long time. When war broke out again, there was no doubt that Princess Ji Xiaoli would be used as prisoner.     

"But what if…."     

"You won't be alone at the north," Wei Liuying replied. "There'll be someone who will protect you and keep you in contact with us. Even though you won't be able to communicate with His Highness Prince Ji Sheng a lot of times, you can ask through him if you have any difficulties."     

At this information, Princess Ji Xiaoli's expression hardened. Planting someone to act as intermediary between Xiong Tribe and Han Shi Kingdom meant that they were taking risk. If that person was found out, war would inevitably break out. And at that time, it meant that she wouldn't be able to return back either.     

Princess Ji Xiaoli laughed lightly internally. The only person whom everyone ignored because of her father was actually the only one who willingly took risk for her. She felt really stupid because all this time, she thought that Prince Ji Sheng was only a coward and annoying brother who was not any different from any other of her Imperial Brothers.     

"Fine, let's return back."     

"As you wish, Your Highness."     

In front of her, Wei Liuying stepped forward to help the princess stood up. However, what she actually told Princess Ji Xiaoli was only partially the truth. The reason why Prince Ji Sheng had someone inside the Xiong Tribe was not only to ensure Princess Ji Xiaoli safety.     

In fact, it was only the second mission.     

The first and foremost mission was for him to observe the weather, soldiers, and many other things at the north. That way, they would be able to make an ample preparation should they enter deep into Xiong Tribe area.     

While this had been done countless times, Prince Ji Sheng would have to put his men deeper this time because of Princess Ji Xiaoli's matter. In addition, the opening of trade route might be able to help him realize his plan to protect the border better.     

But she couldn't possibly tell the princess all of this.     

Wei Liuying guided Princess Ji Xiaoli back to the camp and ordered the maidservants to clean her up. She turned to look at Shi Mo, who was standing by the side with his head lowered. He was caught off guard and didn't manage to notice that Princess Ji Xiaoli had left her place.     

"You should do your work properly. Even if you feel compassion or pity, you have to make sure they understood their position."     

Shi Mo was startled. "I don't…."      

However, he couldn't bring himself to speak the sentence. Wei Liuying was giving him a cold glare that seemed to be telling him that there was no need for him to lie. Back then, he did feel sorry for Princess Ji Xiaoli's terrible fate. He wanted her to be better because he had been watching over her for a period of time.     

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