The Emperor's Pampered Wife

An Ancient Favor

An Ancient Favor

4Hou Guanyu was busy handling his business, coaxing his wife, handling his children's tantrums and organizing the house for Wei Yan's return that he forgot the matter regarding Ji Li Zhao. He knew the boy had waited as he promised. But it never crossed his mind that he would come to him first than pounce at his daughter.      4

Well, if he did the latter he would have killed him though.     

"CEO, I had already rescheduled your meetings" Chu Jin said as he placed down some important documents in Guanyu's table. "This needs your signature, CEO"     

Guanyu nodded his head and took hold of the pink pen in his office. It was a gift from Jei Li on his birthday. He remembered that he kept Wei Yan's pen as well even though it can't be used anymore. After remembering his sweet little angel, his thoughts drifted back to Ji Li Zhao. He wanted to talk, but he has no idea what he wants to talk about. While signing the papers he suddenly asked Chu Jin.     

"What do you think of Ji Li Zhao?"     

"As a President of Tianshi or as a suitable groom for your daughter?" he asked as he received the papers from Guanyu.     

"Both" Guanyu answered truthfully. Chu Jin is his greatest assistant and he values his views well.     

However, after a minute Chu Jin was still silently looking at him. With an urging smile, he looked at him eagerly waiting for his answer.     

"As a president, he is really great. Even if he takes hold of Hansang he would still withhold or even surpass any other Hou generation achievements" as he said these words, Guanyu's face was filled with the expression 'I know right' all over him. He knows this that's why on his list of possible people to approach there is always Ji Li Zhao, the so-called emperor of the business industry.     

Chu Jin looked at Guanyu's delighted face and continued. "Because of his high capability, he is the most suitable groom for Miss Wei Yan. However, I have no prior knowledge regarding his real persona underneath his businessman and professional facade, thus I cannot conclude if he will be able to take care of the young miss"     

Guanyu nodded his head. Excellent point. No one indeed knows his real persona. Whenever he appears on the public, he always held a professional decorum and always draws a fine line by setting up his usual cold and calculative persona out in the open. But is he really such a person when around his family? He highly doubts that because he knows every businessman is different once they take off their masks.     

"Well, why don't we go and find out his intentions?" he said and stood up without delay. What is this young man really after? What is he really like?     


While such things run through their minds, Ji Li Zhao had already arrived at Li Wei Mansion. Mansions usually have a long history...but this...he built for Wei Yan, him, and their future children to make the first story of the house. The house wasn't as enormous as portrayed by movies. No, it only has two floors, and can only cater 10 rooms. But that does not mean he has no plans for the future.     

The field of the mansion spreads really wide. If he wants to make it bigger he can do it 5x its size or even 10 if he wishes to. But of course, such a decision will not lie in his hands, but in his wife's palm.     

"Young master, we already prepared everything. As your order, the garden was specially prepared for your meeting with CEO Hou" a man in his 50's walked towards Ji Li Zhao and bowed down. He wore a butler's outfit but it had elegance and it suited him too well.     

Li Zhao nodded his head at him. "Thank you, Uncle Gu"     

Gu Man, his butler and the one who truly handles the mansion, remained by his side as he watched the back garden with flowers blooming in different orders. "Would she like it here?"     

"Young Master, you built this mansion according to her preferences after thorough considerations. It would be impossible for the Young Lady to not love it at all" he said this with all honesty.     

He had been serving Li Zhao since he was young and stood witness to how his like grew into love. He was a witness of how much sacrifice and considerations he had made to give Hou Wei Yan a peaceful life. This house is proof of how much he devotes himself to loving Wei Yan and Wei Yan alone.     

This made Li Zhao feel contented. Whatever Wei Yan wants, he will give.     

So everything that she loved...the plants, the vineyard, the flower garden, and even the color of the house revolves around her. When he learned that along with her sudden change of career was her fascination towards wizards, he arranged for some men to collect her favorite books and buy exclusive items. Afterward, he dedicated one room for the collection, and until now, he was continuing filling it up for her.     

Both of them remained outside, watching the wind carry away the rose petals up in the sky. Right. It's blooming season and he wanted his wife to see this. This is something that she would surely love and he wants to see her smile at him for letting her see such wonderful sight.     

"Young Master, the guests have entered the gates" This time it was a brunette young man around 20 that approached him.     

Ji Li Zhao stood up. "Ye Zhe, go check the final preparations of the garden. Uncle Gu and I will greet the guests"     

"Young master, you can wait for them in the garden. Let me fetch them for you"     

Li Zhao smiled at Gu Man's suggestion.     

"No. It would be rude if I don't greet my father-in-law" he said, so sure of his position as Hou Guanyu's son-in-law. Gu Man felt glad that his young master had finally decided to take a big step in getting his woman.     

Upon arrival at the place, Hou Guanyu had already felt the place was specially built for Wei Yan. It was simple and yet elegant looking, something that would please his daughter well. The mansion wasn't too big nor too small. It was coated with white shiny paint which wasn't ordinary at all. Li Zhao must have invested a lot in just the paint alone.     

It was also contemporary. The design wasn't catered to old and ancient mansions. No. The windows were stationary and all glassed. Some black bricks boxed in some part of the walls gave it a special feature that can perk up interest. Not to mention, the mansion has a veranda. Something Wei Yan had always wanted wherever she is.     

There was also a marbled fountain with the Goddess of Marriage, Hera, standing firmly with her lotus staff. The peacock, her sacred animal spurted crystal clear water in its mouth. The water fell gently towards the crystal blue pool beneath it, causing ripples to form and wave out until they were no more.     

Bushes trimmed into all sorts of animals and people littered the parts of the lawn that was not taken up by the fountain: cats, dogs, rabbits, giraffes, elephants, penguins, birds, snakes...All life-size.     

With a nod of satisfaction, he was now more convinced of Ji Li Zhao's feelings. But this is not enough, he needs more proof. He and Chu Jin walked up the stairs where the door immediately opened from the inside as they arrived. "Mr. Hou, welcome"     

"Ji Li Zhao, it's been so long" he greeted him naturally and even gave the young boy a hug as he patted his back. After Li Zhao patted back, he released him with a smile. "I did not expect you had this glorious house hidden away from people"     

Li Zhao looked at the outside. "I don't want people to pry on my personal affairs much more to the future family who will live with me here"     

Hou Guanyu smiled. "I understand. If it was me I would also lock away my most precious possessions"     

Ji Li Zhao began leading the way. "This house, I built it not to lock away someone...but to give someone a secured and peaceful home"     

This made him silent. Such an honest answer, he felt moved by it. So instead of refuting back, he instead focused his attention on the inside of the house. The inside was much grander as it held a big crystal chandelier and a lot of black contemporary lamps are around. He must have found out how Wei Yan dislikes a gloomy house.     

As they arrived at the garden, he was taken aback by what he saw. The garden was filled with flowers and a little farther he saw a vineyard with ripe and ready to be picked grapes hanging around. What made him more surprised were the flowers that all hold special meaning to Wei Yan.     

"This is---"     

"I planted them myself hoping to please the future owner of this garden" he said as he too watched the flowers. Chu Jin who was right behind Hou Guanyu was taken by surprise. He didn't know he was this serious about wooing Hou Wei Yan.     

After recovering from their shock, both Guanyu and Li Zhao sat opposite to each other on the table. Gu Man instantly served them some pastries that fit Guanyu's current health and a medicinal tea Li Zhao personally bought from one of China's masters in tea making.     

Guanyu looked pleased with how much effort he made just to curry his favor. He looked at his assistant and smiled. "Chu Jin, please give Mr. Ji and I some time alone" he said as he knew Li Zhao didn't want others to eavesdrop on their conversation. Chu Jin nodded his head and instantly left, followed by all of Ji Li Zhao's servants.     

"*Xiao Zhao, it's been long. But why did you suddenly look for me now?" he asked as he sipped the tea which he started to really like.     

Ji Li Zhao placed down his cup and looked at him seriously. "Mr. Hou, I will get to the point. I want the two favors you promised me a long time ago"     

Hou Guanyu smiled as he placed down his cup as well, amusement written on his face. "Oh? You haven't forgotten about it?"     

Li Zhao shook his head as his eyes drifted to the garden. "I don't forget important things" especially when it involves Hou Wei Yan.     

For a long time, he had loved her and her alone. When she got in trouble, when everyone ignored her call for help, when no one dared to rescue her in her time of need...he was the one who was there to save her from despair and pulled her back to the light. He had sacrificed a great deal of things for her and had nearly given even his life for her. For such kindness and for saving his daughter's precious life twice...he granted Ji Li Zhao two favors. Any favors he would want.     

But that was 21 years ago. "That was ancient, don't you think it's expired?"     

Ji Li Zhao looked at him directly. He is Wei Yan's father and when everyone blamed him for her accident, he didn't believe their accusations and went for a thorough investigation to get the truth. "Are you really that kind of man, Mr. Hou? You put expiration dates on promises?"     

Guanyu laughed slightly. Such confidence. "What do you think?"     

"I don't think so" he answered with all honesty. If he was indeed such a man, he wouldn't accept his invitation. He could have just ignored Ji Li Zhao and forgot how he saved Wei Yan. But instead, he accepted without complaints nor questions.     

"Alright, then what is it that you want?" he said in defeat.     

He can give whatever he wishes for. Even if it's impossible, he will try his best to get it for him. After all, he owes Wei Yan's life to him. But doesn't he have everything? What could he possibly want from him...unless...     

"I want your daughter" Ji Li Zhao answered straightforwardly. He wasn't ashamed, nor embarrassed even though in front of him was the protective father, Hou Guanyu. He felt its only right for him to ask for Wei Yan. He loves her too deeply he'll die if she's not around.     

Silence fell on the garden whereas the wind continued sending in the flower petals up in the sky. After a few minutes, Hou Guanyu smiled. "You must have waited for a long time to use this"     

"I wasn't planning to, but I need to ensure she's mine and step up the game. I do have a lot of rivals" he said as he remembered the chocolates and flowers brought in by Xie Na earlier. He had found the man and he had made arrangements for him already.     

But if he continues hiding, someone might snatch Hou Wei Yan away. That is something he cannot allow. So asking for her hand in marriage from his father is his first step. After all, the Hous is a strange clan. They follow a certain tradition when it comes to marriage and the best key is Hou Guanyu.     

Guanyu nodded his head. But he looked at him seriously, without a trace of warmth. "I see. But I have to say no on this one"     

Ji Li Zhao sighed, father-in-laws are indeed troublemakers. He's making his life miserable just by saying no.     

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