The Emperor's Pampered Wife

Doctor Hou, the Diligent

Doctor Hou, the Diligent

2Tianshi Conglomerate, one of the leading empires dominating the imperial and one of the greatest companies under the Ji Empire, was somehow in a state of panic. Particularly, the great assistant's office. A man was sitting in his chair, quietly scrolling down the tablet in his hands which held important details of the men in front of him. There are 3 of them in total. Two of them were specially trained agents with great martial arts skills, while the other excel in the field of computer and hacking.     

With a sigh, he placed his tablet down and gazed at them. He never expected his boss to order such a thing right after meeting his first love. Yes, he has a vast knowledge of their President's love life and he's been dreading to personally meet the person who was able to steal from the world's most vaulted heart.     

"Your target this time is a woman around 26 named Hou Wei Yan. Originally, she has brownish hair but she dyed it blonde. Her eyes are rare rich emerald in color. I got the news that she's now a newly hired doctor at Yi Lan Hospital" he said as he described her the way Bei Changhai described Wei Yan with enthusiasm.     

The men remained stoic but each took a knowing glance at each other. The man that stood in the middle, took a step forward garnering Huang Xun's attention. "Assassination"     

Huang Xun immediately shook his head. It was indeed surprising for them to be called and given a woman as their target. Their boss is a very terrifying man but he spares women and children. He was firm in his belief that its a man's responsibility to take care of women and children. No one dared question him about that at all.     

"Your job is to guard and monitor her as well as finding out every single detail about her. From the reason why she's back to the reason why she dyed her hair blonde"     

The three of them were frozen in the spot. They're spying on a woman? For their boss to order such a thing, could she possibly be their future lady boss? Oh, such delight. They had always wanted him to find a partner. Under his rule, unless you devote yourself to protecting your can't simply play around or you might get beaten by the seniors. This developed a great atmosphere in their base as everyone was devoted and loyal to their partner. Now they wish their boss to bask in the great water of marriage.     

"Do your job properly and report directly to the boss. He wants every detail, so don't go goofing around by missing out on anything in your report" the way this was said held warning and danger. By the way their boss wants to be hands-on, their hypothesis could be 100% true. After knowing everything, he'll make a strategy, capture her heart, and get married. They will make sure she's safe and will even help if he's in trouble. After all, they are experienced and could be practically called experts in wife wooing.     

But does he even need others to help?     

"Her best friend, Xie Na might be of assistance to you" he said and handed them a folder containing Xie Na's information before waving his hands. "I'll be watching" he added, his eyes turning to a dangerous dark shade.     

They know, why does he have to scare them all the time? Each of them thought as they bowed down and exited his office.     


"Xie Na, stop gobbling at the cake" Wei Yan muttered as he looked at some medical records handed down to her. It was just her first day but they already started their torture to her. At first, they were warm as they gave her a grand welcome. But right afterward, they began shoving some medical records to her. This is why she hates welcome parties. It's annoying and now she has to suffer.     

Xie Na looked at her best friend who was seriously looking at each of the records. Her gaze landed on the pile of records she had already finished. It had already accumulated like a tower making her smile. "They're testing you quite roughly, huh"     

"I know. For me to stand a place here, I have to work harder and surpass my sloppy past" She replied, her gaze still focused on the papers.     

Looking at her made Xie Na suddenly smile. "So, unto another topic. When are you going to introduce me to your boyfriend?"     

This question suddenly made Wei Yan's movement stop. She turned her head slowly at her, her face now full of confusion.     

"When did I tell you I'd introduce you?"     

Xie Na chuckled. "Come on, you told me once you return there would be a man trailing behind you and you'd introduce me to him" she said while wiggling her brows in a teasing manner. "So where did you meet? Or...How did you meet? Was it love at first sight?"     

Not knowing whether her friend is crazy, she shook her head with a sigh. "When did I ever say he's my boyfriend?"     

Disappointed, Xie Na slid across the room and stopped in front of her table. She took hold of the papers in her hands and gave her a questioning look. What was that all about? Did she just expect and waited for nothing? "What do you mean by that?"     

She shrugged her shoulders and arranged the papers neatly. "I'm talking about a bodyguard. Dad hired someone behind my back, I was thinking you'd like to meet him. After all, his looks don't fall below your standards"     

"Psycho, I already have a loyal boyfriend. As if I'd go looking for trouble" Wei Yan glanced at her at the mention of her boyfriend. She's glad Xie Na found someone, but she's not sure if he's really a devoted one. After all, she never met and interacted with him in person. She'll have to wait and see and let the book unfold.     

A loud bang suddenly echoed making them flinch and look at the door. There stood a nurse, sweating and panting like crazy.     

"Yes? Do you need something?" Xie Na asked as she strode towards the nurse. Analyzing her uniform and appearance, she's young and must have been new here.     

"Doc---Doctor Hou, there's an emergency patient! We need your help!" at the mention of emergency, Wei Yan did not put much thought and simply took out her coat. She wore it as she walked and adjusted its collar. She grabbed a handful of her hair and tied it into a messy bun creating quite a sexy atmosphere around her.     

Before stepping out, she gave Xie Na a look and pointed the desk with her mouth.     

"There's a letter from your aunt in the drawer. I forgot to hand it out earlier" and with that, she leads the nurse out as the doors of her office closed. She had familiarized the building and everything in it, so they easily arrived at the emergency ward where a bloody mess was happening.     


It was already 6 in the afternoon when Ji Li Zhao found time to return to his office. As he walked inside the company, everyone paid their respect and bowed down before proceeding to their task. He sat down in his chair calmly while looking out the window. The once crying sky was now as clear as the vast crystal clear ocean. It was like the weather was accompanying his mood.     

After receiving the news of his sudden return, Huang Xun was now in front of the President's Office. He got there at lightning speed which amazed those newly hired employees. He knocked on the door three times before calling out. "President Ji"     

"Come inside" he answered as he fixed his tie and faced Huang Xun in his professional and businessman state. "What came out of the task I gave you?"     

Huang Xun simply nodded his head and handed down the tablet he held earlier. "These are the musketeers' profile and Miss Hou Wei Yan's profile. They could not reach you earlier, so they had told me of the news"     

He scrolled down the tablet and also nodded his head. His assistant chose one of their best which made him feel relieved. "Speak"     

His gaze was on the detailed and updated profile of Wei Yan. What caught his interest was a hundred pictures of her in different places and different angles. His cold border was melted in an instant as he saw an image of her most brilliant smile. Behind her was a wildflower field full of flowers of different kinds popping at the most random order. His hands automatically touched her cheeks and softly caress them, something he wanted to do for a very long time now.     

Huang Xun coughed taking him back to the present time. This had always been normality to him. Whenever a picture of the young lady appears and the boss' gaze fell upon it, he loses his senses.     


More like, he drowns out the other noises and focuses his full attention on the picture as he reminisces good times.     

"Miss Hou went straight to Yi Lan Hospital after her arrival. She showed no sign of wanting to return to the Hou Household and had only been diligently working. After receiving a pile of paperwork, she's now performing a Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting on a middle-aged woman suffering from severe Coronary Heart Disease" he said as he observed the expression on the President's face. It was only for a split second, but he noticed it grim for a while. Was he concerned she'd injure herself in surgery?     

Besides that, he was also curious about one thing. He's been longing to be together with her, and yet when she's finally in front of him, he hid and ordered men to observe and protect her. He should just approach her and build up their relationship, why is he hiding?     

"President, I have known of your relationship with Miss Hou. May I boldly ask you something?"     

Ji Li Zhao swept his gaze at him and at the picture filled tablet before nodding his head. He trusted the man in front of him and had shared his love event with him after testing him countless times. When someone knows your burden, it's much easier to breathe.     

"Are you perhaps afraid she'd find out?" he asked making Li Zhao look at him and slowly sigh in defeat. He feared that if he lingers around, she'll remember and freak out.     

His name, Ji Li Zhao, was equivalent to a brave emperor who has no fears...but that title is an utter lie. He has a lot of fears, everything mostly concerning Hou Wei Yan, and the one taking the top spot is her finding out the sin he had committed right in front of her eyes.     

The emperor's silence confirmed his guess. So he was indeed afraid. But the matter was a long time ago, her trauma held back her memories, and she met him already and reacted like he's a complete stranger. Isn't he the only one scaring himself?     

He shook his head and dismissed such thought. "What are your orders, President?"     

Li Zhao remained silent for a second before looking directly at his eyes. "Let's observe her for a week. Afterward, arrange a meeting with Hansang's CEO, I have a favor he needs to fulfill"     

Knowing fully well what it was, a smile crept through Huang Xun's face. "Is that all?"     

"I want Yi Lan Hospital. Find ways to make it mine and if the owner me so I can meet him personally" Li Zhao ordered.     

He's not going to rule it, he'll only watch on the sideline. Since Hou Wei Yan is now a doctor in Yi Lan, he needs a high position so he can protect her from anyone who would dare lay a finger at her. Once he owns Yi Lan, he'll have more reasons to visit from time to time to take a peek at her. Their company is not yet in the medical field, but since his future wife is a doctor...he'll enter that industry and he will pave a path for her.     

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